Thursday 20 June 2024

Wintersett + Insects + Ringing 20.06.2024

Wintersett Res:

Common Scoter 1 male.   

An Osprey flew low north over the west bank clump at 09.12hrs, 

being mobbed by a Black headed Gull.

56 birds were ringed this morning,  (Pete Smith),  

with highlights of:  Chiffchaffs 13,  Willow Warbler 1,  Treecreeper 2,  

Blackcap 9 and a Garden Warbler.

 Anglers CP:  +  Insects: 

A male Banded Demoiselle and a Large Red Damselfly 

flew over the Pol Board Walk pond. 

A female Brimstone Butterfly flew over.   Mute Swan 2 young.   

Mallard 12 very small young were in the shallows.  

Common Tern 1.  

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