Wednesday 3 May 2023

Carlton Marsh

Today was better than most, the highlights being a pair of Garganey (JP et al), an Egyptian Goose (Richard Laverack/Mark Linnington) both on the main scrape, a Red Kite north and a Little Ringed Plover on the wader scrape.

Also of note Cuckoo and Goldcrest singing and a pair of Teal are still around.

Butterflies included 9m & 2f Orange-tip, 1 Red Admiral, 3m Brimstone, 5 Comma and 1 Common Blue (Les & Andrew Corrall).

All photographs by Richard Laverack

Egyptian Goose
Red Kite

Woolley Insects
Despite diggers moving on to the site a Wall Brown was a surprise! Also there a Small Yellow Underwing moth and a male and female Large Red Damselfly (Chris Parkin)

Dearne Valley Park Hoyle Mill
18 Peacock, 14 S. Tortoiseshell, 13 Comma, 5m Brimstone and 28m Orange-tip. There were also 7 Forest Shield Bugs and 1 Brassica Shield Bug (Eurydema oleraceais) (Chris Parkin).

Wall Brown at Woolley (CP)
Brassica Shield Bug (CP)

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