Wednesday 4 December 2019

Edderthorpe Ings - fly new to UK

A small black and yellow fly in the family Agromyzidae that I found at Edderthorpe in June 2013
(and incorrectly named Liriomyza equiseti) has been re-identified by the National Recorder as Liriomyza virgula Frey, a species new to Britain.


ASmith said...

Wow! Congratulations.

oxycera said...


Carlos said...

Brilliant!! Top man! Keep it up John

oxycera said...

Cheers Carl, you never know what's round the corner with this game.
There will be an article in a future Dipterists Digest by the National Recorder, Barry Warrington.

Cliff Gorman said...

Well done John, Best wishes for the festive season.

oxycera said...

Cheers Cliff, glad to see CM is ready to go forward.