Wednesday 8 March 2023

Wintersett Whoopers 08.03.2023

 Wintersett Res:

Great White Egret 1.

Groups  of Whooper Swans were flying over this morning.

Over 100 Whooper Swans moving northward over@Wintersett1 

so far this morning including this flock of 48.

@StevieD131   Follow link to see video: 

27 north west + 9 north + 32 north west at 09.00hrs.

48 north at 09.28hrs  + 14 north at 09.38hrs + 20 north at 09.40hrs and 31 north at 09.46.

Anglers CP:

Oystercatcher 5.   Snipe 5.   Wigeon 273 + 12 WRes.

A 2ndW  Mediterranean Gull was in the shallows - see photo below - Simon Cooper.


63 of the Whooper Swans dropped in! - photos by  Simon Cooper.


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