Thursday 1 November 2012

Adwick int morning

Lots of pools of water dotted about, and considering it looks good, there's not many ducks about e.g. no wigeon, gadwall, shoveler and only an handful of teal; even though the site looks capable of holding hundreds.
Now whether this is a result of food webs not yet established or maybe human disturbance - who knows. There's definitely evidence of human disturbance as a guy with a dog walked straight across the meadow today. This caused a confrontation with a birder (not me) on site that got a bit tasty. The sooner the RSPB get the signs and fences up the better for all concerned.

So to sum up - Teal 20, Shelduck 1, Redshank 1, Lapwing 27, Grey lag 100+, Canadas 200+, Mute Swan 1, Mallard c6, Snipe 1, Kingfisher 1. Sparrowhawk seen to catch a blackbird on Crane Well Lane.
Little Egret 2, which look absolutely fabulous as they fly from pool to pool over people walking on the footpaths. Hopefully the general public are appreciating these lovely birds.

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