Tuesday 6 November 2012

Ruddy gunners!

The Defra sponsored Ruddy Duck shooters were on the Country Park lake before dawn causing havoc. Four motor boats were chasing all wildfowl all around the lake and the gull roost was flushed before it was even light. In two hours they shot 2 out of the 3 Ruddies present but still managed to empty the lake of wildfowl. Four boats, six vehicles, six personel, hotels, food, ammo, is this really the most cost effective way to kill two ducks?
Birds still present;- American Wigeon drake and juvenile Scaup on Botany Bay, A further juv drake Scaup on the Top Res, Egyptian Goose 3, Pintail 1, but no sign of the long-staying Common Scoter on the CP (no suprise there though). Water Rail 2.
Vis mig highlights;- Whooper Swan 2 south, Wood Pig 1460, Fieldfare 180, Redwing 320 and a Crossbill.


Young Nudger said...

Shooters !!!
Tha wants to try and watch Broomhill Flash and Wombwell Ings on a regular basis.
Or worse still; sit at home during the evening and be able to hear all the shooting going off over these two nature reserves - that at one time were great winter sites for birds.
There are more whoopers at Wintersett than there are in the Dearne Valley these days.
In fact there seems to be more of everything at Wintersett than there is in the Dearne Valley.
Not the only reason, but one of the main reasons for this is the presence of shooters at Broomhill.

Lawy said...

My email to my MP: Ed 'Pathetic' Milliband:

This is a quote from the Barnsley Biring blog http://barnsleybirds.blogspot.co.uk/

"The Defra sponsored Ruddy Duck shooters were on the Country Park lake before dawn causing havoc. Four motor boats were chasing all wildfowl all around the lake and the gull roost was flushed before it was even light. In two hours they shot 2 out of the 3 Ruddies present but still managed to empty the lake of wildfowl. Four boats, six vehicles, six personel, hotels, food, ammo, is this really the most cost effective way to kill two ducks?
Birds still present;- American Wigeon drake and juvenile Scaup on Botany Bay, A further juv drake Scaup on the Top Res, Egyptian Goose 3, Pintail 1, but no sign of the long-staying Common Scoter on the CP (no suprise there though). Water Rail 2.
Vis mig highlights;- Whooper Swan 2 south, Wood Pig 1460, Fieldfare 180, Redwing 320 and a Crossbill."

This pathetic behaviour is typical of DEFRA's disregard for the effects of their irresponsible and vile behaviour. The individuals responsible should be found and sacked, as should the jobsworths who ordered this travesty of a 'mission.

I realise that nothing will be done, especially with a shooting; grouse moor-owning millionaire in the job of Wildlife Minister and that all I will receive back your your pathetic attempt to hug the public here is an automated email, but I had to contact you.

John Law