Tuesday 21 May 2019

Wintersett + Reptiles, Butties and Damsels 21.05.19

Hot and sunny: 10 - 17 degrees with 0/8 cloud,  but a cool, light north westerly.
Wintersett Res: The Great Reed Warbler was showing well, on and off,  all morning.   A Black Tern was present all morning.   Common Tern 8.  Goldeneye 1 female.  A Ringed Plover flew over .  2 Yellow Wagtail were on the north bank.
Anglers CP: Pochard 1 drake.  A male Lesser Whitethroat was near the main hide.
Reptiles: 2 Yellow-bellied Sliders and a  Red-eared Terrapin were basking in the north east corner WRes..
Odonata: A male Red-eyed Damselfly, 3 Large Red Damselflies and 2 Blue-tailed Damselflies were over the Golf Course Pond.   A Blue-tailed Damselfly was on Botany. 
Anglers CP:A Holly Blue, a  male Brimstone and a Small Copper.
Wintersett Res: A male Orange Tip was at WRes..

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