Thursday 9 May 2019

Wintersett MEGA - Great Reed Warbler - First for here and BBSG Area 09.05.19

6 - 9 degrees , cool with  8/8 cloud, showers from mid morning to early evening and a light to moderate north easterly.
  • Wintersett Res:  Yesterday Steve Denny couldn't believe his ears when he heard a male Great Reed Warbler sub-songing in the boathouse reeds at dusk. A MEGA bird!  The first record for both the Wintersett Area and the Barnsley Bird Study Group Area!  
  • Today it was  singing constantly from 05.00hrs to 08.00hrs, but, during that time it only gave one brief view as it moved into an open area,  otherwise staying low in reeds.  The bird was singing on and off,  but was only seen fleetingly, on a few occasions,  for the rest of the day. A Dunlin flew over + 1 on the boathouse slipway at 07.20hrs.   Common Tern 19.  Arctic Tern 1.  A Treecreeper with 6 fledged young was in the boathouse reeds.   5 Whimbrel flew south at 18.25hrs. 
         Anglers CP: Goldeneye 1f.  Turnstone 1 and a Black Tern 1 - both still present this evening.    
Little Ringed Plover 1. 

NB:  Car Parking Charges from 09.00 - 18.00hrs apply at Anglers CP.  Footpaths by the reedbeds are muddy and slippery. 

South Kirkby: 
The  Iberian Chiffchaff male still singing.   park, with care and respect for residents  at end of Carr Lane and walk under railway bridge.  The bird is on the hillside c.100m ahead (53.604, -1.322). Please do not use playback.
Black Tern                           AnglersCP           SDenny
Turnstone                           Anglers CP    SDenny

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