Saturday 11 April 2020

Carlton Marsh & Cudworth Area

A Little Owl dropped into a tree at the bottom of my Cudworth garden last night and continued to sing from various points.

Carlton Marsh
On the wader scrape Little Egret, 1 LBB Gull and 3 Mute Swans.
Butterflies sightings were 26m Orange-tips, 1m1f  Brimstone and 2 Bee Fly firing eggs down holes again. (Chris Parkin)

Cudworth Common
Swallow 2 north, 2 LRP, Buzzard, Whitethroat 2 (1 singing) and a singing Willow Tit from the same territory as previously reported. (Les Corrall & CG seperately)

Crookhouse Farm area Edderthorpe Lane 
This afternoon a lone Fieldfare was in no hurry and alighted in the same hedgerow further along. (Arthur Vincent)

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