Thursday, 9 April 2020


Its good to know there still some Hedgehogs around, Dave Smith had 3 in his garden last night and I had two in mine recently. Dave had an early Swallow today over his garden heading east at 08.16hrs and 2 House Martins this afternoon over Monk Bretton.

Last night in my Cudworth garden I was treated again to the haunting song of the Little Owl. It's sometimes referred to as the Curlew call and is repeated about every 13 seconds.

Carlton Marsh 2019 Annual Natural History Report is now available free for those who would like one. This is the 44th consecutive report published by Barnsley Council since 1976. There are 63 pages of data which include Mammal and Bird sightings, Moth captures, vascular plants and other insects. Just e-mail me
The front cover is another excellent piece of artwork by Parks officer, and mate, Russ Boland and was written and compiled by Dave Smith and CG.

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