Tuesday 3 June 2014

Wintersett 03.06.14

15°C, 8/8 cloud,  damp and humid all morning, drizzle towards midday.
Anglers CP: A 1st Summer Black-headed Gull, with a pale blue/white numbers DARVIC on left leg  and a metal ring on right leg, was around the shallows this morning.  Unfortunately, it didn't come close enought to read.    Common Tern 6 and Cormorant 2.  Great Crested Grebe young  2 + 3 WRes + 1 CHRes.. Mallard young 7L and 7 fledged + 1s WRes..
Wintersett Res: A brownish Cuckoo flew over the east bank without calling.  Possible female.   Great-spotted Woodpecker young in the Willow Wood.  House Martin 100.
Moth:  A Chimmney Sweeper,  Odezia atrata,  was near the boathouse.

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