Wednesday 4 June 2014

Wintersett 04.06.14

13°C,  grey with rain and a cool north westerly.
Anglers CP:  Arctic Tern 2,  Common Tern 12 + 1 WRes..  The 1st Summer Black-headed Gull with a white on blue DARVIC ring 2H37 was on the shallows again this morning.   Oystercatcher 5 adults + 3 young.  Green Woodpecker 1.  7 broods ofMallard -  3vs + 6s/m + 3m + 5m/l + 8m/l + 6L  and  6 fledged WRes..   Canada Goose numbers are building up as they come in to moult 55 + 14 young and  Greylag Goose 23.
Wintersett Res: Sand Martin 1.

Black-headed Gull   DARVIC 2H37  ACP               AS

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