Saturday 30 September 2023

Wintersett Vis.Mig. + Ringing 30.09.2023

Anglers CP Vis. Mig:

Going south

4053 Meadow Pipits.  452 Swallows. 171 Skylarks.

1 Ruff .    1 Sand Martin.    72 House Martin. 

Song Thrush 1.  Cormorant 2 south + 6 west.  Grey Wagtail 1.  

alba Wagtail  37.  Goosander 1 redhead  flew south west. 

Red Kite 2.  Coal Tit 1. Chaffinch 29.  Greenfinch 5.  Linnet 93. 

Lesser Redpoll 11.  Goldfinch 53.  Siskin 13. Reed Bunting 1.

Going south west:  Pink-footed Goose  267 + 12 north east.

Going west:

A Ruddy Shelduck flew west with 6 Cormorants  at  09.54hrs.  Mistle Thrush 2.


Ruddy Shelduck   Anglers CP   30.09.2023  

Paul Meredith   aka @Fitzybirder.

67 birds were ringed today:

Highlights were:  Chiffchaff 5,   Goldcrest 3,    Reed Warbler,   

Blackcap 2, Lesser Redpoll 22, Goldfinch 20 and Greenfinch 8.


Going south:  Comma 1.  Red Admiral 17. 

Comments:  @Fitzybirder:  A very enjoyable morning, although birds were moving on a very wide front so many were distant. Another great mippit count, reaching 1,000 by 08.20, 2,000 by 08.55 and 3,000 by 09.50. The 4,000th bird went through at 12.24. Over 20,000 mips have been recorded here in the last 10 days or so. Intriguing record of the day must go to the Ruddy Shelduck that went straight through west with a flock of Cormorants!  

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