Saturday 3 August 2019

Wintersett + Ringing + Pics 03.08.19

17 - 21 degrees, warm with 1/8, but increasing cloud and a light south easterly.
Anglers CP: Little Grebe 2.  Teal 2.   Common Sandpiper 1 this morning + 2 at northern end this eveningHobby 2 adults and a 1st summer were hawking insects at 19.45 hrs.
Wintersett Res: An Avocet was on the boathouse slipway this morning but moved to ACP shallows by evening.  A Water Rail and a Willow Tit were on the west bank.   Probable Cetti's Warbler juveniles were calling on north bank. 
Botany Bay: A Kingfisher was on Botany Bay + 1 CHRes..  Nuthatch 1.
Moorhouse Lane Ponds: Pochard 1 female + 5 small young.
117 Birds Ringed today: Highlights were - 29 Reed Warbler,  1 Lesser Whitethroat,  2 Whitethroat 15 Reed Buntings,  9 Willow Warbler and 17 Chiffchaff.   A Garden Warber was retrapped. 
Odonata: Small Red-eyed Damselfly 4 males Botany Bay + 6 males and 2 pair in cop MLSkimmer Pond + 1 male MLDock Pond.  Migrant Hawker 1 WRes.. 
Lepidoptera: Holly Blue 1 male Moorhouse Lane.

                        Avocet       WRes                  PMeredith
Small Red-eyed Damselfly       Botany Bay       PMeredith

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