Thursday 4 July 2013

Wintersett 04.07.13

Anglers CP:  2 Egyptian Geese were present before flying over to WRes boathouse slipway for a short time  and then returning to ACP.  Common Gull 1 1st Summer flew south,  Common Sandpiper 2 + 1 WRes.,  Goldeneye 1 female,  Teal 2,  Oystercatcher 5 adults + 3 juvs.,  Cormorant 6.
Wintersett Res: Common Tern 5,  Sand Martin 20,  Grasshopper Warbler 1 reeling and  Yellow Wagtail 1.  Increasing numbers of Tufted Ducks are arriving to begin their wing moult with  62 here and 12 on ACP.  
A toadlet exodus was also happening on WRes. today.

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