Sunday 7 July 2013

Wintersett 07.07.13

19°C at 09.00 hrs rising to 26°C this afternoon. Hot and sunny with a light easterly.
Anglers CP:  Common Gull 1 adult over,  Yellow Wagtail 1 over, Gadwall 7,  Canada Goose 182, Greylag Goose 38,  Goldeneye 1♀ and Pochard 2♂ + 1 ♀.
Wintersett Res: Common Tern 2.
Overnight moth trapping produced: 3 Liliac Beauty,  2 Gothic, a Barred Red, Clay Triple-lines, Lempke's Gold Spot, Peach Blossom,  Broken-barred Carpet and Grey Arches.
Peach Blossom                                               ASmith

Broken-barred Carpet                                      ASmith

Grey Arches                                        ASmith

Lempke's Gold Spot                        ASmith

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