Sunday 14 July 2013

Wintersett - Much ado about Mothing (and a Red Kite) 14.07.13

A cooler 17°C start rising to 24°C with an intermittent light northerly  breeze.

It was brilliant for moths last night.   3 'stars'  turned up and were supported by an excellent back-up cast.
A SYCAMORE was a new species for the Wintersett list.  A Green Arches was a 2nd record for the list and a Gold Spangle was a new moth for Pete Smith.
The back up cast were:  2 Scarce Footman,  2 Blackneck ,  Scallop Shell,  Silky Wainscot,  Lempke's Gold Spot,  Marbled White-Spot,  4  White Satin,  Dingy Shell,  Beautiful Carpet and Purple Clay.

Birds at Anglers CP:  Highlight today was a  RED KITE  that flew slowly west at 14.40hrs.    Dunlin 1 adult. Ringed Plover 1 over.  A Greenshank flew in at 10.40hrs and 3 Redshank followed at 11.05hrs.  Yellow Wagtail 2 over. Common Tern 2.  Oystercatchers 6,  Goldeneye 1 and  Tufted Duck 40 + 67 WRes.
Also flying: A Purple Hairstreak landed on Graham's car near Pits Wood!

Scarce  Footman                           ASmith

Gold  Spangle                                                 ASmith               

Green Arches  2nd record                 ASmith

Sycamore         Wintersett 1st record                     ASmith

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