Friday 4 October 2019

Wintersett + VisMig 04.10.19

10 - 13 degrees with 7/8 cloud, a light south westerly, and light drizzle for most of the morning.
Anglers CP VisMig: per @Fitzybirder  
Not much happening here, highlights being the first Redpoll and first few small packs of continental Starlings of the autumn
Going south: Grey Heron 3.  Skylark 9.  House Martin 3.  alba Wagtail 1.  Meadow Pipit 9 + 3 west.  Linnet 15.
Going West: Goosander 4.   50 Starling (WNW).   Redwing 68.  Lesser Redpoll 1.
Anglers CP: A Reed Warbler was on the east bank.  Teal 13.  Snipe 2.  Chiffchaff 1.
Disposal Point: Willow Tit 1.  Green Woodpecker 1.

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