Sunday 14 April 2013

RTD Update

After consultation yesterday, a decision was made to release the Red-throated Diver onto the Reservoir at Old Moor rather than take it to the coast today. Apparently they do not usually 'keep well overnight'. At 6am this morning it was seen asleep in the middle of the res and was also seen later in the morning, but then disappeared  We would like to think it flew off, but if it did, nobody saw it do so.

Dave Waddington with the RTD at Old Moor yesterday - a stunning looking brute!
A few extras from yesterday:

Wombwell Ings: Green Sand'

Old Moor: Little Gull adult (different to previous), Yellow Wag'

Area: Chiffchaff 54, Willow Warbler 9.

And today:

Adwick: 2 Pintail, LRP, Ruff, Dunlin, Jack Snipe.

Edderthorpe: 6 Avocet,10 House Martins


Martin Wells said...

You don't look too comfortable there Dave!

mick turton said...

aren't they also known as loons?