Wednesday 10 April 2013

Wintersett 10.04.13

At last it feels like Spring! The warmest day of the year so far. 10degrees by midday.  Sunshine a.m.  then gradually clouded over by 5.00p.m.
Anglers CP:  A Little Ringed Plover flew at 09.04hrs.  Another highlight was 300 calling and singing Redwings in the plantation at the north end of the lake.  Lust is in the air with the regular 3rd W Yellow-legged Gull  forging a  (romantic?) attachment to a 3rd W Lesser Black-backed Gull.
Also here:  Fieldfare 1,   Siskin 2NW,   Barnacle Goose 1, Snipe 1,  Redshank 1,  Shoveler 3 male and 3 female,  Goosander 1 male and 2 redheads, Wigeon 110,  Gadwall  8 + 11 WRes. + 1 CHRes.,  Lesser Black-backed Gull  3 in total. 
Old Royston Flash: Pink-footed Goose 1,  Teal 9 and Lapwing 2 pairs.
Wintersett Res: Little Grebe 1 male
Cold Hiendley Res:A male Goldcrest was singing.
Mammals, Butterflies and Moths: A Hare was on the Disposal Point.   Small Tortoiseshell CHRes,  Peacock  ACP and Orange Underwing  moth ACP.
Vis.Mig  The weather was so pleasant that we did a watch from 11.30- 15.30hrs.  Nothing of note to report!

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