Sunday 7 April 2013

Wintersett 1sts 07.04.13

A much warmer southerly wind made it a pleasant, but hazy,  morning for the first long Vis. Mig. watch of the year. (08.15 - 12.10hrs)   See   Great Britain  for national Visible Migration Records.  A steady movement of migrants all morning made it feel as if Spring has begun,  and not before time!
The Spring record for Meadow Pipit movement  was smashed with 176 flying NW, including a flock of C70.  At 08.50hrs 3 Curlew flew SE and 1 went north.   A Buzzard  flapped NE at 09.20hrs,  and a Sparrowhawk went NE. 7 Goosander flew north at 09.45 + 6 present.  The first  Little Ringed Plover of the year went south at  10.10hrs.   229 Redwing went over.  This is an unprecedented number for this time of year.  The first Sand Martin  of the year topped off  the watch at 12.07hrs. (29 days later than last year.)
Also here:  Female Long-tailed Duck,  Redshank 1, Siskin 3,  Green Woodpecker 1,  Chiffchaff  3, 3rd W Yellow-legged Gull,  Lesser Black-backed Gull 2 adults,  Shoveler 1 male.
As expected, the improvement in weather conditions meant that wildfowl numbers dropped dramatically overnight.    All Pochard have gone.  Wigeon down to 80 from 226,   Teal down to 9  (2 ACP + 3 WRes + 4ORF) from 29. 
Also flying: The first Peacock butterflies 3,  and also 5 Orange Underwing moths.

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