Saturday 6 April 2013

Wintersett p.m. 06.04.13

 Anglers CP: Highlight this afternoon was an adult Kittiwake  that flew in at 15.00hrs and was still present at 16.12hrs.

Updated  wildfowl totals for Anglers CP (ACP),  Wintersett Res (WR), Cold Hiendley Res (CHR) and Old Royston Flash (ORF):
Wigeon  226 (224 ACP + 2 CHR),    Goldeneye 90  (38 ACP + 13 WR + 39 CHR),
Teal 29 (13 ACP + 6 WR + 10 ORF) ,   Pochard 16 ACP.
These high numbers of ducks are indicative of the late Spring and extremely cold weather.  Many of these should be leaving within the next few days as the weather conditions improve.
Also at ACP:  An Orange Underwing moth and the first Bee of the year were seen.
On the Pol: A Grey Heron gulped down the first, very large,  frog of the year.

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