Thursday 18 April 2013

Wintersett - Start, Tern, Wag, Hop 18.04.13

Extremely windy (WSW),  cloudy and dry. Sunny spells late morning.  Rain late afternoon. 
Anglers  CP:   A  male Redstart ,  different from the one on Monday,  was in the  in north bank field. An Arctic Tern went through and there was another on WRes.   White Wagtail 1,  Yellow Wagtail 1,  Redshank  1, Common Sandpiper 2 + 1 WRes.,  Drake Goosander,   Wigeon 1 male,  3rd W Yellow-legged Gull and 3rd W Lesser Black-backed Gull.
Wintersett Res: The first Grasshopper Warbler was seen on the west bank this morning and the first SWIFT was seen late afternoon.  Goldeneye 12 + 8 ACP.
Old Royston Flash: Pink-footed Goose 1,  Stock Dove 6.

White  Wagtail                                 K. Denny

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