Saturday 3 May 2014

Wintersett 03.04.14

3°C  and sunny at 08.00 hrs. Up to 13°C,  sunny and warm this afternoon when the Glossy Ibis gave us the run around  the Dearne Valley.  Finally caught up with it at Broomhill.  No doubt there'll be lots of pictures to follow. Thanks to John Seeviour, Ivan and Gray for feeding us information.
This morning we saw or heard:
4 Cuckoos singing around the area (Disp. Pt., Pits Wood, Stubbs Wood and ORFlash)
Wintersett Res:  Grasshopper Warbler 2m, Sedge Warbler 1m.  Yellow Wagtail 3m, Meadow Pipit 1 over (CHField),  Shoveler 2m and Shelduck 4 over at 07.27hrs.
Anglers CP: A Peregrine went north at 13.33hrs.  Buzzard 4,  Teal 1m and 1f and Green Woodpecker 1.

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