Friday 5 April 2013

Wintersett Avocets 05.04.13

Frosty and sunny start, very cold north east wind.
Highlight today was 3 Avocets  swimming on Anglers CP lake very early this morning.  They left NE at 08.00 hrs after being spooked by the gas guns which fire at regular intervals.  They flew back in a 08.25 hrs and were swimming on the lake until 10.25hrs.  (Maybe the birds from Edderthorpe if times coincide?)
Also at Angler CP:  3rd W Yellow-legged Gull,  female Long-tailed Duck,  Goosander 7,   Fieldfare 1,  Redshank 1.
Wintersett Res:Curlew  1 over NE at 10.32hrs,  Shoveler 1 male and  Chiffchaff 2 males.
Haw Park Wood: Siskin 1,  Lesser Redpoll 1.
Walton Hall: Nuthatch 1 male in Grotto Wood + 1 HPWood and  Canada Goose 2 sitting.
Old Royston Flash: Pink-footed Goose 1,  Teal 13 and  Snipe 3 + 7 ACP.


Bernard Emson said...

Edderthorpe Flash. 3 Avocets seen there at 9-20 am, still there at 10-am when I left.

ASmith said...

Not the same birds then. Thanks for the info.