Wednesday, 28 February 2018

BBSG Meeting Cancelled

Due to the weather conditions and access into Old Moor, the meeting for tomorrow night will have to be cancelled.
Hopefully, Prof John Reilly will be able to deliver his talk next winter.

Wilthorpe Marsh 28/2/18.

Hard weather bringing birds in with a Dunlin showing down to a few metres feeding on a dyke. Woodcock flushed and 200+ Lapwing down. 7 Jack and 6 Common Snipe were flushed off a marsh edge and c 100 Meadow Pipits. Also c 40 Teal, c 30 Fieldfare. Birding at the sewage farm stopped by a blizzard but 10 Grey Wags here. Birds heard only were Golden Plover twice, and a flock of Pinkfeet about 3-15pm.

BBSG Tomorrow's Meeting

Due to the unpredictability of the weather at the moment, the meeting tomorrow night at Old Moor may have to be cancelled.

Please keep an eye on this blog and twitter as a decision will be made either tonight or tomorrow morning.

Wombwell Ings - 27-02-2018

Yellow-browed Warbler

Perky bird showing well in the usual place just from the embankment on entering the reserve. Also Richard's Pipit.

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Wintersett 27.02.18 + Catch up from 11.02.18

Back from an exciting trip to Uganda with Heatherlea (Scotland) led by Gerard Gorman and Johnnie Kamugisha.
-2  to -4  degrees, with variable, intermittent snow showers,  Sunny this morning with a cold north easterly wind.
Anglers CP: A Water Rail was in the reeds behind the Sand Martin Box.  18 Golden Plover and 7 Snipe were among the Lapwing flock.
Wintersett Res: Goosander 11.   Little Grebe 2 + 1 ACP.

Catch up records per Pete Smith, Chris Swaine and Steve Denny

Anglers CP: Cormorant 18   Shoveler 3   Snipe 2   Water Rail 1  
Wintersett Res: Greylag Goose 127   Canada Goose 67

Anglers CP: Pochard 18 + 5 WRes.

Anglers CP: Shoveler 5
Wintersett Res:  Woodcock 1.  Cetti's Warbler 1 singing male,  west bank marsh + 1 west bank.

Wigeon 339 ACP + 8 WRes.    Pochard 33 ACP + 3 WRes    Mallard 43 ACP + 14 WRes + 4 CHRes
Kingfisher 1 ACP   Great Crested Grebe 7 ACP + 15 WRes    Goldeneye 23 ACP + 38 WRes
Shoveler 5 ACP    Little Grebe 5 ACP + 5 WRes   Goosander 1 ACP + 9 WRes..

Wintersett Res: An adult Iceland Gull and an adult Glaucous Gull were in  roost this morning.
Anglers CP: Siskin 10.  Lesser Redpoll 9.
Adult Glaucous Gull      Wintersett Res.                   SDenny

16.2.18   42 Cormorants were in the roost at Walton Hall.
Anglers CP: Lapwing 265.  Snipe 10
Wintersett Res; Goosander 11.  Cettis Warbler 1 singing male, north bank.

Anglers CP:
260 Pink-footed Geese flew west in 3 skeins  09:30hrs.   2 Whooper Swans were in.

Anglers CP: Curlew 3 per K Bannister.

23.02.18  50 Golden Plover were in Cold Heindley Field.

26.02.18  A Nuthatch was on Barnsley Canal.   50 Siskin were in Haw Park Wood. A Peregrine was seen over Haw Park Lane.
Nuthatch                  Barnsley Canal                     CSwaine

Low Moor 27/2/18.

Superb light when the sun shone but no visibility in the snow showers. Very steady with no sign of any Curlews in bitter cold conditions. Snipe the highlight dropping in with counts of 3,9,19,6,4 and a single flushed off the roadside on departure giving a minimum of 20 birds. Good for Raven here this year with 5 seen, also 4 C Buzzard, 3 Kestrel, fem. GS Pecker.

Carlton Marsh

Very cold again with heavy squally snow showers and a biting easterly wind. This morning 2 pairs of Tufted Duck, 8 Canada Geese, 145 Herring Gulls (down) on the wader scrape, 2 Willow Tits, 2 Redpolls, 7 Siskin, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.
Bittern climbed to the top of a clump of Typha 20 yards to the left of the hide at 12.10hrs and surveyed the scene for 10 minutes before climbing back down again.


Monday, 26 February 2018

Wilthorpe Marsh 26/2/18.

Sewage farm,- 2 Water Pipits on filter beds but mobile and elusive in poor weather conditions. Pied Wags mobile and difficult to count along with Meadow Pipits. c 60 Pied Wags, c 60 Meadow Pipits, c 100 Starlings, 7 Grey Wags, 1 pair Oystercatchers. Nearby 2 Green Sandpipers, 1 J Snipe, 1 C Snipe, 20 Fieldfare and c 40 Redwing down. Oxbow pond had 250 BH Gulls down and following a ploughing tractor and 1 pair Tufted Duck.

Carlton Marsh

Bittern gave out  a couple of short 'booms' before it flew across the front of the hide at 14.50hrs (Nige Clynes)

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Wilthorpe Marsh 25/2/18.

No sign of Water Pipit at roost site today or last Friday. c 100 Meadow Pipits still. Also Green Sand, J Snipe 1 flushed off marsh edge, 17 Redpoll, c 70 Redwing. More luck at Wombwell ings early aft. with Richards Pipit and YB Warbler inside the first 20 mins.

Carlton Marsh

The sunshine was deceiving, it was cold exposed to the easterly wind. The wader scrape attracted 45 Herring Gulls. Bittern flew between reed beds in the main scrape at 12.32hrs, 13.03hrs and was last seen out in the open in a face off with a Grey Heron at 15.00hrs.
Birds of prey included Buzzard, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and Peregrine.

Willow Tit Survey 2018

As a lot of people already know this year is a repeat of the 2015 Willow Tit Survey. The core survey area is the Dearne NIA which is east of the M1 motorway and to Conisborough, north to Rabbit Ings and south to Wentworth. Myself and Jeff Lunn are doing most of the area with help from RSPB, Cliff Gorman, John Clarkson and Russ Boland and additional people who attended the training day at Cudworth last Friday. Any of your records please giving a fairly accurate location (does not have to be a GPS) onto here or onto Twitter.
Thanks to Yorkshire Wildlife Trust and RSPB Back from the Brink.
But also... any Willow Tit records for the Barnsley Recording Area west of the M1 motorway to help build the full picture.
Willow Tit at Ingbirchworth Res by Geoff Carr

WOMBWELL INGS 25-02-2018

Richards Pipit from this morning despite the disruption

Saturday, 24 February 2018

Barnsley Bird Study Group

The final meeting of the winter will be on THURSDAY 1ST MARCH 2018 at the RSPB OLD MOOR VISITOR CENTRE, starting at 7.15pm.

Professor John Reilly will deliver an illustrated talk on:
 'The Ascent of Birds: how modern science is revealing their story'

We all enjoy watching them, but how did birds first evolve and then speciate into the c.10,500 species which exists in the world today? John will provide a detailed account on the evolutionary history of birds and will also explain the origins of certain species, including some which occur locally.

This promises to be an excellent talk to finish this seasons' meetings.     

All welcome, £2.50 entrance charge and includes an interval drink.

Friday, 23 February 2018

Cudworth - Carlton Marsh

The Willow Tit 'Back from the Brink' summit was held at Bow Street Council offices this morning. People from all over the Barnsley,Wakefield and Doncaster areas attended. A slide show was eloquently provided by Sophie Pinder and Geoff Carr with training given on surveying methods etc. After dinner at Carlton Marsh some of the group actively took part in searching for Willow Tit.
Earlier Vivien Hartwell texted to say that she had tracked yesterday's tagged bird (Blue left leg) and another (yellow left leg) for 1 km along the old disused railway line towards Rabbit Ings.

Carlton Marsh
Bittern flew across the main scrape to roost at 17.30hrs (Dave Standish) Dave also tells me there is a Holly Oak/Holm Oak (Quercus ilex) evergreen tree at nearby Allied Bakeries with c100 Greenfinch roosting on Wednesday 21st!

The Edge 23/02/2018

Wombwell Ings - 95% ice cover. Present were 1 Mute Swan, 134 Canada Geese, 64 Greylag, 2 Shelduck, 126 Wigeon, 22 Teal, 7 Gadwall, 4 Mallard, 3 Shoveler, 2 male Goosander, 1 Tufted Duck, 13 Coot, 3 Moorhen, 1 Kestrel. 35 Lapwing,  252 BH Gull, 3 Common Gull, 2 Skylark, 1 Redwing, 3 Pied Wagtail, 2 Stonechat and 1 Reed Bunting. A Richards Pipit, seen on Tuesday pm, was relocated in the north east corner this afternoon by Jeff Wragg.
Broomhill Flash - Ice free.  Noted were 7 Mute Swan, c250 Canada Geese, 56 Greylag, 1 Pink Footed Goose ( plus a skein of c130 over west at 9.05 am.), 67 Wigeon, c40 Teal, 25 Tufted Duck, 14 Pochard, 10 Gadwall, 10 Mallard, 1 Buzzard, 1 Kestrel, 1 Barn Owl, 11 Coot, c50 Lapwing, 72 BH Gull, 1 Common Gull, 1 LBB Gull and 1 Hawfinch.
Trans Pennine Trail - A Little Egret and a Kingfisher were seen on the Knoll Beck.
Bolton Ings - On the ice-free eastern pool were 5 Mute Swan, 45 Pochard, 37 Tufted Duck, 13 Gadwall, 10 Mallard, 7 Shoveler, 1m+1f Goldeneye, 1f Goosander, 1 Great Crested Grebe, 1 Little Grebe, 6 Cormorant, 147 Coot and 57 BH Gull. Also present were 1 Marsh Harrier, 1 Buzzard, 1 Barn Owl, 1 Grey Heron, 1 Green Woodpecker and 1 Marsh Tit.

Thursday, 22 February 2018

Carlton Marsh

A single net ringing session this morning with Vivien Hartwell & Paul Bellamy produced just 5 birds, but it was a case of quality not quantity.
An un-ringed Willow Tit was colour-ringed (dark blue, left leg) fitted with a radio transmitter and tracked heading north from the site. Another Willow Tit (previously colour-ringed, yellow left leg) was also caught at the feeder. Blue Tit, Bullfinch and a female adult Kingfisher (ringed 13/7/16) were the other birds caught.
Mike travelled all the way from Wales yesterday to be trained by Vivien and Paul how to put a transmitter on. Having spent all day at Warbler Way, Old Moor yesterday, without catching one, he was understandably elated that the team caught two before he headed home to carry on the good work on his home patch.
Vivien Hartwell

The Edge 22/02/2018

Wombwell Ings - Walked onto the Ings to the sound of several singing Skylarks. Mood lifted even higher when a cream crowned Marsh Harrier was spotted circling over Broomhill Flash at 9.00am before heading towards Old Moor Rspb. The sight of 2 adult and 3 juvenile Whooper Swans was even more of a tonic. Also present were 3 Mute Swan, 76 Greylag, 15 Canada Geese, 2 Pink Footed Geese, 2 Shelduck, 135 Wigeon, 13 Teal, 12 Mallard, 7 Gadwall, 3m+2f Goosander, 4 Tufted Duck, 3 Shoveler, 7 Coot, 2 Moorhen, 31 Lapwing and 57 BH Gull.
Broomhill Flash - Noted were 5 Mute Swan, 137 Canada Geese, 38 Greylag, 1 Barnacle Goose, 1 Pink Footed Goose, 34 Wigeon, 20 Teal, 18 Tufted Duck, 10 Gadwall, 8 Mallard, 3 Shoveler, 3 Goldeneye, 2 Goosander, 1 Pochard, 5 Cormorant, 1 Buzzard, 1 Kestrel, 21 Coot, 1 Moorhen, 91 BH Gull, 1 LBB Gull and 1 Hawfinch.
Bolton Ings - On the open water were 2 Mute Swan, 21 Greylag, 31 Tufted Duck, 20 Pochard, 17 Gadwall, 12 Shoveler, 7 Mallard, 3m+2f Goosander, 2m+1f Goldeneye, 2 Great Crested Grebe, 2 Little Grebe, 197 Coot, 42 BH Gull and 1 Common Gull. Also present were 12 Cormorant, 1 Buzzard, 2 Lapwing over, 1 Jay, 1 Song Thrush and 1 Marsh Tit.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

The Edge 21/02/2018

Wombwell Ings - Present were 5 Mute Swan, 59 Canada Geese, 53 Greylag, 1 Barnacle Goose, 1 Pink Footed Goose, 153 Wigeon, 14 Mallard, 13 Teal, 6 Goosander, 6 Gadwall, 4 Shoveler, 3 Tufted Duck, 1 Little Egret, 1 Peregrine, 11 Coot, 3 Moorhen, 10 Snipe, 69 BH Gull, 1 Common Gull, 3 Skylark, 7 Meadow Pipit, 2 Redwing  and 3 Stonechat.
Broomhill Flash - Noted were 2 Mute Swan, 63 Canada Geese, 26 Greylag, 1 Barnacle Goose, 39 Wigeon, 20 Tufted Duck, 10 Mallard, 10 Teal, 7 Shoveler, 3 Pochard, 2 Gadwall, 2 Goldeneye, 1 Little Egret, 1 Cormorant, 2 Kestrel, 1 Buzzard, 54 BH Gull, 5 Herring Gull, 5 Common Gull, 1 LBB Gull and 1 Hawfinch.
Bolton Ings - On the open water were 3 Mute Swan, 7 Greylag, 7 Canada Geese, 31 Tufted Duck, 18 Pochard, 12 Shoveler, 11 Gadwall, 8 Mallard, 7 Goosander, 2 Great Crested Grebe, 1 Little Grebe, 216 Coot, 76 BH Gull, 4 Herring Gull and 3 Common Gull. Also present were 1 Little Egret, 2 Stonechat and 1 Marsh Tit.

Carlton Marsh 20/2/18

Bittern showed at 17.33hrs as it flew to roost. (Karen & Ian Pickard)

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Willow Tit tracking at Worsbrough Country Park

For people who missed the Tweet a map of the tracked movements of the red left leg Willow Tit over a number of days at Worsbrough Country Park as provided by Vivian Hartwell and Paul Bellamy RSPB. The red dots are movement readings during various days and not individual days but show how the bird moved up to 400m. Currently this tracker is down but any sightings for this or any at Carlton Marsh and Old Moor to

The Edge 20/02/2018

Wombwell Ings - Present were 3 Mute Swan, 91 Greylag. 53 Canada Geese, 3 Pink Footed Geese, 3 Shelduck, 156 Wigeon, 21 Teal, 9 Mallard, 8 Gadwall, 5 Tufted Duck, 4 Shoveler, 3 Goosander, 2 Cormorant, 1 Grey Heron, 14 Coot, 3 Moorhen, 15 Grey Partridge, 2 Kestrel, 54 Lapwing, 1 Golden Plover, 58 BH Gull, 3 Common Gull, 4+ Skylark, 4 Meadow Pipit and 1 Stonechat.
Broomhill Flash - Noted were 6 Mute Swan, 128 Canada Geese, 8 Greylag, 1 Barnacle Goose, 29 Wigeon, 23 Teal, 14 Tufted Duck, 13 Gadwall, 10 Mallard,6 Shoveler,  3 Goldeneye, 1 Cormorant, 15 Coot, 1 Buzzard, 2 Kestrel, 91 BH Gull, 15 Herring Gull, 2 Common Gull, 2 LBB Gull  and 1 Hawfinch.
Bolton Ings - On the open water were 2 Mute Swan, 12 Greylag, 7 Canada Geese, 55 Tufted Duck, 16 Pochard, 13 Gadwall, 11 Shoveler, 6 Mallard, 3 Goldeneye, 1 Great Crested Grebe, 229 Coot, 69 BH Gull, 4 Herring Gull and 3 Common Gull. Also present were 1 Buzzard, 1 Marsh Harrier, 1 Marsh Tit and 1 Bullfinch.

Monday, 19 February 2018

The Edge 19/02/2018

Wombwell Ings - Present were 2 Mute Swan, c220 Canada Geese, 157 Greylag, 3 Pink Footed Geese, 2 Shelduck, 135 Wigeon, 16 Mallard, 12 Teal, 11 Gadwall, 4 Shoveler, 4 Tufted Duck, 1m Goosander, 1 Litle Egret, 13 Coot, 2 Moorhen, 1 Kestrel, 58 Lapwing, 12 Golden Plover, 68 BH Gull, 1 Common Gull, 4+ Skylark, 12 Meadow Pipit, 5 Pied Wagtail and a flock of c40 Goldfinch.
Broomhill Flash - Noted were 5 Mute Swan, 68 Canada Geese, 46 Wigeon, 28 Gadwall, 16 Mallard, 12 Teal, 9 Tufted Duck, 5 Pochard, 5 Shoveler, 3 Cormorant, 27 Coot, 3 Moorhen, 1 Buzzard, 2 Sparrowhawk, 1 Kestrel, 150+ Lapwing, c20 Golden Plover, 54 BH Gull, 5 Common Gull, 3 Herring Gull, 1 LBB Gull, 1 Stonechat and 1 Hawfinch.
Bolton Ings - On the open water were 2 Mute Swan, 3 Canada Geese, 32 Tufted Duck, 19 Pochard, 14 Shoveler, 13 Gadwall, 9 Mallard, 3m+3f Goldeneye, 1m+2f Goosander, 2 Teal, 1 Great Crested Grebe, 205 Coot, 23 BH Gull, 3 Common Gull and 1 LBB Gull. Also present were 1 Grey Heron, 1 Buzzard, 1cc Marsh Harrier, 1 Green Woodpecker, 2 singing Song Thrush and 3 Bullfinch.

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Low Moor 18/2/18.

As expected very steady. Cold with mist which started lifting at 12-30. No Curlews yet but about 30 Lapwing in the area. 300+ Fieldfare with most of them down. Raven 3, Grey Heron 1 down, Starling 100+ down, GS Pecker 1 male, 2 singing Mistle Thrush, C Buzzard 3, Kestrel 2.

Saturday, 17 February 2018

Carlton Marsh

There were 168 Herring Gulls (mostly immatures) on the wader scrape at 13.30hrs.
Bittern flew across the main scrape to roost at 17.32hrs (Dave Standish)

Wilthorpe Marsh / Woolley Dam 17/2/18.

Wilthorpe late aft. - Water Pipit on wires with 100+ Meadow Pipits. c 70 Linnet flock and 100+ Redwing. Oystercatcher 1 pair on sewage farm. Woolley Dam - Quiet, with not much sign of any woodland species. Nearby shotguns created movement with c 500 Woodpigeon, c 200 Rooks. 6 Teal on the dam, 4 Grey Heron, Siskin 6, c 100 Redwing.

Friday, 16 February 2018

Carlton Marsh

Birds of prey today included Male and female Peregrine (Ian Pickard) and an escaped Harris Hawk (Richard Laverack).

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Carlton Marsh

Bittern flew across the main scrape at 17.32hrs (D. Standish/D. Smith/G. Miller).

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

The Edge 14/02/2018

Wombwell Ings - Present were 2 Mute Swan, 44 Greylag, 3 Shelduck, 116 Wigeon, 12 Teal, 4 Mallard, 3 Goosander,1 Cormorant, 1 Grey Heron, 1 Kestrel, 13 Coot, c200 Golden Plover, 92 Lapwing, 1 Snipe, 118 BH Gull, 1 Common Gull, 2 Skylark, 1 Song Thrush, 2 Stonechat, 11 Meadow Pipit and 10 Pied Wagtail.
Broomhill Flash - Noted were 7 Mute Swan, 260+ Canada Geese, 51 Greylag, 3 Pink Footed Geese, 1 Barnacle Goose, 54 Wigeon, 27 Gadwall, 18 Tufted Duck, 14 Teal, 9 Pochard, 5 Mallard, 5 Shoveler, 2 Red Legged Partridge, 1 Kestrel, 1 Buzzard, 33 Coot, 36 Lapwing, 196 BH Gull, 19 Herring Gull, 2 Common Gull, 11 Redwing, 6 Fieldfare, 2 Mistle Thrush and 1 Hawfinch.
Bolton Ings - On the open water were 3 Mute Swan, 96 Tufted Duck, 62 Gadwall, 28 Pochard, 23 Shoveler, 8 Mallard, 6 Goosander, 4 Goldeneye, 1 Great Crested Grebe, c200 Coot and 5 Herring Gull. Also present were 1 Little Egret, 1 Grey Heron, 1 Buzzard, 1 Green Woodpecker, 1 Jay, 1 Song Thrush and 1 Bullfinch.

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Carlton Marsh

Rained off most of the day, the site was watched for a couple of hours before dark. Of note Green and Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 willow Tits, 12 Herring Gulls (down), Water Rail, a few Yellow Buntings roosted and Bittern showed at 16.15hrs. (D. Standish/R. Poole)

Wilthorpe Marsh 13/2/18.

Water Pipit on wires with 20 Meadow Pipits this aft. Also 2 Green Sandpipers, 1 pair of Oystercatchers, 20 Lapwing down. Green Pecker yaffling and 1 GS Pecker. c 80 Goldfinchs in 3 flocks, 1 H Gull down.

The Edge 13/02/2018

Wombwell Ings - Present were 2 Mute Swan, 247 Canada Geese, 132 Greylag, 3 Pink Footed Geese, 2 Shelduck, 114 Wigeon, 8 Gadwall, 6 Mallard, 6 Teal, 2m+3f Goosander, 3 Tufted Duck, 1 Grey Heron, 14 Grey Partridge, 8 Coot, 4 Moorhen, 151 Lapwing, 150+ Golden Plover, 1 Oystercatcher, 152 BH Gull, 2 Common Gull and 2 Stonechat.
Broomhill Flash - Noted were 7 Mute Swan, 65 Canada Geese, 46 Wigeon, 35 Gadwall, 13 Teal, 9 Mallard, 6 Tufted Duck, 5 Shoveler, 3 Pochard, 5 Cormorant, 36 Coot, 1 Moorhen, 1 Buzzard, 105 Lapwing, 108 BH Gull, 7 Herring Gull, 3 Common Gull, 1 LBB Gull and 1 Hawfinch.
Bolton Ings - On the open water were 2 Mute Swan, 16 Tufted Duck, 11 Gadwall, 7 Goosander, 6 Pochard, 5 Goldeneye, 4 Mallard, 1 Great Crested Grebe, 236 Coot and 1 BH Gull. Also present were 9 Canada Geese, 7 Cormorant, 1 Buzzard, 2 LBB Gull, 1 Green Woodpecker, 1 Jay, 1 Willow Tit, 1 Marsh Tit and 1 Goldcrest.

Monday, 12 February 2018

The Edge 12/02/2018

Wombwell Ings - Present were 21 Canada Geese, 101 Greylag, 2 Pink Footed Geese, 1 Barnacle Goose, 5 Shelduck, 114 Wigeon , 8 Teal, 6 Gadwall, 3 Mallard, 2 Grey Heron, 1 Buzzard, 7 Coot, 5 Moorhen, 143 Golden Plover, 72 Lapwing, 193 BH Gull, 5 Common Gull, 11 Meadow Pipit, 5 Pied Wagtail and 2 Stonechat.
Broomhill Flash - Noted were 7 Mute Swan, 150+ Canada Geese, 43 Gadwall, 38 Wigeon, 14 Tufted Duck, 11 Teal, 10 Mallard, 4 Pochard, 4 Shoveler, 2 Goldeneye, 3 Cormorant, 1 Kestrel, 31 Coot, 1 Moorhen, 64 Lapwing, c120 BH Gull, 5 Herring Gull, 3 Common Gull and 1 Hawfinch.
Bolton Ings - On the open water were 2 Mute Swan, 7 Greylag, 2 Canada Geese, 22 Tufted Duck, 11 Gadwall, 10 Pochard, 3 Shoveler, 3 Mallard, 3 Goldeneye, 2 Teal, 2 Goosander, 1 Great Crested Grebe, 235 Coot, 3 BH Gull and 1 Common Gull. Also present were 7 Cormorant, 1 Grey Heron, 1 Buzzard, 1 Kestrel, 1 yaffling Green Woodpecker, 1 Jay, 1 Song Thrush and 1 Marsh Tit.

Sunday, 11 February 2018

Carlton Marsh

A Red Kite heading NW scattered all the Wood Pigeon at 16.26hrs. Bittern flew from left of the hide at 16.40hrs and to roost at 17.27hrs. Both our resident Buzzards were in the air. (Dave Standish)

Saturday, 10 February 2018

Wintersett + Gull Roost.

3 - 10 degrees, with 8/8 cloud and a short shower this morning.
Golf Course Field:  Fieldfare 120.  
Stone Heaps /Walton Canal: Nuthatch 2.  Grey Wagtail 1.
Wintersett Res: 2 Cetti's Warblers - north bank and west bank.  Goosander 10.  Little Grebe 6 + 3 ACP.
Wintersett Gull Roost: The Gulls behaved impeccably tonight.. The adult Iceland Gull was in from 16,35hrs.
            Adult Iceland Gull    WintersettRes             SDenny

Wilthorpe Marsh 10/2/18.

Water Pipit showed well on wires at roost site with 100+ Meadow Pipits. Pair of Oystercatchers on sewage farm with 5+ Grey Wagtail.

Friday, 9 February 2018

Wintersett Ringing Recoveries

A juvenile male Chiffchaff ringed at Wintersett Reservoir on 30.08.17
was caught by ringers on 19.10.17 at Mannez Quarry  (Alderney)  CHANNEL  ISLANDS
at a distance of 437 kms south.

A nestling Tree Sparrow ringed at Anglers CP on 11.05.17
was caught by ringers on 30.10.17  at Stanford Reservoir (Northamptonshire)
at a distance of 137 kms south.

A 1st year male Blackcap ringed at Wintersett Reservoir on 17.09.17
was caught by ringers on 23.10.17 at Pantano de la Torre del Aguila, El Coron (Sevilla) SPAIN
at a distance of 1874 kms SSW.

An adult male Willow Warbler ringed at Wintersett Reservoir on 22.04.17
was caught by ringers on 05.08.17 at Heestert (West- Vlaanderen)  BELGIUM
at a distance of 456 kms SE.

Wintersett + Gull Roost

0 - 3 degrees,  with blue sky and sunshine and a very cold north westerly.
Anglers CP: 1500 Herring Gulls were on at dawn.   5 noisy Oystercatchers were around the shallows -  two returning pairs +  1 other.  Teal 11.  Cormorant 10.
Wintersett Res: A male Cetti's Warbler was on the west bank.
Wintersett Res Gull Roost:  An adult Yellow-legged Gull was in a 16.55hrs followed by a dread which totally ruined the roost, with birds leaving for Anglers CP.  No notables were found there.
NB: The 2nd W Kumlien's Gull was in the roost at Eccup Reservoir tonight.

Cannon Hall 8th Feb.

Surprised to see these on the bottom pond at Cannon Hall ponds. Didn't stay long, however.
Then on to so-called 'fairyland' see my first Hawfinch here since Dec.1990.

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Wintersett + Gull Roost 08.02.18

4 - 6 degrees with 8/8 cloud and a light south westerly.
Anglers CP: Little Grebe 7.  Shoveler 2m + 2f.  Green Woodpecker 1.
Wintersett Res: Gadwall 111 + 55 CHRes..  2 male Cetti's Warblers - north bank and west bank.
Wintersett Res Gull Roost:  The gulls actually  behaved well tonight.   An adult Iceland Gull was present from 16.35hrs.  The same bird was photographed, by Jonathan Holliday in a field near Hampole Tip at 10.00hrs this morning.

Adult Iceland Gull                    Hampole, South Elmsall           JHolliday

Carlton Marsh

Bittern flew up from the marsh to its favourite reed bed in the main scrape beneath the disused railway embankment at 11.40hrs. 2 Willow Tit, Grey Wagtail, Peregrine and 32 Herring Gull on the wader scrape were also of note.

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Carlton Marsh

Bittern was seen during the day despite disturbance from essential management work and Little Egret was on the wader scrape first thing. A Red Kite flushed everything at 09.05hrs (Rod Heeley).
Persistence pays, a ringing session this afternoon provided a retrapped colour-ringed Willow Tit (green on left leg) which was fitted with a transmitter (Vivien Hartwell/CG).

A Coal Tit and a beautiful Jay were also ringed.

A Fox was hunting around the wader scrape at dusk.

Wintersett + Gull Roost 07.02.18

-1 to 3 degrees with  0/8 and a light south westerly.
Anglers CP: 2000 Herring Gulls were in at dawn per SDenny. 3 Oystercatchers were in this morning.  The north pair + 1 of the south pair.
Snipe 1. Pochard 26 + 9 Wres.. 
Wintersett Res: A juvenile Glaucous Gull was off the south east corner  at 11.55hrs.   Little Grebe 6.   2 male Cetti's Warblers - north west bank + west bank.  Kingfisher 1. 
Wintersett Res. Gull Roost: Lots of big gulls, but many coming in late from Hampole direction.  Several  dreads resulted in many gulls leaving for ACP so, yet again, no notables.

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Wintersett 06.02.18

-1 to 3 degrees with 8/8 cloud and a cool north westerly.  Light snow flurries around midday.
Anglers CP: Oystercatcher 2.  Shoveler 4.
Wintersett Res: Pochard 8.  Great Crested Grebe 12 + 3 ACP + 3 CHRes..  Little Grebe 4.   A male Cetti's Warbler was near the concrete chamber on the west bank.    A Grey Wagtail was on the spillway.

Carlton Marsh

Loads of gulls on the wader scrape included 15 Herring Gulls and 3 Common Gulls following the excavator. Others of note were Willow Tit 3 (I think we will call them the uncatchables) Siskin and a Woodcock that flew past the viewing point late morning.

Monday, 5 February 2018

Carlton Marsh

15 Herring Gulls and 3 Common Gulls were on the wader scrape this afternoon. Bittern flew across the main scrape to roost at 16.22hrs (Dave Standish).

Ardsley Crematorium
c200 Fieldfares were feeding in an adjacent wheat field this morning.

Wintersett +Gull Roost 05.02.18

0 - 3 degrees with 8/8 cloud,  a light snow flurry and a cool north easterly.
Anglers CP: Pink-footed Goose -  40 west at 09.00hrs,  90 west at 0935hrs,  140 west at 09.35hrs.  Greylag Goose 134.   Wigeon 319 + 4 WRes..  Cormorant 12.  Mallard 38.  Oystercatcher 2.  Green Woodpecker 1. 
Wintersett Res:  Cetti's Warbler 1 m. west bank..  Water Rail 1. 
Wintersett Res. Gull Roost: Very big number of large gulls in from Hampole direction.  Many moved over to Anglers CP before they could be checked.  The 2nd W Kumlien's Gull, last seen here on the 26th January, showed up at 17.05hrs.

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Carlton Marsh

This morning 9 Herring Gulls, 3 Common Gulls and Little Egret were on the Wader scrape. In addition 13 Herring Gulls flew north with 2 Great Black-backed Gulls and 2 Goosander and a male Shoveler were feeding on Bleachcroft Farm Pond.
Green Woodpecker 'yaffled' and a Peregrine was perched up nearby. A pair of Sparrowhawks put on a show as they performed courtship displaying over and above the hide and a small number of Siskins were amongst a 'charm' of Goldfinches.

Low Moor / Wilthorpe Marsh 4/2/18.

Low Moor a very cold 2.5 degrees. Good light but not much to report with 7 Ravens, 3 C Buzzards, 3 Kes, 1 GS Pecker. Hints of Spring were a Lapwing and a singing Mistle Thrush. Wilthorpe Marsh this aft very steady with Green Sand and Oystercatcher at the oxbow, c 150 mobile Lapwings, 120 Meadow Pipits at the roost but no certain sighting of Water Pipit.

Wintersett + Gull Roost 04.02.18

3 - 5 degrees with 5/8 cloud and a light north easterly.
Anglers CP: 140 Pink-footed Goose flew west.  30 Redwing 20 Pied Wagtails in fields.
Old Royston Flash: Fieldfare 300 + 120 ACP fields.  Meadow Pipit 50.  Yellowhammer 20.
Cold Hiendley: Tawny Owl 1.
Wintersett Res: Pink-footed Goose 57 north west at 09.50hrs  and 160 north west at 09.55hrs.   2 male Cetti's Warbler -  north bank and west bank.  Kingfisher 1.   Pochard 7.
Anglers CP Gull Roost: Lesser Black-backed Gull 1.  Great Black-backed Gull 62 .  Herring Gull 920.   Notables 0.

Saturday, 3 February 2018

Carlton Marsh

Bittern was seen climbing the reeds at dusk yesterday (Friday 2nd) (Dave Standish/Karen Pickard)

A record shot by Karen Pickard from the hide
A male Blackcap visited a garden at Quarry Vale, Cudworth on Wednesday 31st January (Andrew Corrall)

Wintersett + Gull Roosts 03.02.18

2 - 4 degrees with 8/8 cloud,  light rain for most of the day and a light northerly.
Anglers CP: Oystercatcher 2.  Snipe 5.  Greylag Goose 92.  Shoveler  2 m + 2 f.  Lapwing 310.   Wigeon 304.  Teal 21.    Green Woodpecker 1.  Little Grebe 6. 
Wintersett Res: Goosander 6. 
Gull Roosts:  Excellent numbers of gulls in both roosts,  but again no notables to report. 
At ACP:  Lesser Black-backed Gull 1.   Great Black-backed Gull 130.   Herring Gull  1200 + 800 WRes..  
NB: Juvenile Glaucous Gull on main bay at Fairburn this afternoon. 

Wilthorpe Marsh 3/2/18.

Late aft. - Water Pipit on wires at roost site with 120 Meadow Pipits and Green Pecker here on wires pole. 134 Lapwing down, c 200 Woodpigeon, 1 Oystercatcher back on territory at sewage farm.

Friday, 2 February 2018

Wintersett 02.02.18

2 - 5 degrees with 8/8 cloud but decreasing. Drizzle for a short time,  then sunny spells and a cool westerly.
Anglers CP: Oystercatcher 2.  Cormorant 13 + 1 CHRes..  Shoveler 2m + 1f.  Wigeon 227 + 6 CHRes. + 5 WRes.. 
Wintersett Res: Willow Tit 1 west bank.  Goosander 1 + 3CHRes..

Old Moor Sofa

101 species have been recorded in the Old Moor Area this year, the full list as follows :- Mute Swan (1), Pink Footed Goose (2), Grey Lag Goose (3), Canada Goose (4), Barnacle Goose (5), Shelduck (6), Wigeon (7), Gadwall (8), Teal (9), Mallard (10), Pintail (11), Shoveler (12), Pochard (13), Tufted Duck (14), Goldeneye (15), Smew (16), Goosander (17), Red Legged Partridge (18), Grey Partridge (19), Pheasant (20), Cormorant (21), Bittern (22), Little Egret (23), Grey Heron (24), Little Grebe (25), Great Crested Grebe (26), Marsh Harrier (27), Sparrowhawk (28), Buzzard (29), Kestrel (30), Peregrine (31), Water Rail (32), Moorhen (33), Coot (34), Oystercatcher (35), Golden Plover (36), Lapwing (37), Dunlin (38), Green Sandpiper (39), Redshank (40), Jack Snipe (41), Snipe (42), Woodcock (43), Black Headed Gull (44), Common Gull (45), LBB Gull (46), Herring Gull (47), GBB Gull (48), Stock Dove (49), Woodpigeon (50), Collared Dove (51), Barn Owl (52), Little Owl (53), Tawny Owl (54), Kingfisher (55), Green Woodpecker (56), Great Spotted Woodpecker (57), Magpie (58), Jay (59), Jackdaw (60), Rook (61), Carrion Crow (62), Goldcrest (63), Blue Tit (64), Great Tit (65), Coal Tit (66), Willow Tit (67), Marsh Tit (68), Bearded Tit (69), Skylark (70), Cetti's Warbler (71), Long Tailed Tit (72), Chiffchaff (73), Nuthatch (74), Treecreeper (75), Wren (76), Starling (77), Blackbird (78), Fieldfare (79), Song Thrush (80), Redwing (81), Mistle Thrush (82), Robin (83), Stonechat (84), Dunnock (85), House Sparrow (86), Tree Sparrow (87), Grey Wagtail (88), Pied Wagtail (89), Meadow Pipit (90), Chaffinch (91), Brambling (92), Hawfinch (93), Greenfinch (94), Goldfinch (95), Siskin (96), Linnet (97), Lesser Redpoll (98), Bullfinch (99), Yellowhammer (100), Reed Bunting (101).

For comparison in January 2015 the number of species recorded was 98 and in January 2016 the number was 100.

A further nine species were seen in those two January's but not this - Whooper Swan, Egyptian Goose, Ruddy Duck, Curlew, Ringed Plover, Ruff, Yellow Legged Gull, Mediterranean Gull and Blackcap.

We have had a fairly standard start to the year with the highlights being last years Hawfinch and Marsh Tit hanging on into the New Year and both still present to the end of the Month, also nice to see Marsh Harrier hanging about all Month perhaps this is the year they will be added to the breeding birds list?

On the down side no Whooper Swans seen all Month and no Ruddy Duck, the long staying bird at Broomhill Flash was last seen in June 2017.

For comparison some other inland sites totals to date are as follows:-

Swillington Ings, West Yorkshire 110.

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Carlton Marsh

A Little Egret and 7 Herring Gulls were on the wader scrape this morning, but not much time to look as we were scrub bashing. 
Bittern climbed reeds left of the hide at dusk and flew to its usual roost at the back of the scrape at 17.10hrs. A little earlier a Water Shrew was seen at the old school pond (Dave Standish).

Wintersett + Gull Roost 01.02. 2018

3 - 5 degrees, frosty start with blue sky, sunshine and a cool, light,  north westerly.
Anglers CP: Pochard 17.  Shoveler 1 male.  Oystercatcher 2.  Siskin 1.
WRes. Roost:  Lots of gulls - no notables.