Friday 31 December 2021

Wintersett VisMig. 31.12.2021

 Anglers CP:

Pintail 1 drake.  

Wintersett Res:

Mediterrranean Gull 1  1st Winter. 

 Wintersett Res. Vis. Mig: 

Going west: 

Pink-footed Goose 690 + 55 east.    Starling 10.  Fieldfare 48. 

Going north west:

Golden Plover 16.



The Old Moor & Broomhill Area Year List SOFA 2021, 165 species recorded, not bad considering the reduced coverage due to the pandemic restrictions & the unavoidable disturbance, during habitat creation & protection works at various sites in the area throughout the year. However it was still well below the best ever year list total 179 in 2017. There were no major rarities & nothing new was added to the area list, which remains at 260. More details below.

 Happy New Year & Best Wishes for a bird filled 2022.



1)Mute Swan, 2)Pink-footed Goose, 3)Greylag Goose, 4), Canada Goose, 5)Shelduck, 6)Wigeon, 7)Gadwall, 8)Teal, 9)Mallard, 10)Shoveler, 11)Pochard, 12)Tufted Duck, 13)Goldeneye, 14)Goosander, 15)Red-legged Partridge, 16)Pheasant, 17)Little Grebe, 18)Great Crested Grebe, 19)Cormorant, 20)Bittern (BI on 7th), 21)Little Egret, 22)Grey Heron, 23)Marsh Harrier, 24)Sparrowhawk, 25)Buzzard, 26)Kestrel, 27)Merlin (1 BH on 10th), 28)Peregrine, 29)Water Rail, 30)Moorhen, 31)Coot, 32)Oystercatcher (1 BH on 22nd), 33)Golden Plover, 34)Lapwing, 35)Snipe, 36)Green Sandpiper, 37)Black-headed Gull, 38)Common Gull, 39)Herring Gull, 40)Lesser Black-backed Gull, 41)Great Black-backed Gull, 42)Feral Pigeon,  43)Stock Dove, 44)Woodpigeon, 45)Collared Dove, 46)Barn Owl, 47)Tawny Owl, 48)Kingfisher, 49)Green Woodpecker, 50)Great Spotted Woodpecker, 51)Skylark, 52)Meadow Pipit, 53)Water Pipit (1 flushed from WI flew towards BH on 2nd), 54)Grey Wagtail, 55)Pied Wagtail, 56)Wren, 57)Dunnock, 58)Robin, 59)Stonechat, 60)Blackbird, 61)Fieldfare, 62)Song Thrush, 63)Redwing, 64)Mistle Thrush, 65)Cetti’s Warbler, 66)Chiffchaff, 67)Goldcrest, 68)Bearded Tit, 69)Long-tailed Tit, 70)Coal Tit, 71)Blue Tit, 72)Great Tit, 73)Nuthatch, 74)Treecreeper, 75)Jay, 76)Magpie, 77)Jackdaw, 78)Rook, 79)Carrion Crow, 80)Starling, 81)House Sparrow, 82)Chaffinch, 83)Brambling (1 River on 31st), 84)Greenfinch, 85)Goldfinch, 86)Siskin, 87)Linnet, 88)Lesser Redpoll, 89)Bullfinch, 90)Yellowhammer, 91)Reed Bunting.


92)Great White Egret (1 BI on 3rd), 93)Curlew (1 OM on 5th), 94)Egyptian Goose (2 BH on 9th), 95)White-fronted Goose (1 BH on 13th), 96)Pintail (2 BH on 16th), 97)Red Kite (1 OM on 18th), 98)Raven (4 BWP on 22nd), 99)Mediterranean Gull (2 OM on 25th).

MARCH 2021

100)Ringed Plover (2 WI on 1st), 101)Redshank (1 WI on 3rd), 102)Swallow (1 BH on 3rd), 103)Little Ringed Plover (1 WI on 5th), 104)Sand Martin (1 OM on 5th), 105)Avocet (1 OM on 6th), 106)Kittiwake (1 OM on 6th), 107)Dunlin (5 WI on 11th), 108)Tree Sparrow (TSF), 109)Rock Pipit (1 ‘Scandi’ Fleet on 14th), 110)Whooper Swan (11 BH + 19 OM on 19th), 111)Jack Snipe (1 flushed BH on 19th),  112)Caspian Gull (1 OM on 20th), 113)Little Owl (1 Park Farm Paddock on 25th), 114)Osprey (1 BH on 26th), 115)Wheatear (1 OM on 28th), 116)Blackcap (3 WW on 30th), 117)Willow Warbler (1 OM on 31st), 118)Yellow Wagtail (1 WI on 31st).

APRIL 2021

119)Common Scoter (1 OM on 1st), 120)House Martin (1 WI on 2nd), 121)Common Sandpiper (1 OM on 3rd), 122)Iceland Gull (1 OM on 4th), 123)Yellow-legged Gull (1 OM on 4th), 124)Mandarin (River on 11th), 125)Sedge Warbler (1 BI on 11th), 126)Reed Warbler (1 OM on 13th) 127)Black necked Grebe (2 OM on 14th), 128)Whimbrel (1 BH on 14th), 129)Spoonbill (1 over BWP/WI on 15th), 130)Whitethroat (1 BH Tip on 17th), 131)Greenshank (1 WI on 18th), 132)Common Tern (1 OM on 20th), 133)Garden Warbler (1 BHP on 23rd), 134)Hobby (1 MM on 24th) 135)Spotted Redshank (1 WI on 27th), 136)Swift (4 OM on 27th), 137)Grasshopper Warbler (1 GM on 28th), 138)Little Gull (3 WI on 28th), 139)Wood Sandpiper (3 WI on 28th), 140)Arctic Tern (11 north OM on 29th), 141)Lesser Whitethroat (1 WI on 29th).

MAY 2021

142)Black-tailed Godwit (7 OM on 1st), 143)Whinchat (1 WI on 4th), 144)Barnacle Goose (2 OM on 8th), 145)Sanderling (1 OM on 8th), 146)Turnstone (1 OM on 8th), 147)Quail (1 WI/Fleet on 19th), 148)Curlew Sandpiper (1 WI on 20th), 149)Grey Partridge (2 GPF on 22nd).

JUNE 2021

150)Cuckoo (1 WI on 1st), 151)Ruff (2 WI on 18th), 152)Willow Tit (1 TPT on 26th), 153)Crossbill (2 SW Bolton Ings on 29th).

JULY 2021

154)Garganey (1 MM on 4th).


155)Redstart (1 GM on 12th), 156)Long eared Owl (2 young calling late August).


157)Little Stint (2 WI on 3rd), 158)Grey Plover (1 MM on 14th), 159)Black Tern (1 BI on 15th), 160)Knot (2 BI on 20th).


161)Common Crane (3 south BH/OM on 10th), 162)Hawfinch (1 BHV + 1 Cyn south over BHP on 18th).


163)Hen Harrier (1 ringtail west Bolton Tip on 6th), 164)Woodcock (1 BI on 6th), 165)Ring necked Parakeet (Cliff Road on 10th).


Key to Abbreviations

BH = Broomhill Flash, WI = Wombwell Ings, BI = Bolton Ings, OM = Old Moor, BWP = Brickworks Pond, TSF = Tree Sparrow Farm, WW = Warbler Way, BHP = Broomhill Park, MM = Main Marsh, GM = Gypsy Marsh, GPF = Golden Plover Fields, TPT = Trans Pennine Trail, BHV = Broomhill Village, Cyn = Canyon.

 Also Ruddy Shelduck 1 WI on 1st November.

Carlton Marsh

This morning the first of 3 skeins of Pink Feet flew west at 08.40hrs (c120) (K. Bannister/D. Standish), c250 NW at 09.25hrs and c150 NW at 09.27hrs (JP). On the wader scrape were 9 Greylags and a Little Egret.

This afternoon produced a calling Chiffchaff, 3 Cetti's Warbler, Green and Great Spotted Woodpecker, 4 Siskins, 58 Stock Doves, Water Rail, 12 Yellow Buntings roosted, as did the Little Egret, and male and female Tawny Owl called..

A Dog Fox was barking as dusk approached (D. Standish/CG).

70 species were recorded here in December 2021 and the total for the whole year was a very respectable 122 species.

Thankyou to everyone who has contributed to the database this year. 

Happy 2022 to Everyone.

Wintersett Visible Migration Autumn 2021 - Paul Meredith aka @Fitzybirder

 Wintersett Visible Migration,  

Autumn 2021 – the top 6 movers

Autumn vis mig normally peaks here from around mid-September to early November with the hill usually being manned regularly from mid-August through to the end of the season. This year 308 hours of timed observation produced 148,806 birds of 79 species, mostly heading south or west. The early part of the period was poor with generally low numbers of just about everything, though things picked up nicely for a few weeks from mid-October.

The six most numerous species recorded are predictable enough, but this year no fewer than five of these topped 20,000 individuals, four of them for the first time, and for each of these, record day counts also occurred:

Wood Pigeon (44,110)Late autumn movements can usually be anticipated if conditions are favourable, with most of this year’s annual total occurring during ideal calm weather on the early mornings of November 2nd (20,510) and 3rd (13,750). These numbers are great, but not that exceptional for this common species.

Starling (24,625): flocks of continental Starlings usually start to appear heading purposefully west during early October, slowly building momentum and peaking late that month. This year’s total beats the previous best of 14,511 recorded in 2018 with a record day count of 7,360 on 25th October.

Winter thrushes, Redwing (22,830) and Fieldfare (20,145): a bit of a late start this year with the first Redwing not recorded until 7th October and the first Fieldfare not until 24th. A major national influx of Redwing mid-month caused barely a ripple here and it was looking like we had missed out on any significant numbers – until November 4th dawned to see Wintersett at the epicentre of a large exodus from Scandinavia. Between first light and midday 31,900 winter thrushes (13,820 Redwing, 18,080 Fieldfare) passed through to the west offering one of the best vis mig spectacles recorded here to date. Needless to say these are both record day counts for the area.

Pink-footed Goose (20,343): the last of the top five to reach 20,000, with >19,000 recorded by mid-November but generally poor weather during the last 6 weeks of the year meant that the count was still c.430 short as dawn broke on December 31st. However, the final task proved much easier than expected when a series of loose straggly skeins totalling 600 birds went through west just before 09.30 hrs! Pink-footed Goose is an increasingly common autumn migrant through (or at least visible from!) the area with a record day count this year of 7,830 heading southeast on 6th October.

Meadow Pipit (6,821): the main disappointment of the autumn, presumably following a poor breading season. Meadow Pipit is always the most numerous species passing through from mid to late September with the peak usually during the last week of that month, although this year’s annual total and high count of 1,406 on 25th September seem rather humble compared to the 30,171 (and day count of 12,225) recorded in 2019!

Honourable mentions:

Although they will never make it onto the top six numbers wise, three other species recorded impressive enough (and record movements) this year, two of which were in spring: 

Whooper Swan:  680 flew north on five dates between 19th March and 2nd April with a record peak of 253 on the last day.

Swift: 1,837 went south over the weekend of 7th & 8th July including a record vis mig day count of 1,083 on the first day.

Sand Martin: 1,036 north on 11th April is a record vis mig count for the area.


Paul Meredith aka @Fitzybirder

Low Moor/Midhope 31/12/21. G and J Wasse, S Green.

Hen Harrier 1 rt, Sparrowhawk 2, C Buzzard 2, Kestrel 2. Raven 1, Lapwing 35 down, 3 flocks of Fieldfare, total c 250. Redwing 10 w, Linnet flock 26, LT Tit 13 on fatball feeders. Mapplewell/Staincross this morning had a Pinkfeet movement c 800 w and sw at 9-40am.

Wintersett Annual Round Up and Top Ten Birds of 2021

 The Wintersett Area recorded 162  species of bird in 2021.

It has been a very poor year for rares and scarcities with no new species of birds for the list!  The breeding season was also very poor, with severe frosts in April, followed by cold northerlies throughout May. 
June, July and August saw 3 periods of severe strong winds which compounded breeding failures!
Bird ringing totals were 50% of what they should be!
 The Top Ten Birds were:
 1. Spoonbill  -  4 flew north west, all appeared to be adults.  16.10.2021
 2. Common Crane 3.  2 adults + 1 juvenile heading south over Wintersett Res. 14.10.2021

 3. A Honey Buzzard tracked north over the Disposal Point  at 13:43hrs. 31.05.2021

 4. A Quail flushed from the long grass on Anglers CP hill at 07.40 hrs. 14.06.2021
 5. A  Curlew Sandpiper flew in to the shallows at 9.40hrs, and left north west      
    very shortly afterwards.  27.07.2021  

 6. A Hawfinch flew west over Anglers CP.  25.10.2021.

 7. A Ring Ouzel dropped into bushes in the north east corner  
     Wintersett Reservoir14.10.2021.
 8. A Great White Egret circled Anglers CP, then left west at 08.40hrs.  27.10.2021

 9. A Wood Sandpiper was feeding, giving great views, in  the southwest corner of 
    Anglers CP on 30.04.2021.  Another Wood Sandpiper was on the shallows 08th May 2021
10. A Spotted Redshank  flew south west at 07.23hrs from Anglers CP. 09.08.2021 
Lepidoptera fared a little better with 2 new species of Macro Moth for the area.
These were Brown Scallop  and Coronet. 
Brown Scallop -New for the Area.  18.07.2021   P.Smith 
         Coronet - New for the area              
02..07.2021  P.Smith
 The Wintersett Team wish you 

Thursday 30 December 2021

Carlton Marsh

Today was the warmest December day I have ever recorded (in my garden) at 16.3c. The previous warmest was 15.2c on 26/12/2011 and 7/12/2015!

Birds on show were Green Woodpecker, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Fieldfare north, Red-legged Partridge, 2 Siskin, 2 Snipe, Cetti's Warbler, Little Egret, 6 Common Gull and 20 Teal (JP/L & A Corrall/CG).

Wilthorpe Marsh 30/12/21.

Water Pipit 1, Pinkfeet c 300 w at 1-50 pm , Tawny Owl 1, 2 Goldcrests. Oxbow pond area had Cinnamon Teal, 5 Parakeet. Yesterday 5 Grey Partridge, 1 Cetti's.

Wintersett + Vis.Mig 30.12.2021

Visible Migration:

Anglers CP: Going west: Pink Footed Goose  50 + 20 

Wintersett Res:  Going east:  Pink-footed Goose  55  at 11.04hrs.

Anglers CP:  

Cormorant 26 + 12 WRes.  Shoveler 9 + 2 WRes.   Pochard 128 + 24 WRes.

Wintersett Res:

A Woodcock was on the west bank.  A Water Rail was in the boathouse reeds.   

Meadow Pipit 12 over east bank.  Cetti's Warbler 1 west bank + 1 south east bank.

Cold Hiendley Res. Sewage Works:

Chiffchaff 1.

Tuesday 28 December 2021

Carlton Marsh

 Kestrel, Peregrine, 2 Buzzards, Kingfisher, Little Egret north, 45 Stock Dove north and 3 Redwings, 

Low Moor/Midhope 28/12/21, J Wasse, S Green.

Decent selection, just missing the top bird. Golden Plover c23 w with a single later w. Fieldfare flock c35, Siskin 14, Brambling 1+, Raven 2. Peregrine 1, C Buzzard 2, Sparrowhawk 1, Kestrel 4, Barn Owl 1.

Wintersett 28.12.2021

Anglers CP:

Pintail 2 males.  Dunlin 1.

Monday 27 December 2021

Wintersett + Gull Roost 27.12.2021

Wintersett Res:

Bittern 1 in boathouse reeds.  

Anglers CP:

Pochard 101.   Wigeon 227 + 4 WRes..   Shoveler 16 + 2 WRes..

Teal 60 + 3 WRes..  Goosander 46.  Snipe 19.   

Anglers CP Gull Roost:

Great Black-backed Gull 7.  Lesser Black-backed Gull 2.  Herring Gull 210. 

Sunday 26 December 2021

Wilthorpe Marsh 26/12/21.

Vocal pair of Ravens were checking out the pylons. Grey Partridge c 10. Oxbow pond area had Cinnamon Teal, 8 Parakeets, 2 Willow Tits on canal, 3 L Grebes and 1 L Egret.

Wintersett 25.12 .2021 + 26.12.2021


Anglers CP:

Blackbird 34.   Cormorant 20 + 4 WRes. + 1 CHRes..    Wigeon 203 + 4 WRes..

Little Grebe 1.  

Wintersett Res:

A Dunlin flew over at 15.55hrs.  Great Black-backed Gull 51.


Wintersett Res:

Shoveler 10.

Saturday 25 December 2021

Wilthorpe Marsh + 25/12/21.

Very steady. 2 J Snipe, 2 C Snipe, 1 Rail. Goldfinch flock c 60, Greenfinch flock 6. Good Herring Gull movement s. c 45. Town centre Market Hill Pied Wagtail roost c 200 last night.

Friday 24 December 2021

Wintersett 24.12.2021

Wintersett Res:

The Bittern showed in the boathouse reeds.   Shoveler 4.  Little Grebe 2.

Thursday 23 December 2021

Carlton Marsh

23 Common Gulls and a Little Egret were on the Wader Scrape this morning. A Chiffchaff and a Willow Tit called near the doubles seats on the embankment and a Great Spot Woodpecker was also present. (JP/L & A Corrall).

Wintersett 23.12.2021

Anglers CP:

Teal 60.  Shoveler 8.  Lesser Redpoll 35.   

Wintersett Res:

Mediterranean Gull 1 adult in west bank clump fieldA Siskin flew over.

Wednesday 22 December 2021

Carlton Marsh

An estimated 200 Pink Feet Geese headed west at 08.45hrs. 35 Herring and 11 Common Gulls frequented the wader scrape. Also of note 6 Fieldfares, 3 Redwings, c30 Goldfinches, 4 Siskins, 1 Greenfinch and 3 Linnets added colour to an otherwise grey day (JP/L & A. Corrall).

Wintersett 22.12.2021

 Anglers CP:

Whooper Swan 6 adults.   Pintail 1 male + 1 female.  

Cormorant 25 + 1 WRes. + 2 CHRes..

Little Grebe 1.

Wintersett Res:

The Bittern showed in the boathouse reeds at 10.23hrs.   

A Water Rail was seen in the south west corner. 

Cetti's Warbler 1 south west corner + 1  north bank.   

An adult Mediterranean Gull was on at 11.05hrs.

Pink-footed Geese: 

60 west at 09.30hrs ACP.    130 west north west at 11.10 hrs.WRes.

Tuesday 21 December 2021

Wintersett + Gull Roost 21.12.2021

 Anglers CP:

 Siskin 17.  Shelduck 6.

Goosander 28.   Woodcock 2 at dusk.

Anglers CP Gull Roost:

Psycho, the adult Yellow-legged Gull  was in.  

Also Great Black-backed Gull 15.  Lesser Black-backed Gull 1. 

Carlton Marsh

80 Pink Feet Geese flew NW at 12.35hrs (G. Miller). Earlier Green Woodpecker called, as did 2 Water Rails and a Woodcock was flushed by a dog. 

8 Herring Gulls, 5 Common Gulls and 14 Teal frequented the wader scrape and a Fox was hunting a field at the back (L & A Corrall).

Low Moor/Midhope 21/12/21, J Wasse, S Green.

Hen Harrier 1, Barn Owl 1, Sparrowhawk 1, Kestrel 2, Raven 2, Nuthatch 1.

Wintersett WeBS December 2021

Mute Swan 6.   Canada Goose 126.   Greylag Goose 146.   Cormorant 25.   

Coot 152.  MoorHen 17.  Water Rail 1.  Great Crested Grebe 27.  Little Grebe 2.

Mallard 46.  Teal 52.  Shoveler 11.  Gadwall 14.  Wigeon 179. Tufted Duck 213.

Pochard 182. Goldeneye 83. Goosander 19. 

Grey Heron 6. Lapwing 133. Snipe 3.  

Monday 20 December 2021

Wintersett + Gull Roost 20.12.2021

Wintersett Res:

The Bittern showed in the boathouse reeds at 09.35hrs, and again at 10.25hrs. 

Goldeneye 50 + 25 ACP.  Little Grebe 2.  

Anglers CP:

Pintail 1 drake.   Teal 47.  Shoveler 11.  Cormorant 14.   Siskin 1.

Pink-footed Geese:  

120 NNW at 09.20hrs,  30 W at 10.15hrs,  26 SW at 10.37hrs,  

58 NW at 14.47hrs and 20 dropped in field  near Golf Course at 15.20hrs. 

Anglers CP Gull Roost:

Psycho, the adult Yellow-legged Gull flew in from Walton Hall at 15.45hrs.

Great Black-backed Gull 31.  Lesser Black-backed Gull 2.  Herring Gull 510.

Wintersett Ringing Recoveries per @BeckyBailey101

 Following two earlier records this year, in November and May, 

the adult female Lesser Redpoll AJN9625,  caught last week,  

was ringed at RSPB Geltsdale, Cumbria on 21/07/21. 

       That's three controls at Wintersett this year making the same trip!



Wilthorpe Marsh 20/12/21.

Quiet with Geese the main highlight. 2 skeins of Pinkfeet with c 200 w at 12-40 pm were presumably the same as those over Hoylandswaine and c 80 w at 12-50 pm. The first noteable flock of Fieldfare c 60. Flock of c 30 Siskin on alders, 2 GS Peckers, 2 Goldcrests.

Sunday 19 December 2021

Wilthorpe Marsh 19/12/21.

Elusive Water Pipit flew to sewage farm which had Chiffchaff, 2 Goldcrests, 1 Fieldfare and a flushed Tawny Owl. L Egret 1, J Snipe 1.

Saturday 18 December 2021

Wintersett 18.12.2021

 Anglers CP:

The male CinammonTeal was off the west bank, then came into the shallows mid morning.

Teal 52 + 2 WRes.   Shoveler 11.    75 Pink-footed Geese were in the back fields.

Lapwing 133.  Snipe 3.    Lesser Redpoll 18.  

2 Nuthatch are regular visitors to the feeding station. 

Wintersett Res:

A Water Rail was calling in the boathouse reeds.   Goosander 19 + 3 Botany Bay.

Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult.   A Grey Wagtail was on the spillway.

Friday 17 December 2021

Wintersett + Gull Roost. 17.12.2021

 Anglers CP:

The Cinammon Teal was back on the shallows this morning.

Shoveler 8 + 2 WRes..  Pochard 121 + 21 WRes..  Snipe 5.

Wintersett Res. + Gull Roost.

2 Pink-footed Geese flew over east. 

An adult Yellow-legged Gull was notable in the gull roost late afternoon.

Carlton Marsh

 c40 Pink Feet Geese NW 09.58hrs (JP/I. & K. Packard)

Wilthorpe Marsh 17/12/21, P Middleton, S Green.

Water Pipit 1, J Snipe 3, C Snipe 5, Parakeet 5, L Egret 1. Cetti"s 1 showed briefly a few times , Willow Tit 1 on canal opposite tinkers pond. Jay 6, Siskin c 5, Grey Partridge c 12, Teal c 50. GS Pecker 1, G Pecker 1. Pinkfeet c 120 w over Mapplewell at 9-45 am.

Thursday 16 December 2021

Hen Harrier

Wheres TPT ?

Carlton Marsh

Today's best birds were Buzzard, Kestrel, Green and Great Spot Woodpecker, Treecreeper, Song Thrush, Redwing, 2 Goldcrest, Cetti's Warbler, 3 Siskin, Water Rail, 4 Shoveler and 25 Teal (JP/I. Morris/A. Leggat/L. & A Corrall/K. Bannister.

Wintersett 16.12.2021

 Anglers CP:

Shoveler 4 + 1 WRes..   Gadwall 5.   Cormorant 18 + 5 WRes +  2 CHRes.. 

Wintersett Res:

A Marsh Harrier flew over over, then went west at 11.30hrs.

Wednesday 15 December 2021

Carlton Marsh

Yesterday (14/12/21) a Peregrine was perched on the tallest chimney at Ardagh Glassworks. A Chiffchaff (possibly 2) called repeatedly from the same piece of wet woodland as on previous days and 51 Magpies entered the roost (CG).

A clump of Velvet Shank fungi was fruiting on a Willow tree and Candlesnuff fungi was growing on rotting wood.

Today Cetti's Warbler, Water Rail, 12 Canada Geese, 2 Goldcrest, Treecreeper, Great Spot Woodpecker, 15 Skylarks, and 15 Pied Wagtails were on the ploughed fields. (JP/C. Parkin/K. Bannister).

A Fox was seen with a Wood Pigeon its mouth (CP).

Wintersett 15.12.2021

 Wintersett Res:

The Bittern showed in the boathouse reeds at 08.50hrs.

Tuesday 14 December 2021

Wintersett 14.12.2021

 Anglers CP:

 Lapwing 184.    Shoveler 4.

Teal 62.    Pochard 135 + 37 WRes..

Monday 13 December 2021

Carlton Marsh

Today's highlights were Little Egret, Wigeon, Shoveler, Cetti's Warbler, 4 Grey Partridges, 2 Goldcrests and a Treecreeper. (L & A Corral/JP/K. Bannister/Steve Grove/CG).

2 Foxes were hunting the Northern Meadow.

Wintersett 13.12. 2021

 Anglers CP:

Pochard 116 +  43 WRes. + 2 CHRes..   Teal 22.  Shoveler 3 + 1 WRes.. 

Shelduck 1 + 1 WRes..  Cormorant 15 + 4 Wintersett Res..

Wintersett Res:

Little Grebe 3 + 1 ACP.   Cetti's Warbler 1 west bank.

Water Rail 1 boathouse reeds + 1 north east bank.

Sunday 12 December 2021

Wintersett + Ringing 12.12.2021

Anglers CP + Ringing

A Woodcock was on the Pol. 

Siskin 1 + 6.   Lesser Redpoll 10.

8 Birds were ringed this morning:  

Highlights were 3 Goldfinch,  1 Lesser Redpoll,  2 Blackbirds and a control Lesser Redpoll 


                                    Control Lesser Redpoll, adult female 

                                      ringed at Anglers CP by R. Bailey.

Moorhouse Lane Pond Railway: 

Treecreeper 1 + 1 Botany Bay. 

Wintersett Res:

A male Cetti's Warbler singing on the north bank.

Saturday 11 December 2021

Carlton Marsh

Yesterday (Friday 10th December)
Little Egret, 2 Dabchick, Fieldfare, 30 Jackdaws with 1 Rook (scarce here now), 32 Magpies,  Red-legged Partridge, 10 Linnet, and Grey Wagtail (JP).

25 Herald Moths are hibernating under a bridge again (Chris Parkin)

Today (Saturday 11th December)
Little Egret, 8 Herring Gulls and 4 Common Gulls were on the wader scrape. Elsewhere a Cetti's Warbler sang and c50 Skylarks were feeding on nearby fields (JP).

Carlton Marsh 7/12/21 CG

Friday 10 December 2021

Wintersett + Gull Roost 10.12. 2021

 Anglers CP:

Cormorant 10 + 3 WRes. + 2 CHRes.   Shoveler 5.  

Redwing 13.  Siskin 6.  

Anglers CP Gull Roost:

Great Black-backed Gull 55.   Lesser Black-backed Gull 3.   Goosander 33.

Thursday 9 December 2021

Wintersett 09.12.2021

Another quiet day.

Wintersett Res:

A Water Rail was in the boathouse reeds.

Anglers CP:

Siskin 10.

Wednesday 8 December 2021

Bretton cp 8/12/21.

Not the place it used to be regards wildfowl and water bird counts. Highlight was the raft of Shovelers c 70. Also Goosander 5, GC Grebe 4, Coot 52, Tufted Duck 21, Teal 15, Mute Swan 8, Gadwall 10 and just 1 drake Pochard. GS Pecker 3, Kingfisher 1, Siskin 2.

Tuesday 7 December 2021

Carlton Marsh

 The wintering Chiffchaff was calling again from the Whin Pool wood (JP).

Cudworth Park
A wintering female Blackcap was seen in Cudworth Park near the Battle of the Somme Memorial (Alan Stonier).

Wintersett 07.12.2021

Even quieter than yesterday.

Wintersett Res:

The Bittern in the boathouse reeds showed at 09.07hrs.

Anglers CP:

Siskin 7.

Monday 6 December 2021

Wintersett 06.12.2021

Wintersett Res:

The Bittern in the boathouse reeds was seen at 08.35hrs.    Pochard  41.

Anglers CP: 

A female/immature Common Scoter was new in today.   

Wigeon 248.   Snipe 13.

Sunday 5 December 2021

Wilthorpe Marsh 5/12/21.

Highlights were Jack Snipe 2, Raven 2, rh Goosander 1 on river. 2 ad Common Gull and 1 Herring Gull down.

Wintersett + Vis.Mig: 05.12.2021

Wintersett Res:

The Bittern was seen in the boathouse reeds at 08.45hrs.   Cetti's Warbler 1.

A Kingfisher was by the boathouse and a Peregrine flew over.  Shoveler 3.

Anglers CP  Vis.Mig: 

Going west:

Redwing 33.  Fieldfare 9.

Anglers CP:

Teal 41 + 1 WRes..  Cormorant 13 + 2 WRes..  Pochard 117.  Goosander 3. 

Cold Hiendley:

Golden Plover 11 in nearby field.

Carlton Marsh

Today a Grey Wagtail was feeding in front of the hide. Linnet and Siskin flew over and a Chiffchaff called from the same piece of woodland again. Also of note, Kingfisher, Cetti's Warbler, c20 Redwing, c25 Blackbird and a Mistle Thrush sang (CG)

A Fox tried to grab a Pheasant without success (JP).

Saturday 4 December 2021

Wintersett + Vis.Mig. 04.12.2021

 Anglers CP:

23 House Sparrows and 2 Nuthatch at the feeding station.  

A calling Raven flew over west at 10.55hrs.  Green Woodpecker 1.  Siskin 1

Anglers CP Vis.Mig:

Going west:

Starling 29 (9 + 7+ 13)    Fieldfare 12   Redwing 179

Going north west:    

Shoveler 3.

Wintersett Res:

The Bittern showed in the boathouse reeds.

Friday 3 December 2021

Carlton Marsh

This morning several hundred B.H. Gulls were following the plough along with c30 Pied Wagtails and 20 Starlings. An adult Herring Gull wearing a yellow Darvic ring may have been from the Harewood Whin, Rufforth landfill site, to the west of York, as up to 3,000 were colour ringed there from 2015.
A Buzzard flushed c100 Skylarks and  a large group of finches thought to be linnets and a Grey Partridge called (JP).

This afternoon a Little Egret left the wader scrape south at 15.50hrs, a Tawny Owl called at dusk and a Snipe left to feed just after dark (Dave Standish).

Cudworth Common
12 Siskin, a singing Mistle Thrush, 15 Fieldfares and 10 Redwings.

Ferrymoor Flash 
90 Canada Geese, 14 Greylags and 7 Shovelers (CG)

Wintersett 03.12.2021

 Anglers CP:

Siskin 15.  Teal 24.  

Wintersett Res:

2 calling Ravens flew south west at 10.23hrs.  

15 Lesser Redpoll were in trees at the Ruin.

A Water Rail was heard off north east bank.

Thursday 2 December 2021

Wintersett 02.12.2021

 Anglers CP:

2 Nuthatch are regular visitors to the feeding station.  

Pochard 112 + 35 WRes.  Cormorant 9 + 5 WRes.  Wigeon 251.  Snipe 6.

Wintersett Res.

The Bittern showed in the boathouse reeds at 09.50hrs.   Water Rail 1.  

Cetti's Warbler 1 west bank + 1 south west bank  + 1 south east bank + 1 north bank.  

Goosander 27.   Little Grebe 4 + 1 Anglers CP.  Shoveler 3.  

Carlton Marsh

Today's highlights Green Woodpecker yaffling, Chiffchaff calling, Buzzard, Kestrel, 2 Greenfinch, 6 Redwing and Peregrine south (L & Corrall/D. Lomas).