Saturday, 31 July 2021

Wintersett + Ringing 31.07.2021

Anglers CP: 

A Green Sandpiper landed on a puddle in the car park early at 07.40hrs, then left west!

A Little Egret flew over north west at 08.00hrs. 

A Hobby was seen at 08.14hrs.  

Swift 102.   Oystercatcher 2.  Common Sandpiper 1 on shallows. 

Walton Hall:

Psycho, the adult Yellow-legged Gull still present.  Wigeon 1.

57 birds were ringed this morning at Wintersett. 

Highlights were: 9 Willow Warbler,   9 Chiffchaff,   14 Reed Warbler,   4 Sedge Warbler,  7 Whitethroat,  1 Lesser Whitethroat,   6 Blackcap  and 2 Reed Bunting.

Friday, 30 July 2021

Wintersett 30.07.2021

 Wintersett Res.

Black-necked Grebe 1 juvenile.   Common Tern 7 + 4 Anglers CP.   

Oystercatcher 2.   Goldeneye 5 females.

Anglers CP:

Cormorant 4  Little Grebe 1 adult.

A Great Crested Grebe family came into the shallows for breakfast.  Plenty of small fish for young Grebes learning to find their own food.

Follow link for video.

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Carlton Marsh

A juv. Buzzard called and a Juv. Grey Wagtail flew over the hide.

Insects included the Silver Washed Fritillary near the top of the steps on the embankment resting on Alder and Hawthorn leaves in the cool conditions of mid-day.

2 male Southern Hawkers were patrolling their territories on the embankment (CG).

This afternoon's butterflies included 1 Painted Lady, 25 Peacock, 3 Comma, 57 Meadow Brown, 24 Ringlet, 64 Gatekeeper, 9 Speckled Wood, 5 Large Skipper, 24 Small Skipper, 2 Common Blue, 12 Large White and c20 Larvae of Small Tortoiseshell. 

A single Broad-leaved Helleborine (Epipactus helleborine) was a new Orchid species for the reserve (Chris Parkin)

Wintersett 29.07.2021

 Wintersett Res.

Common Tern 11.  A  1st summer Hobby was  hunting over late afternoon.  

 257 Swifts flew south from 15:30 to 16:30hrs

Anglers CP: 

Oystercatcher 2.  Swift 60.  Common Sandpiper 1.

An Eclipse drake Garganey swam into shallows at 17.00hrs.  

Drake Garganey in eclipse   Anglers CP   SDenny 


An Essex Skipper was on the east bank Anglers CP.

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

Wintersett 28.07.2021

 Wintersett Res.

Black-necked Grebe 1 adult + 1 juvenile.   Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult (Psycho).

Anglers CP:

Greylag Goose 68.   Swift 40.   Common Tern 2 adults.

Mallard young:  6 fledged + 4 medium/large young.

Dock Pond (Moorhouse Lane) 

Gadwall 8 fledged young.  

Tufted Duck young: 3 small/medium, also  4 small Wintersett Res..


Four Spotted Chaser  2  Dock Pond. 


A Small Copper  and a Small Skipper were in the east bank meadow Anglers CP. 

                            Small Copper   Anglers CP  east bank meadow  ASmith

Carlton Marsh

Our wildlife group was busy staining the infrastructure around the hide and cutting the grass around the car park this morning. 

Meantime Les & Andrew Corrall took a walk round and saw little change in the birds and butterflies on show except for a second brood Holly Blue. 

Then out of the blue, Andrew saw what he thought was a Comma that turned out to be a magnificent male Silver Washed Fritillary flying around the tops of Hawthorns, flanked by Cherry, Beech, Sycamore and Alder, before it came down to feed on Greater Knapweed. No one else managed to see it, as soon after, the rain came down. 
This was a first for this site and the first new butterfly species since the Dark Green Fritillary in July 2010, which was also found by Les and the late Ralph Hibbert.

Silver Washed Fritillary (Argynnis paphia) (Les Corrall)
The underside (Les Corrall) 

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Wintersett 27.07.2021

 Wintersett Res.

Black-necked Grebe 2.   Click link below for  @StevieD131 video  

Common Tern 3 +  2 Anglers CP.    Cormorant 3.

Great Crested Grebe 3 + 2 Anglers CP,   

Anglers CP:

Mallard young  6 large +  2 small.    


A Ringlet was on the north west bank,  Wintersett Res..


2 Red-eyed Damselflies were on lily pads on Botany Bay.   

A female Ruddy Darter  north east bank, Wintersett Res.

Monday, 26 July 2021

Carlton Marsh

26 birds ringed this morning included 11 Reed Warblers, 3 Blackcaps, 3 Robins and 3 Sedge Warblers. A Controlled adult Sedge Warbler was ringed at Wintersett Res. on 8/8/20 as a juvenile. My thanks to Pete Smith for this information.

During the morning a Green Woodpecker called along with a Willow Tit (near the ringing rides SE3709) and a Coal Tit. A peregrine flew over and a LBB Gull had a green darvic ring too distant to see. (JP)

An Early Moth was resting on a leaf, a Cinnabar larva was feeding and a male Vapourer Moth was flying.

4 Peregrines were seen over the Newtown, Cudworth estate in the afternoon (D. Standish).

Wintersett + Ringing + Lepidoptera 26.07.2021

Anglers CP:  

Tufted Duck 1 female + 12 very small young in SW cornerAlso 5 small young  off north east bank Wintersett Res..

A Kingfisher was on the shallows. 

Wintersett Res:

The adult and a juvenile Black- necked Grebe still present.   Common Tern 4. 

33 Birds were ringed:

Chiffchaff 6.   Willow Warbler 7.   Blackcap 10.  Garden Warbler 3.  

Reed Warbler 4.

Lepidoptera Wintersett Res.

Small Copper 1 north bank.    Ringlet 1 west bank.   A Meadow Brown and a  Small Skipper north west bank.  


2 male Red-eyed Damselfly were on Botany Bay.

Sunday, 25 July 2021

Carlton Marsh

Today's highlights were, Green Sandpiper that circled the scrape before leaving and a Grasshopper Warbler that sang in the meadow south of the wader scrape. Also of note Coal Tit, Goldcrest, 3 Song Thrush (2 Juvs), 19 Herring Gulls and 32 LBB Gulls.

Insects included 1f Southern Hawker, 1m Emperor, 3 Brown Hawker, 2 Banded Demoiselle, 6 Black -tailed Skimmer, 1 Purple Hairstreak, 5 Gatekeeper, 9 GV White, 2 Large White, 1 Peacock (from a new brood) and 2 Small Skipper, 

Wintersett + Lepidoptera + Odonata 25.07.2021

Wintersett Res:

Black-necked Grebe 1 adult + 1 juvenile.  Tufted Duck 5 young in north east corner.  Common Tern 4.   

Cold Hiendley Res: 

Kingfisher 1.  Goldeneye 4 females + 3 males Wintersett Res..

Anglers CP: 

Egyptian Goose 5. 

A juvenile Peregrine gave the gulls some grief this morning.   Follow link to see video.   

Photos and Video @StevieD131

Egyptian Geese at Anglers CP     SDenny



A Ringlet was on the west bank Wintersett Res.

2 Small Skippers at Cold Hiendley Res..


A  Red-eyed Damselfly male was on Botany Bay Lilies. 

A Four spotted Chaser  was on the east bank Wintersett Res. 

Wintersett WeBS for July 2021

 Here is the Wintersett WeBS count for July 2021.

MuteSwan 45   Canada Goose 40   Greylag Goose 3   Egyptian Goose 5

Cormorant 3   Coot 179   Moorhen  21  

Great Crested Grebe 34   Little Grebe 1   Black-necked Grebe 2

Mallard 105   Gadwall 10   Tufted Duck 195   Goldeneye 7  

Lapwing 20   Oystercatcher 1   Common Tern 4   Kingfisher 1

Saturday, 24 July 2021

Wintersett + VisMig + Ringing 24.07.2021

 Anglers CP Vis. Mig:

An adult Mediterranean Gull flew north at 09.20hrs.  60 Swifts flew south.

Wintersett Res:

A Redshank flew over.  Goldeneye 5 females.  

Tufted Duck 1 small young + 7 small young 

Cold Hiendley Res: 

A Grey Wagtail was on lower spillway.

61 Birds were ringed at Wintersett this morning, 

Highlights were:  

7 Willow Warbler,   11 Chiffchaff,   12 Whitethroat,   11 Reed Warbler,   6 Sedge Warbler,   3 Linnet,  4 Goldfinch,   3 Reed Bunting,   1 juvenile Willow Tit  and 1 Grasshopper Warbler.

Friday, 23 July 2021

Wintersett 23.07.2021

 Anglers CP:

Redshank  1 in + 2 flew west.   Mallard young 3 small. 

Tufted Duck - several in wing moult and 1 young with no female, 7 very small young + 7 very small young (from 9) Wintersett Res..   

Wintersett Res:

Goldeneye 6 females.  Tufted duck 1 young.   Willow Tit 1 west bank clump. 


A male Small red-eyed Damselfly on Botany Bay.  

Thursday, 22 July 2021

Wintersett + Ringing + Moths + Butterflies 22.07.2021

 Anglers CP:

Oystercatcher 2 adults + 1 juvenile.   Common Tern 3 adults + 3 juveniles.

Tufted Ducklings 4 small with no female. 

27 Birds were ringed today:  

11 Blackcaps,   3 Garden Warbler,  3 Whitethroat,  2 Chiffchaff and 2 Willow Warblers.

Moth trapping:

Improved moth numbers overnight,  with the second Brown Scallop in 4 days plus Sycamore, Oak Nycteoline and Evergestis Pallidata.

                                                   Evergestis Pallidata   PSmith  22.07.2021


Painted Lady  1 on Haw Park Lane.  

A Ringlet, a Small Skipper and a Large Skipper were seen at Anglers CP.
