Tuesday, 30 June 2020
Cudworth Common
Wintersett 30.06.20
Very little to report today.
Wintersett Res: Redshank 1.
Anglers CP: Oystercatcher 5.
Monday, 29 June 2020
Wintersett 29.06.20
Anglers CP: Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult. Arctic Tern 2. Common Tern 5. A Curlew flew south west at 10.05hrs. Mallard 4 large young. Black-headed Gull 1 very small young.
Wintersett Res: Tufted Duck 36. Goldeneye 1 female. A female Mandarin was in the north east corner at 16.15hrs. 500 Swifts were feeding over this afternoon.
Coleoptera: A longhorn beetle, Rutpela maculata, found at Anglers CP, by Steve Denny, on 27th June 2020 was a first for this part of the Wintersett Area.
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Rutpela maculata Anglers CP 27.06.20 SDenny |
Sunday, 28 June 2020
Cudworth Common
3 singing Garden Warblers, 2 Grey Partidge and Kestrel with prey.
Two nice plants of interest Marsh Woundwort and Agrimony.
Low Moor 28/6/20.
Wintersett and another 1st for the area
Anglers CP Vis.Mig: per @grayspeight and @StevieD131 Peregrine 1 over.
Going south: Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult. Swift 334. Starling 157. Sand Martin 7. Teal 1. Grey Wagtail 1. Siskin 1.
Another 1st for the area!
Pete Smith had a pleasant surprise when he returned to Anglers CP car park at lunchtime. He saw a moth resting on the front grill of his car. On closer inspection, he realised it was a much wanted Small Ranunculus, Hecatera dysodea. A new species for the Wintersett area and the 387th for the macro moth species list!
Small Ranunculus, Hecatera dysodea. 1st for Wintersett ASmith |
Saturday, 27 June 2020
Wintersett 27.06.20
Anglers CP: 2 Siskin flew south east. Teal 1. Oystercatcher 6. Mallard 7 very small young with the pale female + 8 very small young WRes.
Wintersett Res: Pochard 1 female. Common Tern 5.
Odonata: A Southern Hawker was seen in Haw Park Wood.
26/6/20 Ewden Height + Moorland fringe
Ewden Height highlight was a fine Hobby observed insect catching for a good 5 minutes before it drifted towards Bolsterstone. Also - 2 Buzzard, 4 Swift, Siskin, 10+ Curlew, 3 Snipe, 10+ Meadow Pipit (many food carrying), 2 Pied Wagtails south, 4 Willow Warbler, 3 LBBG, 5 Linnet, 3 BHG.
Later on at sites nearby -
Nightjar - 2 churring at separate sites, 3 seen in total with one particularly confiding bird regularly perching on a post on moorland.
Long-eared Owl - Adult seen hunting over moorland around dusk with juveniles heard calling from 2 separate sites.
Hobby - flew low over fields at 21.45.
Curlew - party of 5 south at 21.45.
Woodcock - 2 roding at dusk
Friday, 26 June 2020
Wintersett 26.06.20
Anglers CP Vis.Mig: Curlew 1 over.
Going north: Little Egret 1 at 05.15hrs.
Going south: Green Sandpiper 1 flew over SW at 09.35hrs. Crossbill 1 + 2 and 12 in HPWood. Swift 24. Sand Martin 11. Siskin 10.
Going west: Starling 48.
Anglers CP: Shoveler 3 and were later on WRes..
Wintersett Res: Goldeneye 1 female.
Haw Park Wood: Siskin 20.
Lepidoptera: White-letter Hairstreak 3 Haw Park Lane.
Overnight moth trapping highlights Lilac Beauty 1. Scarce Footman 1. Dark Sword-grass 1. Beautiful Hook-tip 12.
Thursday, 25 June 2020
Wintersett 25.06.20
Anglers CP Vis.Mig:
Going south: Cuckoo 1 adult. Golden Plover 1. Siskin 1.
Anglers CP: Ringed Plover 1 over. Pochard 9.
Wintersett Res: Goldeneye 1 female. Willow Tit 1 SW corner (unringed). Mallard 3 fledged young + 1 small young.
Haw Park Wood: Crossbill 6.
Overnight moth trapping highlights: Pine Hawk-moth 1. Lime Hawk-moth 1. Clay Triple Lines. Beautiful Hook-Tip. Plain Wave.
Amphibian: Newt eft 1.
A young newt is called an eft. This one was on the footpath at ACP this morning. ASmith |
Carlton Marsh - 24th June 2020
The main preoccupation last night though was moths. Harry Beaumont joined Chris Parkin and I for a late night session (always at 2 metres apart). We ran 3 MV light traps in perfect conditions, the minimum, temperature was 17c, but that was at 2am. 45 macro species were identified that included Green Silver Lines, Poplar Grey, Grey Arches, Varied Coronet, Eyed and 3 Elephant Hawk moths, Barred Yellow and lots more. Green Silver Lines, Varied Coronet and Dark Spectacle were all new. The Poplar Grey was only our second record, the first way back in 1994. Grey Arches was our third record and the first since 1992.
While all this was going on a Reed Warbler continued to sing into the night until at least 1.30am and Male and Female Tawny Owl were also calling.
24/06/2020 - Wharncliffe Heath NR
After sunset produced my best ever night for Nightjar on the reserve. Activity including churring, calling and wing clapping was almost continuous for a solid hour. With a coordinated effort between myself and the other observer, Dave Buttle, it is thought to involve a minimum of 8 birds, including at least 6 males and 2 females. 5 Woodcock and 2 Tawny Owl were also recorded.
Wednesday, 24 June 2020
Wintersett 24.06.20
Haw Park Wood: A Red Kite flew over Haw Park Wood at 08.50hrs and was seen over Anglers CP car park at 12.30hrs.
Cold Hiendley: Starling 60.
Anglers CP: Herring Gull 12.
Moorhouse Lane Pond: Little Grebe young 2 + 1.
Odonata: Common Darter 1 teneral at MLPond.
Lepidoptera:White-letter Hairstreak 2 Botany Farm. Small Skipper 10 Moorhouse Lane Pond.
Reptile: 2 Grass Snakes were in the area.
Midhopestones 23/6/20.
Tuesday, 23 June 2020
Cudworth Common
Monday, 22 June 2020
22/6/20 Ewden Height
9 Linnet, 4 Goldfinch, 3 singing Willow Warbler, 10+ Curlew, m+f Kestrel, Siskin, 4 Swift, 6 Pied Wagtail south (1+5), Swallow, Buzzard, Lapwing east.
Earlier at Wortley a group of 10+ finches over were probably Crossbill.
Carlton Marsh
Wintersett 22.06.20
Wintersett Res: 5 Curlew flew west. Pochard 8. Common Sandpiper 1.
Cold Hiendley Res: Grey Wagtail 2 on spillway.
Anglers CP: Shoveler 3. The 2 young Oystercatchers are flying!
Haw Park Wood: Crossbill 10. Siskin 6.
Sunday, 21 June 2020
Wintersett 21.06.20
Anglers CP: 10 Crossbill flew over, high south at 09.45hrs. Little Ringed Plover 1. Lapwing 55. Oystercatcher 6. + 2 large/fledged young.
Wintersett Res: Goldeneye 1 female. Great Crested Grebe 10 + 6 ACP + 2 CHRes.. Mute Swan 4 young.
Odonata: Red-eyed Damselfly 2m Botany Bay.
Saturday, 20 June 2020
Low Moor 20/6/20.
20/06/2020 - Wharncliffe Wood
Wintersett + Crossbills 20.06.20
Wintersett Res: Swifts were carrying food balls to feed young early this morning.
Anglers CP: Oystercatcher 1 adult + 2 well grown young + 5 flew in from the west at 10.55hrs..
153 Swift flew south in 2 hours per @Fitzybirder Willow Tit 1.
Haw Park Wood:
Siskin 1. A flock of around 40 Crossbills around the larches in the picnic bench area this morning, and coming down to drink in the puddles.
Here's a video from Chris Swaine
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This was WOW! moment for visiting birder/photographer Nick Bristow See more https://twitter.com/nickbris56/status/1274297755209523200 |
Highlights were: 22 Blackcap, 1 Garden Warbler, 3 Whitethroat, 3 Sedge Warbler, 8 Reed Warbler, 1 Willow Tit, 38 Chiffchaff, 5 Willow Warbler, 3 Treecreeper, 2 Song Thrush and 3 Blackbirds.
Odonata: A Brown Hawker was on the west bank WRes.
Cudworth Common
There are still 2 pairs of Pochard and a pair of Great Crested Grebes (1 sitting bird).
Symphony Factory Compound
At least 4 adult Ringed Plover and 1 pair of Oystercatcher with very definitely 2 young on the Grimethorpe side of the roadway. A pair of Redshanks were also present.
On the Common
Coal Tit singing, 1 Siskin and 5 Ringlet butterflies.
Flowering plants included Common Spotted Orchid, Bee Orchid and Fox & cubs.
20/6/20 Midhope Res + Low Moor
Tufted Duck - female with 6 ducklings + 3 adult males; Little Grebe - 4+ adults and 4 juvs (2 well grown + 2 separate and much younger); Teal - heard; Siskin 5+; Crossbill 5+; Willow Warbler 10+ incl juvs; Chiffchaff 4; Blackcap 1; Greylag Goose 74 incl juvs; Oystercatcher 3 (left Midhope Res and flew towards Langsett Res calling before one returned); Curlew 5+; Snipe 1 display; Coal Tit and Long Tailed Tit juvs in a mixed group.
Friday, 19 June 2020
Wintersett 19.06.20
Anglers CP: 5 Curlew flew over. Little Ringed Plover 1. Redshank 1.
Wintersett Res: Gadwall 14. Goldeneye 1 female.
Cold Hiendley Res: Mute Swan 4 young + 3 new young.
Haw Park Wood: Crossbill 40.
Thursday, 18 June 2020
Chevet & Newmillerdam- An interesting past.
Chevet & Newmillerdam- An interesting past.
Last week I walked from Newmillerdam to Wintersett (Wakefield) , through Chevet. Chevet and Newmillerdam are on the fringe of the Barnsley bird recording area and a very under watched area. Chevet park (grounds of Chevet Hall) which included Newmillerdam has a significant history when it comes to natural history and having walked through the area it inspired me to write a few notes on the area.
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Map of Chevet Park |
Chevet hall stood at the pinnacle of Chevet park. Chevet hall was a stately home built in 1529 for Sir John Neville (Sheriff of Yorkshire), who was eventually executed by Henry VIII. The home was demolished in 1960 due to mining subsistence.
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Chevet Hall |
The Park had many different habitats from parkland to woodland, farmland and a lake (Newmillerdam) which was one of only a few waterbodies in Wakefield at the time.
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Newmillerdam -early 1900's |
Mr Roebuck commented that Wild Boars were plentiful at Chevet Park during a talk at Wakefield Naturalists on the historic mammals of Yorkshire on 20th April 1881. Chevet Park was also one of the last places to see Red Squirrel in the district.
The first mention of birds was in 1526 at the marriage feast of Sir John Neville’s first daughter, the feast contained Cranes, Herons, Snipe, Bittern, Quail, Larks, Dotterel and Bustards. In 1528 household records show 12 Spoonbills cost 1s a piece , 10 Bitterns 13s 4d.
Later in 1530 at his second daughters marriage included Peacocks, Cranes and Bitterns.
Other historic Bird Records noted by William Talbot during the 1800’s included Long eared Owl, Barn Owl, Blackcap, Crossbills (Shot) , Cormorant, Greater Spotted Woodpecker, Treecreeper, Scaup & Goosander. Notable birds recorded included Bitterns shot by LMS Pilkington Bart of Chevet Hall in 1845, followed by one shot by Mr W Hall (Superintendent of the Police) on 3rd January 1870. 3 Waxwings were shot in winter 1855 and one was stuffed by W Talbot. In 1858 a Red- Necked Grebe was shot at Newmillerdam, a Slavonian Grebe was also recorded (and shot) but no dates were given. Most notably a Honey Buzzard was shot by the gamekeeper Mr Mellow in September 1858 and sent to Talbot for preserving, and was given to LMS Pilkington Bart of Chevet Hall.
Chevet and Newmillerdam has remained seriously under watched for many years. However there is some interesting records in the past 100 years. The oldest modern day record is of a Water Rail on 27th October 1946, with one also in 28th December 1946. A Pied Flycatcher was noted on 16 April 1947 and it is likely to have bred in the area as there were records regularly in subsequent years. Spotted flycatchers regularly bred here, as did Lesser spotted woodpeckers.
The 1950’s saw some interesting records , 2 Dippers were seen on 5th November 1950, a Jack Snipe was seen on 16th January 1951, followed by a Green Sandpiper from 10th April until 17th April 1951. A Common Scoter was on the Lake on 14 July 1951. In 1953 a total of 800 Skylarks were on snow covered ground at Chevet on 15th January , later that year a roost of 4000 Jackdaws were seen as they left early morning on 29th November 1953. Later in 1956 , 100 Bramblings were seen in Chevet Woods on 27th January 1956, followed by several thousand Greenfinch on 29th January 1956. A ‘would be’ mega was seen on 29th April 1956 as a Common Buzzard flew over. In 1958 a Merlin was seen on 19th April.
In the 1960’s records were once again few and far between, the only notable bird was a Common Nightingale on 6th May 1963.
The 1970s saw another few interesting birds a Scaup stayed from 11th April until 11th September 1971. A flock of Common Eider at Wintersett saw 3 of the birds move to Newmillerdam between 5th – 26th December 1971. In 1972 a drake Red Crested Pochard was present on 20th May. A Little Tern stayed for 4 days between 20th– 24th August 1972, a notable flock of 80 Brambling roosted on 29th November 1972. In 1975 Pochard bred at Newmillerdam and in 1977, 2 pairs of Gadwall were introduced to Newmillerdam by South Yorkshire Wildfowl Association , 1 pair bred and raised 4 young. On 31st May 1977 a drake Ring necked duck was present, and with others at Fairburn and Tophilllow it suggests there was an influx.
The 1980’s and 1990’s have seen a barren period for records. During the 80’s only a Tree Pipit in 1982, a Mandarin Duck in 1984 were notable and in 90’s the 1991 Wood Warbler on 17th April was the only notable sighting.
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Newmillerdam 2020 |
At present the area is very rarely watched, but with a good range of habitats and a significant size lake it would make an excellent patch for a keen birder. Over the Lake there was the usual array of water birds as well as a number of Sand Martins (4) which I suspect are nesting in the Dam walls, I also noticed Swifts feeding over the treetops, I guess most of these will be from nearby colonies such as Kettlethorpe. Swallows (2) were seen and Nuthatches heard (3). Leaving the Woods towards Wintersett you follow a footpath along Bleakley Dike which is a stream that runs from Cold Hiendley reservoir to Newmillerdam. Along the field edges near the Dike the Habitat is superb scrub hosting Whitethroats , Yellowhammers , Reed Buntings, Lesser Whitethroats , Chiffchaffs, Willow Warblers , Garden Warblers , Bullfinch, Greenfinch and Goldfinch. The footpath will bring you to Chevet Water Treatment Plant, again excellent habitat with all 3 wagtails feeding. The treatment plant it surrounded by scrub but is easy to walk around and view from, and looks excellent for migrants and wintering rarities. As you follow Bleakley Dike to the east you eventually reach Chevet Lane and the edge of the Wintersett recording area.
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Chevet water treatment plant |
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Bleakley Dike |
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Bleakley Dike |
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Bleakley Dike |
Chris Swaine
Wintersett 18.06.20
Anglers CP: Little Ringed Plover 1. Canada Goose 77 + 15 young. Greylag Goose 30. Oystercatcher 6 adults + 2 young.
Wilthorpe Marsh 18/6/20.
Wednesday, 17 June 2020
Carlton Marsh
Wintersett 17.06.20
15 - 20 degrees, warm with high cloud, hot sunny spells and a light easterly.
Anglers CP: Shelduck 1. Grey Wagtail 2 juvenile. Little Ringed Plover 1.
Haw Park Wood: Siskin 1. 40 Crossbills were in the woodyard area around midday.
see https://twitter.com/SBillcliffe/status/1273250418936725506
Overnight moth trapping produced far fewer than yesterday. Orange Footman and Beautiful Hook-tip were the highlights.
Lepidoptera: Steve Denny took these at Moorhouse Lane Ponds.
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Emperor Dragonfly drying MLPond SDenny |
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Large Skipper MLPond SDenny |
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Ringlet MLPond SDenny |
Tuesday, 16 June 2020
Wintersett 16.06.20
Anglers CP: Little Ringed Plover 1. Black-headed Gull 2 migrant juveniles.
Haw Park Wood: Crossbill 35 Siskin 1.
Wintersett Res: Common Scoter 2m. Goldeneye 1f. Grey Wagtail 1. Sedge Warbler 1 juvenile west bank.
Overnight moth trapping produced: Orange Footman, Dark Sword-grass (a migrant), Grey Arches, Brown Rustic, Beautiful Hook-tip, Marbled White Spot, Eyed Hawk-moth and plenty of Elephant Hawk-moths.
Orange Footman Eilema sororcula ACP ASmith |
Midhopestones. 15/6/20.
Monday, 15 June 2020
Carlton Marsh
Wintersett 15.06.20
Anglers CP: Redshank 1. Little Ringed Plover 3. Oystercatcher 4 adults + 2 young + 4 adults CHSF. Mallard young 3 l/fl + 1 s/m + 4 s/m. Greylag Goose 30.
Wintersett Res: Willow Tit 1 west bank.
Odonata: Red-eyed Damslefly 1m Botany Bay + 1m NE WRes..
Lepidoptera: A Treble Lines was the only notable in the moth trap overnight.
Sunday, 14 June 2020
Ewden valley 14/6/20.
Saturday, 13 June 2020
Low Moor 13/6/20.
Carlton Marsh
A Red-eared Terrapin was swimming in the scrape.
Chris Parkin had our first Red Admiral of the year along with 9 Small Tortoiseshell, 54 Meadow Brown, 5 Common Blue, 1 Small Skipper, 7 Large Skipper, 1 Mother Shipton, 1 Silver Y and a fresh dead Common Shrew.
Cudworth Bridges
52 Small Tortoiseshell feeding on Spur Valerian.
Wintersett 13.06.20 and 14.06.20
Anglers CP: Little Ringed Plover 2. Oystercatcher 4 adults and 2 young.
Wintersett Res: Mallard 1s/m young. A Water Rail was in the west bank marsh. A Juvenile Blackcap was in the south west corner. Goldeneye 1 female.
Walton Hall: Whitethroat 2 juveniles. Mallard 6 VS young.
Sunday 14.06.20:
Anglers CP: Lapwing 58. Redshank 1.
Wintersett Res: Mallard 1 vs young.
Haw Park Wood: Crossbill 3. Siskin 2.
Mammal: A Weasel was in the ACP field.
Reptile: 3 Grass Snakes were in the area
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Grass Snake juvenile RBailey |
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Adult Grass Snake RBailey |
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Adult Grass Snake 'in blue' RBailey |
Friday, 12 June 2020
Wintersett Area Annual Report 2019
Wintersett 12.06.20
Anglers CP: Little Ringed Plover 2. Little Grebe 1.
Haw Park Wood: 20 Crossbills reported at 09.00hrs.
Wintersett Res: Goldeneye 1 female.
Amphibians: Toadlets were leaving the boathouse reeds.
Thursday, 11 June 2020
Carlton Marsh
Wintersett 11.06.20
Anglers CP: Little Ringed Plover 2.
Haw Park Wood: 20 Crossbills were around the central area near the picnic bench which is on the west to east path with the blue squares.
Haw Park Wood. |
Wednesday, 10 June 2020
A Whole Lot of Rosy
The householder does not wish to share the locality, fearing an invasion on their privacy.
Although the image lacks clarity, it appears to me that it may be a different bird to that at Cudworth last week.
Carlton Marsh
Wintersett 10.06.20
Anglers CP: Little Grebe 1. Little Ringed Plover 2. Greylag Goose 20.
Wintersett Res: Swallow 4 fledged young. Goldeneye 1 female. Mallard 4 very smallyoung + 2 small young CHRes.
Haw Park Wood: Crossbill 20.
Fungi in Pits Wood: Two interesting species were found by https://twitter.com/Fhickenbottom
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Eyelash fungus (Scutellinia sp.) at Pits Wood 08.06.20
A microscope is needed to attempt to identify the species.
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Yellow brain fungus (Tremella mesenterica) Pits Wood 08.06.20 |
Tuesday, 9 June 2020
Cudworth Common
Wintersett 09.06.20
Anglers CP: Little Ringed Plover 4. Little Grebe 2 adults.
Haw Park Wood: Crossbill 22.
Cold Hiendley Res: Nuthatch 1 adult + 1 fledged young on the north bank.
Wintersett Res: 7 (6+1) Grey Herons flew east. Goldeneye 1 female.
Mallard: 1 small young off NE bank + 8 small young on the canal.
Lepidoptera: A Ringlet was on the east bank WRes..
9/6/20 Wharncliffe Chase (south) + wood/farmland fringe
Fine views of a female Sparrowhawk which flew in front of my car for a good 10 seconds as I drove to the Chase. A Cuckoo called very briefly first thing but no more. 2 Crossbill called as they flew towards the woods and a Stonechat pair were food carrying. A decent group of c200 Starling were well scanned through without any sign of their pink eastern cousins.
c30 House Sparrow, Cuckoo, 4 Goldfinch, Swallow, 5 Lapwing, 5 Linnet, 5 Willow Warbler, Tree Pipit, 4 Stonechat (pair with food plus separate m/f), 15+ Skylark, fem Sparrowhawk, 2+ Siskin, 3 Stock Dove (song/display), Blackcap, 3 male Reed Bunting, Snipe (brief call/drumming), Kestrel, 5+ Mistle Thrush incl. juvs, 2 Crossbill, Curlew, c200 Starling incl.several juvs.
Monday, 8 June 2020
Carlton Marsh
Wintersett and a midday MEGA!! 08.06.20
Wintersett Res: A Bee -eater flew west at 12.0 5hrs, leaving to the WSW over Cold Hiendley Res. Common Tern 8. Goldeneye 1 female. Herring Gull 4. A Hobby with prey circled. over.
Haw Park Wood: Crossbill 3.
Anglers CP: A Black-tailed Godwit was on the shallows early morning. Little Ringed Plover 2. Pochard 1m. Little Grebe 1.
Mammals: 2 young Weasels were on ACP this evening.
Sunday, 7 June 2020
Wintersett 07.06.20
Anglers CP: A Lesser Whitethroat was in the CP field. Yellow Wagtail 1 + 1 CHRes..
Wintersett Res: Chris Swaine photgraphed an aberrant Common Swift today.
Reptile: Malcolm Oxlade photgraphed this Gecko at Wintersett Res. today. Steve Denny said:"My guess would be that this is a Leopard Gecko Eublepharis macularius, an imported pet that has either escaped or been released. Native to Afghanistan, Iraq & Iran.
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Leopard Gecko Eublepharis macularius WRes.. Malcolm Oxlade 07.06.20 |