Saturday, 31 December 2022



The Old Moor & Broomhill Area Year List total for 2022 amounted to 176 species (plus sightings of up to 5 Siberian Chiffchaff in January). The highlights included Marsh Tit, Green winged Teal, Iceland Gull, Lesser Yellowlegs, Little Tern, Long-tailed Skua, Pectoral Sandpiper, Brent Goose & Smew. Some species are increasing with multiple sightings of up to 8 Great White Egrets & up to 7 Spoonbill. Bittern, Marsh Harrier & Bearded Tit all bred again this year. Sadly others species are declining there were no records of Willow Tit this year for the first time I can remember and Grey Partridge and Tree Sparrow seem to be hanging by a thread. There were no new species added to the area list which remains at 260. Thanks to Old Moor RSPB, Garganey Trust and everyone else who have contriburted time, effort and sightings. Happy New Year & Best Wishes for a bird filled 2023.


1)Mute Swan, 2)Whooper Swan, 3)Pink-footed Goose, 4)Greylag Goose, 5), Canada Goose, 6)Shelduck, 7)Wigeon, 8)Gadwall, 9)Teal, 10)Green-winged Teal, 11)Mallard, 12)Pintail, 13)Shoveler, 14)Pochard, 15)Tufted Duck, 16)Goldeneye, 17)Goosander, 18)Red-legged Partridge, 19)Pheasant, 20)Little Grebe, 21)Great Crested Grebe, 22)Cormorant, 23)Bittern, 24)Little Egret, 25)Great White Egret, 26)Grey Heron, 27)Red Kite, 28)Marsh Harrier, 29)Sparrowhawk, 30)Buzzard, 31)Kestrel, 32)Merlin, 33)Peregrine, 34)Water Rail, 35)Moorhen, 36)Coot, 37)Oystercatcher, 38)Golden Plover, 39)Lapwing, 40)Snipe, 41)Woodcock, 42)Curlew, 43)Green Sandpiper, 44)Mediterranean Gull, 45)Black-headed Gull, 46)Common Gull, 47)Herring Gull, 48)Yellow-legged Gull, 49)Caspian Gull, 50)Lesser Black-backed Gull, 51)Great Black-backed Gull, 52)Feral Pigeon,  53)Stock Dove, 54)Woodpigeon, 55)Collared Dove, 56)Ring-necked Parakeet, 57)Barn Owl, 58)Tawny Owl, 59)Little Owl, 60)Kingfisher, 61)Green Woodpecker, 62)Great Spotted Woodpecker, 63)Skylark, 64)Meadow Pipit, 65)Water Pipit, 66)Grey Wagtail, 67)Pied Wagtail, 68)Wren, 69)Dunnock, 70)Robin, 71)Stonechat, 72)Blackbird, 73)Fieldfare, 74)Song Thrush, 75)Redwing, 76)Mistle Thrush, 77)Cetti’s Warbler, 78)Chiffchaff, 79)Goldcrest, 80)Bearded Tit, 81)Long-tailed Tit, 82)Coal Tit, 83)Blue Tit, 84)Great Tit, 85)Marsh Tit, 86)Nuthatch, 87)Treecreeper, 88)Jay, 89)Magpie, 90)Jackdaw, 91)Rook, 92)Carrion Crow, 93)Starling, 94)House Sparrow, 95)Chaffinch, 96)Brambling 97)Greenfinch, 98)Goldfinch, 99)Siskin, 100)Linnet, 101)Lesser Redpoll, 102)Bullfinch, 103)Yellowhammer, 104)Reed Bunting.   


105)Black-tailed Godwit (2 OM on 4th), 106)Jack Snipe (2 BH on 5th), 107)Redshank (BH on 11th), 108)Grey Partridge (1 flushed BI on 14th), 109)Dunlin (1 MM on 14th), 110)Iceland Gull (1 2nd Winter MM on 14th), 111)Ringed Plover (2 WI on 16th), 112)Avocet (1 OM on 17th), 113)Kittiwake (1 adult north west OM on 22nd), 114)Barnacle Goose (1 OM on 27th).

MARCH 2022

115)Little Ringed Plover (1 WI on 7th), 116)Black-necked Grebe (1 MM on 9th), 117)Sand Martin (1 BH on 11th), 118)Rock Pipit (1 ‘Scandi’ WI on 16th), 119)Little Gull (1 BH on 23rd), 120)Blackcap (1 Doveside on 24th), 121)Osprey (1 east BI on 26th), 122)Willow Warbler (1 singing Doveside on 26th), 123)Spoonbill (1 MM on 27th).

APRIL 2022

124)Common Scoter (1 WI on 2nd), 125)Swallow (1 WI on 2nd), 126)Mandarin (2 Darfield Bridge on 5th), 127)House Martin (1 BH on 7th), 128)Common Tern (1 OM on 11th), 129)Wheatear (2 Fleet on 11th), 130)Garganey (2 WI on 12th), 131)Yellow Wagtail (1 WI on 12th), 132)Red breasted Merganser (2 males MM on 12th), 133)Sedge Warbler (1 OM on 13th), 134)Common Sandpiper (1 OM on 13th), 135)Whimbrel (1 OM on 14th), 136)Whitethroat (1 BH + 1 Bwk on 14th), 137)Grasshopper Warbler (1 BI on 15th), 138)Reed Warbler (1 BI on 15th), 139)Lesser Whitethroat (3 OM on 20th), 140)Sandwich Tern (1 OM on 23rd), 141)Hobby (1 BI on 23rd), 142)Garden Warbler (2 OM on 25th), 143)Whinchat (2 OM on 26th), 144)Arctic Tern (3 east OM on 27th), 145)Swift (2 OM on 27th), 146)Greenshank (1 OM on 27th), 147)Wood Sandpiper (1 WI on 28th), 148)Tree Pipit (1 north BI on 29th). 

MAY 2022

149)Cuckoo (1 BI on 2nd), 150)Turnstone (1 OM on 4th), 151)Sanderling (1 OM on 10th), 152)Bar tailed Godwit (1 W/S on 12th), 153)Grey Plover (3 W/S on 16th), 154)Long eared Owl (1 male undisclosed location on 18th), 155)Red Crested Pochard (1 female MM on 20th), 156)Lesser Yellowlegs (1 MM/WS on 23rd), 157)Raven (3 east over GPF on 23rd).

JUNE 2022

JULY 2022

158)Egyptian Goose (1 ML on 2nd), 159)Ring Ouzel (1 male BHP Stones on 5th), 160)Little Tern (1 OM on 10th), 161)Ruff (1 OM on 23rd).


162)Crossbill (1 south west Manvers on 7th), 163)Black Redstart (1 BHV on 7th),164)Long-tailed Skua (1 east over Brampton/OM on 9th), 165)Spotted Flycatcher (1 BHP on 16th), 166)Little Stint (1 MM on 17th), 167)Spotted Redshank (1 MM on 25th), 168)Redstart (1 BHP on 30th), 169)Tree Sparrow (3 juvs BHV on 30th).


170)Curlew Sandpiper (1 MM on 7th).


171)Pectoral Sandpiper (1 MM on 1st), 172)Scaup (2 BI on 13th).


173)Brent Goose (1 OM on 14th), 174)Smew (1 RH OM/WS/BI/MM on 20th).


175)Mealy Redpoll (1 Cliff Road on 4th), 176)Waxwing (2 north west Manvers on 14th),


Key to Abbreviations

BH = Broomhill Flash, WI = Wombwell Ings, BI = Bolton Ings, OM = Old Moor, BWP = Brickworks Pond, WW = Warbler Way, BHP = Broomhill Park, MM = Main Marsh, GM = Gypsy Marsh, GPF = Golden Plover Fields, TPT = Trans Pennine Trail, BHV = Broomhill Village, Cyn = Canyon.

Wintersett Annual Round Up and Top Ten Birds of 2022 + Moth Highlights

 Wintersett Annual Round Up and Top Ten Birds of 2022

1. Barred Warbler trapped and ringed on 27.08.2022

2. Bearded Tit 1 male + 1 female 16 + 17 + 18.10.2022

3. Arctic Skua 1 adult dark phase 13.06.2022

4. Ring-necked Duck 1 female 06.01 + 15.01 + 18.01, 13.04 + 16.04.2022

5. Lapland Bunting 1 west 02.11.2022

6, Spoonbill 3 north

01.10.2022 + 1 juv south, then north 19.10.2022 + 2 south 28.10.2022

7. Gannet 1 juvenile west 18.10,2022.

8. Great Northern Diver 1 26.11.2022

9. Hawfinch 1 south 08.10.2022 Disposal Point + 1 over ACP 19.10.2022

10. Curlew Sandpiper 1 21.09.2022

MOTH Highlights

 It has been an amazing year for moths, due to the hot weather and good arrivals of migrants. 4 new macro moths were recorded.

1. Clifden nonpareil 02.09.2022. 2. Alder Kitten 14.06.2022. 3.White Point 05.09 2022

4. Pete Smith trapped a SALLOW NYCTEOLINE on 03.09.2022 


Wishing all our readers great birding
 and a Happy New Year 2023

Friday, 30 December 2022

Carlton Marsh

A Little Egret was on the wader scrape this morning with 14 Teal. On the main scrape 7 Tufted Ducks (5 males), Whooper Swan, Mute Swan and Cetti's Warbler. 15 Yellow Buntings came in at dusk to roost in the reedbeds (K. Bannister/CG).

Wintersett 30.12.2022

 Wintersett Res:

Only one bird of note today  -  Great White Egret  1.

Thursday, 29 December 2022

Wintersett + Gulls 29.12.2022

Anglers CP:

A skein of 14 Pink-footed Geese flew east north east. 

A Raven flew over west at 09.57hrs

Teal 70.  Cormorant 17 + 8 WRes..  

Pochard 102 + 65 WRes. + 36 CHRes..

Little Grebe 4 + 5 WRes.

Wintersett Res:

The Great White Egret flew to the north east bank.

Yellow-legged Gull, one adult, (probably Psycho) at dawn. 

Goldeneye 55 + 21 ACP.    Shoveler 28 + 2 CHRes. + 2 ACP. 

Greylag Goose 2 + 244 ACP. 

Cold Hiendley Sewage Works:

Pied Wagtail 57 on the filter beds.

Botany Bay: 

A Red kite flew over.

Tuesday, 27 December 2022

Wintersett 27.12.2022

 Anglers CP:

Pink-footed Goose 1.

Wintersett Res:

A Cetti's Warbler was on the north bank.  

A  Water Rail  was in the boathouse reeds. 

A Red Kite flew over south.

Monday, 26 December 2022

Cudworth Common

Single Meadow Pipit, Fieldfare, Buzzard and Snipe.

Ferrymoor Flash
One of the adult resident Mute Swans didn't make it through the freeze up last week and lay untouched. The juvenile and the other adult were present.

A Little Egret was resting in the trees and a female Pochard was with 2 male Tufted Ducks.

Wintersett 26.12.2022

 Anglers CP:

A juvenile Peregrine was chasing a Lapwing over the CP.

A Raven flew over the CP fields at 11.30hrs.

Wintersett Res:

Cetti's Warbler 1 north bank + 1 north east bank.

Cold Hiendley Res:

The Great White Egret still present.

Sunday, 25 December 2022

Low Moor/Midhope 25/12/22.

2 till 4pm. Very steady with not forecast rain on arrival but soon cleared. Poor for raptor species with 2 C Buzzards and 2 Kestrels. Good Lapwing movement with some getting down and a few flocks west, about 450 birds in total. Fieldfare flock c 100.

Saturday, 24 December 2022

Carlton Marsh

The mild conditions meant that all our open water was free of ice for the first time since 14th December. 3 Tufted Ducks, 2 Shovelers, 12 Teal, the Whooper Swan and the Mute Swan were quick to exploit this.

A Cetti's Warbler sang and 2 Water Rails called. Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers were also quite vocal and flyovers included a single Linnet, Fieldfare and 3 GBB Gulls south. 

Most of the Redwings now appear to have moved out. 12 Longtail Tits and 2 Siskins were in the car park and a Meadow Pipit was on a nearby field.

Jews Ear (Auricularia auricula-judae)

Wilthorpe Marsh west 24/12/22.

Very steady with Peregrine 1, Little Owl 1 heard only, somewhere near the railway line. Pied Wagtail c35, Meadow Pipit 3. Town centre Pied Wagtail roost still with c 180 last night near no 7 pub.

Wintersett 24.12.2022

Wintersett Res:

Water Rail 3 - north bank,  boathouse and 1 south west CHRes..

A Cetti's Warbler was on the north bank.  Lapwing 240.

Botany Bay:

Goosander 20 + 5 WRes.. 

Cold Hiendley Res. and Sewage Works:

Pied Wagtail 60   Meadow Pipit  25.   Chiffchaff 1.   Great White Egret 1.

Anglers CP: 

A Pink-footed Goose was in the CP field. 

Friday, 23 December 2022

Wintersett 23.12.2022

Cold Hiendley Res:

Just one bird of note today.   The Great White Egret was seen this morning. 

Thursday, 22 December 2022

Wilthorpe Marsh/Fleets Dam 22/12/22.

Wilthorpe. - Most of the Thrushes have moved on so no sign of the Peregrine for the last couple of days. Not many noteables today with Raven the best on pylon before flying off calling towards Higham. C Snipe 3, Goldcrest 2. Fleets.- Parakeet 5, C Gull 1.

Wintersett - Walton Hall Lake 22.12.2022

Walton Hall Lake:

 Mallard 22   Wigeon 1 female   Gadwall 4   Shoveler 10   Moorhen 5

Coot 41   Little Grebe 1   Mute Swan 10  Tufted Duck 4   

Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult (Psycho)   Black-headed Gull 19. 

Wednesday, 21 December 2022

Wintersett - Anglers CP Islands cleared this morning. 21.12.2022

A team of Wintersett Regulars, volunteers and ACP Rangers, did a brilliant job of clearing the vegetation from the islands in front of the hide this morning.  21.12.2022.

Many thanks to all!

Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Carlton Marsh

A pair of Shoveler returned to the Whin Pool, but all the other water is still frozen. A female Great Spotted Woodpecker was in the car park with 1 Siskin and about 30 Redwings. 

A Water Rail called from the marsh and a Cetti's Warbler sang from the scrape. 

A nearby pasture provided 1 Red-legged Partridge, 6 Fieldfares and 1 Meadow Pipit. Meanwhile the Mute Swan and the Whooper Swan were feeding in the fields (separately). (L & A. Corral/CG)

The BMBC Rangers were hard at work today cutting back some of the high overhanging branches that we can't reach on the embankment. As usual they did an excellent job. This will allow more light in for wild flowers.

R. J. Boland

Wintersett 20.12.2022

Anglers CP 

Wigeon 410 + 22 WRes.  

Wintersett Res:

Goldeneye 42 +  29 ACP.  Goosander 8 + 1 ACP.   

Shoveler 15 + 1 ACP.   Great Crested Grebe 6 + 11 ACP.   

Little Grebe 4 + 4 ACP.   Cormorant 10 + 5 ACP.   

A Chiffchaff was in the south west corner.

Cold Hiendley Res:

Great White Egret 1. 

Monday, 19 December 2022

Carlton Marsh

A very mild 14c, with the rain, has gone some way to free up the frozen water areas allowing up to 10 Teal and a similar number of Gadwall to feed. The Whooper Swan was feeding in the Rape field again and the Mute Swan was in a wheat field on the east bank.

Also present c75 Redwings, 2 Fieldfares, pursued by a Sparrowhawk, 2 Treecreepers, Cetti's Warbler and 2 Jays. A Pipistrelle Bat was tempted out of hibernation this afternoon (Dave Standish/CG).

Wilthorpe Marsh west 19/12/22.

Raven 1 over calling was the first sighting for this month. Plenty Thrushes still, c 500 mixed Redwing, Fieldfare, attended by male Peregrine and 3 Sparrowhawks. C Buzzard 1, Kestrel 1, L Egret 2, C Snipe 1, Teal 11. Pied Wagtail c 95 down on a visit from the sf. Lapwing 3 down, 3 Meadow Pipits over. 2 Grey Partridges yesterday. Saturday 17th at Worsbro res am c 21 Mandarins.

Wintersett 19.12.2022

 Wintersett Res:

A very pale Bittern flew up from phragmites at 10.20hrs and a Water Rail called. 

A Red Kite flew over the east bank field.   Little Grebe 3.

Cold Hiendley Res:

A calling Grey Plover flew over south west at 11.42hrs.

Sunday, 18 December 2022


The cold conditions saw more birds visiting local gardens. This morning 25 Redwings, 25 Fieldfares and 5 Yellow Buntings were in Dave Smith's garden.

12 Lapwings flew west over my Cudworth garden before the rain came.

Wintersett 18.12.2022

Wintersett Res:

A Bittern flew from the boathouse reeds at 07.40hrs.  (per GJS)

A 1st W Caspian Gull was on at dawn.    Tawny Owl 1.

Water Rail  1 north bank + 1 boathouse reeds. 

Gadwall 194 + 32 CHRes. + 37 ACP.  

Great Crested Grebe 3 + 1 CHRes. + 14 ACP.

Anglers CP:

Little Grebe 4.

Cold Hiendley Res:

Great White Egret 1.

Wintersett 17.12.2022

 Anglers CP:

A Peregrine was in the CP fields.   Great Crested Grebe 12 + 2 WRes..

Wintersett Res:  

A Water Rail was at the boathouse.  A Raven flew over.  

A Cetti's Warbler was on the west bank.

Saturday, 17 December 2022


The severe weather of late has induced more birds to seek out food in suburban gardens. This morning 10 Blackbirds, 2 Fieldfares, 30 Redwings, 1 Song Thrush, 1m & 1f  Yellow Bunting and a male Blackcap visited Dave Smith's Carlton garden.

This afternoon at 14.43hrs c200 Fieldfares flew west over Geoff Miller's Beech Avenue, Cudworth garden heading over the fields towards Carlton Marsh.

Friday, 16 December 2022

Carlton Marsh

There is very little to see at the moment as all the water areas are frozen over. The Whooper Swan spends most of the day feeding on Oil Seed Rape and appears to be thriving. The temperature in the car park this morning was -6c at around 9am, the coldest overnight temperature so far this winter. The cold is starting bite now with Robins practically feeding from the hand, one did the other day. There are at least 100 Redwings around especially in the car park.

Elsewhere there were c100 Redwings and Fieldfares on Station Road, Cudworth and 2 Peregrines were on the chimneys at Ardagh Glassworks at Monk Bretton.

35 Redwings and a Song Thrush were at Littleworth Park, Monk Bretton along with a Green Woodpecker and 1 Linnet (Chris Parkin).

Wintersett + Anglers CP Gull Roost 16.12.2022

 Wintersett Res. + Anglers CP

Scaup 1 x 1st Winter drake. 

Coot 855 + 94 ACP   Great Crested Grebe 5 + 6 ACP.  

Little Grebe 4 + 4 ACP.  Mallard 97 + 69 ACP + 42 CHRes.  

Pochard 74 + 124 ACP.  Wigeon 8 + 538 ACP.  Teal 90 ACP

Shoveler 29 + 3 ACP.   Snipe 10 ACP.  

2 Water Rail were in the boathouse reedbed.  

A Chiffchaff was in the Willow Wood.  

A Cetti's Warbler was in the north west corner.

Anglers CP Gull Roost:

Mediterranean Gull 1 adult.   Yellow-legged Gull 1 x 1stWinter.

Great Black-backed Gull 59.  Lesser Black-backed Gull 3.

Wilthorpe Marsh west 16/12/22.

Tops for Partridges with a feeding covey of 14 Grey and a covey of 6 Red Legged. Peregrine 1, C Snipe 6 frozen out of reedbeds, Kingfisher 1 a few times from sf river bridge.

Thursday, 15 December 2022

Wintersett + Ice 15.12.2022

Wintersett Res: 50% ice

An adult Caspian Gull was in at dawn.  

The 1stW male Scaup still present.  

A Cetti's Warbler was on the north bank +  another one was in the boathouse reeds. 

Anglers CP: 10% ice.

Teal 87.  Wigeon 512 + 5 WRes.

Cold Hiendley Res:  98% ice

Water Rail 1 south east corner +  1 west bank marsh WRes..

Wednesday, 14 December 2022

Wintersett + ACP Gull Roost 14.12.2022

 Anglers CP:

Teal 75.   Cormorant 10 + 2 WRes.   Snipe 6.  

A Water Rail was in the south west corner.   Dunlin 1. 

ACP Gull Roost.  

An adult Mediterranean Gull was in tonight , with 40 Great Black backed Gulls and 7 Lesser Black backed Gulls. 

Wintersett Res:

Scaup 1 1st W drake.  Little Grebe 9 + 5 ACP.   

Great Crested Grebe 18 +  8 ACP   

Goldeneye 37 + 24 ACP + 7 CHRes..   

Pochard 114 + 110 ACP.   Goosander 37 (incl. CHRes.)

Cold Hiendley Res:

Fieldfare 200.   Great White Egret 1.

Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Low Moor/Midhope 13/12/22.

2-30 till 4pm. Poor light and bitterly cold, -6 degrees on departure. Just a couple of notables with a surprise hunting Merlin which perched on gate and fence posts for a few minutes. 2 C Buzzards were also on fence posts.

Carlton Marsh

76 Pink Feet Geese were on the wader scrape grounded by misty conditions at 08.10hrs (Keith Bannister). 50 + west at 09.51hrs may have been this group leaving (Steve Grove). Then c100 headed east at 10.18hrs (CG).

Wilthorpe Marsh west 13/12/22.

Pinkfeet c90 w at 1-00pm. Pied Wagtail c 50 in from the sewage farm to which they returned. Recent regulars again today were male Peregrine, 2 Sparrowhawks, 1 C Buzzard, 1 L Egret, 2 Grey Partridges, 1 Green Pecker, 3 Teal, 5 Meadow Pipits. More Fieldfares in today among the Redwings with c 500 birds.

Wintersett 13.12.2022

Anglers CP: 

222 Pink-footed Geese came in from the east at 10.00hrs,  still present 13.00hrs.    

Another skein of  50+  flew over back field at 10.05hrs.

Going west:  

Pink-footed Geese 2 skeins  42  + 85.     

Anglers CP Roost: 

4 Caspian Gulls were in tonight - an adult,  2 x 2nd Winter and a 1st Winter

Wintersett Res:

Scaup 1.  Goosander 22. 

A Water Rail was in the boathouse reeds.  

A total of 418 Wigeon were in the area today.

13/2/22 Midhope Res

Pink-footed Geese - 119 lowish west 11.03, 20 circling high before west 11.49 plus c200 south over Wortley earlier.

Redwing c10, Fieldfare c40, Bullfinch 10, Greylag 84, LBBG 28 west single group, Tufted 3, Goldeneye female, Siskin c100, Teal 13, Canada Goose 14, Goosander 2 west 

Monday, 12 December 2022

Wilthorpe Marsh west 12/12/22.

Male Peregrine still present, Lapwing 13 down, Grey Partridge 2, 3 C Snipe, 10 Fieldfare. Both peckers, Green and GS, Goldcrest 1.

Sunday, 11 December 2022

Cudworth Common

20 Fieldfare, 20 Redwing, Greenfinch, Green Woodpecker.

Ferrymoor Flash
Teal 16, Mallard 60, Mute Swan 3 (1immature), Greylag 1, Canada Geese 4, Coot 6, Moorhen 2, 20 BH Gull, 1 Common Gull, 1 Grey Heron and 1 Golden Plover over calling.

Carlton Marsh
1 Whooper Swan, 1 Mute Swan.

There has been 2 Black Swans at Bleachcroft Farm of late. As far as I know they are kept by the owner so I would expect them to have been clipped. (I mention this as 2 have turned up at Wombwell Ings today). So I will see if they are at the Croft on my next visit.

Low Moor/Midhope 11/12/22.

2 hours this afternoon had a late movement of Geese with 3 skiens of Pinkfeet w from 3-25 pm totalling c 400 birds. Greylags c 150 s. Flock of 7 Crossbills flew towards langsett. Fieldfare c 200, C Buzzard 1, Sparrowhawk 1.

Wilthorpe Marsh west 11/12/22.

More Thrushes in today with 400+ Redwings, c 16 Blackbirds but still thin on Fieldfares with just a couple. Peregrine 1, Sparrowhawk 1, C Snipe 4, L Egret 1. Skylark 1 e, Wren 6 in the reedbeds.

Wintersett WeBS for December 2022

 Here are the Wintersett WeBS counts for December 2022.

Mute Swan 30   Canada Goose 158   Greylag Goose 265   

Cormorant 10  Great Crested Grebe 25   Little Grebe 6   Coot 802   

Moorhen 15  Mallard 77   Teal 72   Shoveler 58   Gadwall 227   

Wigeon 344   Pochard 138  Tufted Duck 448   Goldeneye 61   

Goosander 16   Scaup 1   Grey Heron 9   Lapwing 120   Snipe 3   

Water Rail 2   Kingfisher 2.

Wintersett 11.12. 2022

 Wintersett Res:

The 1st W drake Scaup still present.  9 Whooper Swans flew east.  

Teal 3,  A Linnet flew over.    37 Pink-footed Geese flew west.

The Great White Egret was in the ruin field.

Upland Reservoirs WeBS Counts 11.12.2022

December WeBS counts:

Broadstone Reservoir

1 female Goosander

Plus 12 Common Gull & 8 Black headed Gull

Ingbirchworth Reservoir

Mallard 65, Coot 2, Moorhen 2, Great Crested Grebe 12, Greylag Goose 6, Canada Goose 1, Grey Heron 1, Lapwing 9

plus 4 Common Gull & 31 Black headed Gull

Royd Moor Reservoir

Mallard 17, Teal 8, Moorhen 2, Cormorant 4

plus 6 Black headed Gull

Saturday, 10 December 2022

Wintersett 10.12.2022

 Wintersett Res:

A 1st Winter drake Scaup was a welcome visitor this morning.  Photo by @StevieD131


When the boats came out late morning, it flushed to Cold Hiendley Res.

A Water Rail was on the north bank. 

Cetti's Warbler males: 1 north bank WRes. + 1 south east corner + 1 west bank,  also 1 south west corner CHRes..  

Anglers CP: 

A 1st W Caspian Gull was in at 14.30hrs, in the pre-roost gathering,  presumably left north with other large gulls.

Cold Hiendley Res: 

Kingfisher 2.  

Wilthorpe Marsh west 10/12/22.

Jack Snipe 2, Common Snipe 2, L Egret 2. Peregrine 1, Meadow Pipit 6, Redpoll 1.

Friday, 9 December 2022

Carlton Marsh

Most of the water was frozen over after a night of -3c of frost. The adult Mute Swan that arrived last week was stood on the ice, which allowed the ring to be read. It is yellow Y229 that spent around 10 months of 2021 here, and from May to September 2022. It was originally ringed at Gargrave in North Yorkshire in September 2019.  For a long time this summer it kept the resident Whooper Swan company.
Also of interest 2 Siskins, 30 Redwings and 2 Fieldfares (L. & A. Corrall)

Hibernating are 12 Herald Moths (a lot less than in previous winters) several of the dronefly Eristalinus tenax, and a small bat, which may be Daubenton's (C. Parkin).

Wintersett + Gull Roost 09.12.2022

 Minus 3 degrees  this  morning:  

1% ice Anglers CP,  5% ice Wintersett Res and 5% ice Cold Hiendley Res.

Wintersett Res:

A Water Rail was on the north bank and another was in the south west corner.

Little Grebe 6.  Goosander 4.

Wintersett Res. Gull Roost - @StevieD131

They’re here at last!  After struggling to get just 100 Herring Gulls in the roost in recent weeks,
We have 1020 in  roost tonight with many more going straight over to the Country Park.
Still only 8 Great Black-backeds but probably more on ACP.   
2 Water Rails and 2 Cetti's Warblers SW WRes.

Wilthorpe Marsh 9/12/22.

Peregrine and 2 Sparrowhawks hunting the 100 + Redwings. C Buzzard 3, Fieldfare 2, Redpoll 1, Goldcrest 1, L Egret 1.

Thursday, 8 December 2022

Low Cudworth & Butterfly Info

 A Peacock butterfly was on the wing in Les Corrall's garden yesterday.

Chris Parkin's assessment of the butterflies he has recorded this year in the area. Brimstone surprisingly the second best year ever, Orange-tip the second best, Holly Blue the best year since 2002, Small Copper the second best in the past 11 years. Wall Brown the best since 2004, Meadow Brown the best ever, Ringlet best since 2014, Small Blue best year ever, Peacock the worst since 2015.

Wintersett December 8th 2022

Anglers CP:

Wigeon 181 + 103 WRes.   Little Grebe 2 + 5 WRes..  

Lesser Redpoll 11.  15 Pink-footed Geese flew east at 14.45hrs.

Wintersett Res: 

Shoveler 33.   Gadwall 223 WRes./CHRes. + 4 ACP.   Snipe 17.

Cetti's Warbler 1 north bank + 1 east bank + 1 south west corner

 + 1 south bank CHRes..   Kingfisher 1. 

Cold Hiendley Res:  

Great White Egret 1.  A Chiffchaff was at the Sewage Works. 

Meadow Pipit 9.   Pied Wagtail 40. 

Wednesday, 7 December 2022

Wilthorpe Marsh west. 7/12/22.

Jack Snipe 1, Peregrine 1, Sparrowhawk 2, one of which took a Redwing. Meadow Pipit 2, Goldcrest 1, Redwing c70 with 2 Fieldfares.

Wintersett 5th, 6th and 7th December 2022


Anglers CP: 

Little Grebe 2. 

Wintersett Res: 

Cetti's Warbler 1 boathouse reeds + 1 west bank dam wall.  Shoveler 57 + 2 ACP.


Cold Hiendley Res:

A Chiffchaff was at the sewage works.


Anglers CP:  

A Red Kite flew over the CP field.  

Cold Hiendley Res: 

A Great White Egret was on the south bank. A Chiffchaff was at the ruin. 

Monday, 5 December 2022

Carlton Marsh

26 Teal, 2 Cormorants, 3 Common Gulls and a Little Egret were on the wader scrape as a Fox hunted the periphery. Elsewhere 3 Shovelers, Whooper Swan, c100 Redwings, 3 Fieldfares, Sparrowhawk male and female and Kestrel (Les & Andrew Corrall). 

Wilthorpe Marsh west 5/12/22.

Skein of 42 Pinkfeet e at 10-55am. Hunting Peregrine took what was thought to be a Redwing. Springlike Green Pecker still yaffling, Goldcrest 2, Redwing c 200, Fieldfare 2, still scarce.

Sunday, 4 December 2022

Wilthorpe Marsh 4/12/22.

Very steady start to December with any bird feeling like a bonus. Peregrine 1 on pylon, Cetti's 1 flew across reeds at the oxbow pond. Lapwing 5 down, Meadow Pipit 14 down on wires, L Egret 2, Woodpigeon c 120, Redwing 150 +, Redpoll 4, Green Pecker 1 still calling like Spring.

Wintersett 04.12.2022

 Anglers CP:

Teal 26.  Grey Heron 4 + 3 WRes. + 1 CHRes..

Wintersett Res:

Redwing 78 on north bank.  Shoveler 49 + 10 ACP.  Little Grebe 18.

A Water Rail was in the south east corner.

Shoveler 49 + 10 ACP.

Cold Hiendley Res:

Whooper Swan 4 east.  Tufted Duck 364.    Great White Egret 1.

Pied Wagtail 48 at Sewage Works.

Saturday, 3 December 2022

Carlton Marsh

On the wader scrape this morning 35 Teal and 2 Little Egrets. Also present 1 pair of Shoveler, 10 Siskins, 15 Redwings,10 Fieldfares and the Whooper Swan (R. Laverack).

This afternoon 
Cetti's Warbler, Green Woodpecker. 2 Tawny Owls flew across the scrape at dusk (D. Standish).

Friday, 2 December 2022

Carlton Marsh

A 'Redhead' Goosander was on the wader scrape with a Redshank and 26 Teal this morning (K. Bannister/JP).

Also of note Goldcrest, Redpoll, Song Thrush and 80 Redwings (L & A. Corrall). 

Thursday, 1 December 2022

Wintersett 01.12.2022

Anglers CP:

Teal 40   Lapwing 157.  

Wintersett Res: 

Mediterranean Gull 1 adult.  Little Grebe 7 + 3 ACP.    Cormorant 10 + 9 ACP.   

A Cetti's Warbler was in the south west corner.

Cold Hiendley Res:

Great White Egret 1.

Carlton Marsh

A mixed flock of c200 Redwing and Fieldfare were in the car park area before a group of c50 Redwing left south at 10.20hrs. 

2 Cormorants, 2 Tufted Ducks, 2 Shovelers and the Whooper Swan were on the scrape, the latter moved to the rape field shortly after. 32 Teal were on the wader scrape with the female Goldeneye, but the latter left at 07.30hrs.

Also of note, Green Woodpecker, 2 Siskins and a Treecreeper in the car park plantation. (K. Bannister/R. Laverack/R. Embleton/CG).

Wintersett Reservoir

Large Yellow Underwing larvae (per Chris Parkin)