Friday 30 April 2021

Carlton Marsh

On the wader scrape 200 Herring Gulls, 4 LBB Gulls, 4 Teal and a Little Egret. 

Also of note Cetti's Warbler, a 'Hepatic' Cuckoo and a single Fieldfare (K. Bannister/JP/R. Laverack/D. Standish).

Tawny Mining Bee (Andrena fulva) Storrs Mill area (CG)

Wintersett + VisMig 30.03.2021

 Wintersett Res. Vis.Mig:

An awesome first 15 minutes  this morning, with an  Osprey through low, going west at 07.25hrs.  

4 Yellow Wagtail flew north.  

A Whimbrel flew over north east. 

Here's a link to the full count. 

Anglers CP: 

A Wood Sandpiper was feeding, giving great views, in  the southwest corner.

Wood Sandpiper   Anglers CP  30.04.2021  PMeredith

Follow the link for Gavin Orr's video of the Wood Sandpiper.

Common Sandpiper 2.  Little Ringed Plover 2.   Common Tern 6.  Shoveler 5m + 2f.  Teal 1 male.  Swift 13.  White Wagtail 2.   Redstart 1 male on the north bank.   Canada Goslings 4.  Lesser Redpoll 2 Garden Warbler 2 males  ACP

 Mallard young:  9 small ACP  and  6 medium WRes..  

33 Yellow Wagtails were  in the  area - (14  ACP  + 12 CHSF + 4 north bank WRes. + 3 ORF) 

                                      White Wagtail   Anglers CP 30.04.2021     SDenny

Wintersett Res: 

Hobby  1.    Garden Warbler  5 males 

 Sedge Warbler 9 males.    Lesser Whitethroat 1 male. 

 A male Cuckoo called on the north east bank.   Goldeneye 1 female

 Cold Hiendley Res:  Goldeneye 1 female.

Old Royston Flash: 

Wheatear 1male  + 1 female  probably of the Greenland race. 

Thursday 29 April 2021

Wintersett 29.04.2021

 Anglers CP: 

Arctic Tern 1.   Little Ringed Plover 1.  Common Sandpiper 1.    

Lesser Redpoll 4.    Lesser Whitethroat 1 male north east corner.  

Cuckoo 1 male + 1 east bank WRes..  Shoveler 2m + 1 f.  Teal 1m + 1f.

A Red Kite flew over back fields at 12.10hrs.   

House Martin 90.  Sand Martin 250.   Yellow Wagtail 7. White Wagtail 1.  

Wintersett Res.

Meadow Pipit 1 north.  Common Tern 6.  A Hobby flew over.

Mallard Young 6 small.  Goldeneye 1 female + 1 female CHRes.

Sedge Warbler 13 males in the area:

3 north bank,  1 boathouse,  1 north east bank,  5 west bank clump area and 1 north west bank around WRes.  + 2 males east bank ACP..

Wintersett Ringing Recovery - Cormorant

An adult Cormorant ring  read at Anglers CP on 11/3/21

had been ringed as a nestling on 22/5/14 

at Pikkerholm, Frederikshavn, Nordjyllands Amt, DENMARK

 a distance of 869 km WSW.

Wednesday 28 April 2021

Wintersett 28.04.2021

 Wintersett Res: 

There was a big Tern passage today with a total of 76 Arctic Terns!    

33 flew NE in 3 flocks during the morning,  

followed by 43 feeding over Anglers CP during the afternoon.  Final 8 birds left high north at 20.05hrs.

There was a total of 17 Common Terns during the day.     Swift 20..

Goldeneye 1 female.  Teal 1 drake. Canada Goose 11 over.  Greylag Goose 1 over.  

Garden Warbler 3 males  north east bank.  A Cuckoo was calling on the east bank. 

 Anglers CP

2 adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls, standing on rocks near the Sand Martin Box,  were attacked by Psycho, the adult Yellow-legged Gull,  who flew in agressively and dropped in between them. 

Shoveler 1m + 1f.   Pochard 1 male that left to Wintersett Res..   Teal 2m + 2f. 

Yellow Wagtail 7.  Little Ringed Plover 2.   Lesser Redpoll 20.  A Green Woodpecker was calling.   

Sand Martin 150.  Swallow 100.  House Martin 30.  

Walton Hall:

Greylag Goose : 12 young.     Wigeon 1 male + 1 female.   Wheatear 1 male in a field nearby. 

Tuesday 27 April 2021

Carlton Marsh

New in to today 2 singing Garden Warblers and a Lesser Whitethroat. Also of note 6 singing Whitethroats, Cuckoo, Cetti's Warbler, Kingfisher and a Willow Tit near Ralph's seat (second one on the embankment in SE3710), 4 Teal, 2 LBB Gulls and 48 Herring Gulls (JP/R. Laverack/D.M. Smith/CG).

A male Blackbird ringed here as an adult on 10/10/2016 met its end when flew into the patio window of a dwelling on nearby Royston Road. It was at least 5 years old (Per JP)

Wintersett 27.04.2021

Anglers CP:   

Shoveler 3.  Teal 1m + 1 f.  A Green Sandpiper and a Common Sandpiper were on the shallows.  

A Lesser Whitethroat was singing briefly in the south west corner.  

Lesser Redpoll 3. 

Cold Hiendley Res: 

Goldeneye 1 female with damaged right wing.

Wintersett Res:

 Cuckoo 1 male  + 1 Hepatic  female.

Common Tern 5.  Shoveler 1 male.  Goldeneye 1 female.  Greylag Goose 2.

An adult Peregrine flew over.    Yellowhammer 25 in the canal flash field. 

25 Swifts  were in the  area.

27/4/21 Wharncliffe Chase + woodland/farmland fringe

Spent a good few hours on the Chase earlier in dry but dullish conditions. 

Red Kite - seen at 11.20 circling over the northern end before drifting towards Howbrook. Notable missing primary feather (P5?) on left wing might help ID this individual elsewhere in the region if seen.

Cuckoo - 2 calling at southern end, one singing more from Wharncliffe Woods.

Wheatear - 23 in total with a pair seen inspecting potential nest site, although I’ve seen this before without breeding happening.

Tree Pipit - 6 singing along western track, some within quite close proximity as they establish territory 

Fieldfare - c80 silently flew into Roundabout plantation after hearing a single call earlier 

Also a Snipe chipping, male Stonechat carrying food, 24 Linnets, 20+ Skylarks, Redstart, Green Woodpecker, 1+ Curlew, Raven, 5 Siskin, 2 Lesser Redpoll, 50 singing Willow Warblers (how many across the whole wooded region? 150+?), 7 Blackcap, 7 Chiffchaff and 4 Swallows back on territory near farm buildings.

Monday 26 April 2021

Wintersett 26.04.2021

Anglers CP:

Lesser Whitethroat 1 NE area.  (RM)

2 Nuthatch were on the car park feeders.   (LC, AC)

Mallard Broods: 

11 small/medium.  + 3 small  + 10  small/medium,   4 young small + 10 small/medium +  5 small,.  

Wintersett Res: 

A Cuckoo flew over this morning. (RM)

A Grasshopper Warbler was reeling  in the hedge, on Ferry Top Lane, across the road from the fisherman's barrier. (AS)

An unringed Willow Tit was on the west bank.   Garden Warbler 3.   Sedge Warbler 1.    

Cetti's Warbler  6 singing males.   Goldeneye 1 imm. male + 1 female WRes..

Cold Hiendley SF: 

Yellow Wagtail 2.  White Wagtail 1.   (LC, AC)

Cold Hiendley Res:

A Grey Wagtail was on the spillway (LC, AC)  Shoveler 1m + 1 f.   

  The regularly showy Cetti's warbler at Wintersett Res.
John Gardner  @WildscenesUK

Sunday 25 April 2021

Ewden valley 25/4/21.

Sunny but cold with very steady birding. Poor for raptors with only 2 species. Peregrine 2 and C Buzzard abundant with c15. Ring Ouzel 1 pair, Stonechat 2 males, Cuckoo 1. Raven 2, Swallow 4 n, Meadow Pipit c45. Golden Plover 2, Lapwing 2.

Wintersett + Vis.Mig + Evening Update

 Anglers CP Vis.Mig:

Decent conditions but not much moving this morning.

Going north:  Arctic Tern 1,  Swift 3.   

Going south: Lesser Redpoll 12.  

Anglers CP:

Common Tern 2.  Common Sandpiper 1.  Snipe 1.   Great Crested Grebe 5.  

Shoveler 1m + 1f.    Teal 1m + 1f.

Mallard Young 2 + 6 small  +  7 small WRes.     

Tufted Duck 62 + 6 WRes + 24 CHRes.

Wintersett Res: 

Sand Martin 40 in the area.    Cetti's Warbler 8 males  + 1 female NE WRes.   Swift 5.

Goldeneye 1 immature male + 1 female and 1 female CHRes.. 

Sedge Warbler 1m west bank clump + 2m north bankYellow Wagtail 1 over Willow Wood.

Cold Hiendley Village:    

Garden Warbler 1 male. 

Moorhouse Lane Pond

Lesser Whitethroat 1 male.


A Grass Snake was seen in the area.

Evening Update: 

Wintersett Res: 9 Swift  over west bank 

Anglers CP: A Little Ringed Plover and a pair of Yellow Wagtails were in the shallows.

Saturday 24 April 2021

Carlton Marsh

With Rob Robinson 2 Cuckoo's were singing along with a Cetti's Warbler, 3 Reed and 3 Sedge Warblers. 2 Willow Tits (1 ringed) were feeding in Silver Birch/Alder between the 1st and second seat on the embankment and a Great Spotted Woodpecker was 'drumming'.

Littleworth Park
The first Dingy Skipper of the year was flying with a Mother Shipton moth (Chris Parkin).

Wintersett + Vis.Mig. + Ringing 24.04.2021

Wintersett Res. VisMig:   

Going north:  A Tree Pipit at 06.45hrs.  Meadow Pipit 1

Herring Gull 50.  Lesser Black-backed Gull 2.  Black-headed Gull 55. 

Going south:  Shelduck 1. 

Anglers CP: 

Common Tern 2.  Common Sandpiper 1.  Redshank 1. Little Ringed Plover 2.    

Teal 1 pair.   Goldeneye 1 imm male + 1 female WRes.

Wintersett Res:

Sedge Warbler 4 and Garden Warbler  1 male in west bank clump.   Whitethroat 1m west bank.  

3 Yellow Wagtails  on north bank.  Canada Goose 2.   

Wintersett Res. Ringing:   

10 new birds were ringed this morning and it was also a good morning for returning migrants!

Highlights were:  2 Blackcap, 1 Sedge Warbler,  1 Reed Warbler,  1 Treecreeper and 1 Song Thrush. 

Also  3 Retraps:   Two Sedge Warblers were  retrapped, both ringed as juveniles,.  One in 2018 and the other 2019!     A third retrap Sedge Warbler, ringed again as a juvenile on 1st July 2020!   Hopefully good overwintering survival.

Lowlight:  A female hepatic Cuckoo bounced out of the net. Arrrgh!!!

A Female Willow Tit  with a brood patch,  was retrapped this morning at Wintersett Res.

It was originally ringed in July 2020 as a juvenile. 


 Willow Tit female  Wintersett Res.    RBailey 

Reptile: A Grass Snake  (Natrix natrix) was seen in the area.

Friday 23 April 2021

Carlton Marsh

2 Oystercatchers and a Great Black-backed Gull called in yesterday to the waders scrape (JP). 

Today's highlights were Cetti's Warbler, Cuckoo, 2 Whitethroats, 3 Sedge Warblers, 7m Blackcap and 2 females, 4 Willow Warblers, 6 Teal, 2 Grey Partridge, 75 Herring Gull and a Water Rail (D M. Smith/JP).  

A butterfly count at mid-day produced 28 Peacock, 12 S. Tortoiseshell, 2 Comma, 24 Speckled Wood, 3 (1f) Brimstone, 28 (5f) Orange-tip, 2 Large White, 5 G.V. White and 3 Small White (C. Parkin).

A Holly Blue Butterfly was in Les Corrall's Cudworth garden.

A Goldcrest was singing on Lund Lane Low Cudworth and Pipistrelle Bat was flying over 5 Lane Ends on Cudworth Common at 12.40hrs (CG).

Wintersett 23.04.2021

Anglers CP: 

A Little Ringed Plover flew into the shallows,  closely followed  by a Green Sandpiper  A Sand Martin looked in the SM Box.   Shoveler 1 male. Yellow Wagtail 1.

Wintersett Res:

Common Tern 2.   Goldeneye 1 m + 1f,  and a male and a female on CHRes.

Sedge Warbler  1m north east bank  +  1 male west bank clump.   

Reed Warbler  5 males + 2 males  ACP.    5 male Whitethroats were in the area

Mallard Broods: 8 very small + 7 small also  6 very small ACP

Botany Bay/East bank WRes.

A Cuckoo  was calling this morning.

Moorhouse Lane Ponds: 

Pochard 1m + 1f.

Haw Park:

Green Woodpecker  1 male. 


A Grass Snake was seen in the area.   Yellow-bellied Sider was in the NE corner WRes..

Thursday 22 April 2021

Carlton Marsh

 64 Herring Gulls and 3 Teal were on the wader scrape. Elsewhere 3 Sedge Warblers were singing along with a Reed Warbler, Cetti's Warbler and in the Scots Pine, a Goldcrest. 

A Willow Tit called and was seen at close quarters on the embankment between the first seat and second seat in SE3710 (R. Laverack/CG).

Wintersett 22.04.2021

 Wintersett Res:

A Cuckoo was calling on the east bank 10.20 - 10.50hrs.  (S.Cooper, PS, AS)

Sedge Warbler 1 north bank + 1 boathouse reeds.   Whitethroat 1 west bank. 

Reed Warbler 6 males.    Willow Tit 1 SW corner.

Cold Hiendley SF: 

Yellow Wagtail  4 males. 

Anglers CP:

Mallard young 3 very small.   Shoveler 8m + 3f.   Wigeon 1f.  

Goldeneye  1 adult male + 1 immature male + 1 female and 1 female WRes..

Snipe 1.  Fieldfare 1 in east bank meadow.  

Psycho the adult Yellow-legged Gull  was on the shallows early afternoon.

Walton Hall:

Shoveler 1 pair.    Wigeon 1m + 1f.  Sand Martin 20.  Siskin 1 flew north.  

A Nuthatch was in Stubbs Wood.

Wednesday 21 April 2021

Carlton Marsh

2 Little Ringed Plovers on the wader scrape at 07.15hrs (K. Bannister) and 4 Teal were present along with 210 Herring Gulls. A Cuckoo sang near the car park ( Dave Lomas) and 1 Reed Warbler and 3 Sedge Warblers also sang from the reed beds. The Cetti's Warbler continued to sing from various parts of the marsh.

Wintersett 21.04.2021

Anglers CP:

Common Sandpiper 1 + 1 WRes.     Wigeon 1 female.   Shoveler 1 male.

Goldeneye 1 adult  male + 1 female and 1 female WRes. + 1 female CHRes..    

Teal 1 male and 1 female  + 1m and 1f WRes.

The first Swift of the year was spotted at 18.50hrs.  Now the excitement builds,  with many new nest boxes in place  around the Wakefield District.

Mallard Young:   

Anglers CP  6 very small. 

Wintersett Res:  11 vs + 8vs + 10 vs.. 

Wintersett Res:  

Sedge Warbler  2 males.  Reed Warbler 4 males. 

Cetti's Warbler 8 males.

Whitethroat 1 + 1 near CHSF. 

Cold Hiendley SF:  Yellow Wagtail 18 males - the highest Spring  number for decades!

Tuesday 20 April 2021

Carlton Marsh

 A Reed Warbler was new in today (Dave Standish).

One of two Bat boxes put up last weekend by Richard Laverack
Long-tailed Tit nest (Dave Standish)

Ewden Valley to grouse butts beyond Shooting Cabin: 08.30 -12.30

 A quiet morning bird-wise but with beautiful warm sunshine and great visibility, with heat haze later. Best from: 5 sighting of ring ouzel (2 males and a female beyond cabin on way up and 2 males from S-bend on way down) plus 6 common buzzards, 3 Raven, 10+ curlew, 3 lapwing, 1 kestrel, 2 Canada Geese and 2 Greylag in heather on moor top. Plenty of mipits and willow warblers, song thrush and mistle thrush singing in trees at Ewden Beck. No sign of Merlin, stonechat, cuckoo, golden plover or mountain hares.....

Wintersett Reservoir - Boathouse Bench Cetti's Warbler - Ron Marshall

A very early start ensured Ron Marshall captured the character of the showiest Cetti's Warbler in the area!.

Wintersett 20.04.2021

 Anglers CP:

A Garden Warbler  was near the main hide (NFY).  Brambling 1f.  Common Sandpiper 1.

90 Fieldfare, 2 Redwing  and 2 Meadow Pipits were in the back fields.  Snipe 6.

Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 drumming in south east corner .

Great Crested Grebe 7 + 6 WRes. + 6 CHRes..

Shoveler 1m + 1 f, and 2m + 1f Wintersett Res.   Wigeon 1f.

Goldeneye 4 + 1f WRes. + 1f CHRes. 

Drifting south:  

A Red Kite  at 11.38hrs.   An adult Kittiwake at 12,53hrs.  .  A Hobby picked up over Haw Park Wood then drifted south over ACP. (NFY).

Wintersett Res: 

Sedge Warbler 1m. west bank clump. (NFY)   8 singing Cetti's Warblers today!

Reed Warbler 2m boathouse reeds + 1m west bank clump. 

A male Goldcrest was in the Willow Wood.  

Mallard 11 very small young.   Teal 1m + 1f. 

Haw Park Lane:  Whitethroat 1male on the hill. 

Cold Hiendley SF:  Yellow Wagtail 3.  


Lots of butterflies around, including the first Green-veined White. (NFY)

Monday 19 April 2021

Carlton Marsh

A Cuckoo was heard early yesterday morning. Today a Grasshopper Warbler sang briefly from the northern meadow and an Oystercatcher came in from the south to the wader scrape and left the same way.

Also of interest 112 Herring Gulls, Cetti's Warbler and a Willow Tit calling from the first seat on the embankment. 

3 Speckled Wood, 7 S. Tortoiseshell and 1 Small White were flying. (JP/R. Laverack/CG)

Storrs Mill Wood to Ardsley Viaduct
2 Grey Wagtail, Treecreeper, 27m Orange -tip included 3f, 15 Speckled Wood, 4m Brimstone, 2 Large White and this year's first Large Red Damselfy (C. Parkin).

Wintersett 19.04.2021

 Anglers CP:

Whimbrel 3 over, flew north 11.20hrs.  

A female Wheater was on the reserve, north of the main hide.  

Snipe 2.   Fieldare 10 in fields.   

Shoveler 1 male.   Mallard young - 5 very small + 8 very small.  Wigeon 1 female.

Goldeneye  8 on Anglers CP this evening + the injured female Goldeneye on WRes..

Cold Hiendley SF

Green Sandpiper 1.  Yellow Wagtail 4.   White Wagtail 1. 

Wintersett Res:

A Green Woodpecker in the Willow Wood.  A male Grey Wagtail on the spillway + 1 CHSF.

A male Whitethroat at west bank clump and another was on Haw Park Lane Hill. 

A male Reed Warbler was on the north bank + another in west bank marsh.  

Pits Wood:   Goldcrest 1 pair.  

Lepidoptera:  Orange-tip 33.  Small Tortoiseshell 15.  Peacock 8.   Comma 1.  Speckled Wood 1.

19/4/21 Midhope Res, Langsett Res

Midhope Res - male Mandarin, Teal pair, 2 pairs of Tufted Duck, Oystercatcher pr, Common Sandpiper pr, 4 Little Grebes, 4 Moorhens, Snipe chipping, 6 Curlew, 7 Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Linnet pr, Grey Wagtail, Skylark, 5 Mistle Thrush (one carrying food), L.Redpoll, Siskin, LTTit, Stock Dove pair

Langsett Res - Pied Flycatcher singing, Oystercatcher, Tufted Duck pr

Sunday 18 April 2021

Ewden valley 18/4/21

3 hours at the cabin in at times quite warm conditions. More raptors expected but only 4 species. Red Kite 1, Sparrowhawk 1, Kestrel 1, C Buzzard 8. Ring Ouzel 2, Stonechat 5 includes 3 cracking males. Raven 4, 1 chipping Snipe and the cabin the place to be for mountain hares with 6 + running about non stop with some quite close.

Wintersett + Vis.Mig. 18.04.2021

 Anglers CP Vis.Mig:

Common Tern 2 north.    Herring Gull 117 south + 5 north.  Lesser Black-backed Gull  4 south.

A Fieldfare flew east + 2 north west.  Siskin 2 west

Anglers CP:  

Little Ringed Plover 1 over.   Lesser Redpoll 1.   Shoveler 7m + 3f. 

Wintersett Res:

Cetti's Warbler 1 female at boathouse bench + 1 male north bank.  Nuthatch 1.  

Cold Hiendley SF evening: 

Yellow Wagtail 18.   Pied Wagtail 12.   Grey Wagtail 2.    

Old Royston Flash:

Snipe 1.  Stock Dove 33.  Yellow Wagtail 1. 


Saturday 17 April 2021

Carlton Marsh

Today's highlights included a newly arrived Sedge Warbler, 180 Herring Gulls, Little Egret, Great Spotted Woodpecker 'drumming' and a Cetti's Warbler (Richard Laverack/CG).

Butterflies included 7m Brimstone, 1 Large White, 3 Peacock, 5 Comma, 7 S. Tortoiseshell, 15 Speckled Wood, 16m Orange-tip and 4 Dark edged Bee Fly (Chris Parkin)

2 bat boxes were put up this morning.

Wintersett + Vis.Mig. + Ringing 17.04.2021

Anglers CP + Vis.Mig.

Herring Gull 24.  Black-headed Gull 8.  A Willow Tit was in north west corner.   Snipe 1. 

Wigeon 1 female.    Shoveler 4 males.

Going north:  A Redshank left high at 08.05hrs.  Sand Martin 10.

Going north west:  Meadow Pipit 6.

Fieldfare 5 in fields.   A Green Woodpecker was calling.  

 Wintersett Res:

Cetti's Warbler: 1 pair by boathouse bench + 1 male in ruin area + 1 male SE corner CHRes..

Anglers CP Ringing:

24 birds were ringed this morning.  

Highlights were: 14 Lesser Redpoll,  2 Blackcap and 1 Willow Warbler.


A Grass Snake was in the area. 

       Grass Snake   Natrix natrix           RBailey

17/4/21 Wharncliffe Chase

Had a good look around between 11.30 and 14.30. 

2 Tree Pipits - my first of the year with one briefly calling to the south and another briefly singing at the northern end.
Lapwing - pair with female sitting on one egg.
Cuckoo - male seen and heard calling briefly from Roundabout Plantation.
Stonechat - 3 pairs seen across the Chase with a striking male seen near the Lodge.
Fieldfare/Redwing - 45 FF included a single Redwing.
Buzzard - 6+ with pairs circling high at times and displaying. Another seen taking food into woods.

Also 2 Chiffchaff, 2-3 male Wheatear, Sparrowhawk pair circling with Buzzards and a female earlier over the res. 10 Skylark, 7 Linnet, 13 Willow Warbler, 6 Lesser Redpoll, Yellowhammer, Curlew, Swallow, Kestrel, 6 Stock Doves, Siskin and 25 Meadow Pipit.

Friday 16 April 2021

Carlton Marsh

150 Herring Gulls were on the wader scrape and a Drake Shelduck flew north at 07.54hrs. Also present 5 pairs of Tufted Duck, Cetti's Warbler, 3 pairs of Jay, Redpoll and Water Rail (Dave Smith).

A Goldcrest was singing on Lund Lane , Low Cudworth.

Storrs Mill Wood - River Dearne 

A Nuthatch was calling from Aspens near the mill ruin and 2 Whitethroats were singing (CG).

Chris Parkin later noted a House Martin and a Grey Wagtail at the river bridge. He also discovered a Mallard with 9 eggs and 2 Grey Partridges. His butterfly counts included 32 Peacock, 46 S. Tortoiseshell, 2 Comma, 5 Speckled Wood and 14m Orange-tip.

Wintersett 16.04.2021

Anglers CP:

Snipe 7.   Goldeneye 12.   Shoveler 2 males.   Wigeon 1 female.

Cold Hiendley Res: 

Grey Wagtail 1 female on the spillway.   A Curlew flew over.

Tufted Duck 97 + 44 ACP.    

Cold Hiendley SF: White Wagtail 1.  

Wintersett Res: 

Mallard young:  14 very small + 2 very small  and  6 very small Anglers CP.

Old Royston Flash:

Redshank 2.  Snipe 1. 

16/4/21 Midhope Res

A stunning morning with early frost and bright sunshine. 

Some new arrivals included a Redshank and Mandarin pair plus 29 Mallard ducklings. Also, a group of 37 Siskin included juveniles. Crossbills and a possible Hawfinch were heard plus a solitary Redwing sat on top of a tall tree.

On the water were 3 Tufted Duck (2 male/female), 6 Little Grebe, a Teal pair plus an Oystercatcher pair were around and a Grey Heron flew over. 

Also - 3 Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Sparrowhawk, 4 Linnet, 2 Lapwing, 4 Curlew and an adult Lesser Black Backed Gull.

Thursday 15 April 2021

Wintersett 15.04.2021

 Cold Hiendley SF:

A Grasshopper Warbler 1 (NewForYear).  Yellow Wagtail 12.   Reed Warbler 1 on north bank  (NFY).  Stock Dove 1 in CH Box.   White Wagtail 1 + 1 east bank ACP.

Anglers CP:

Black-necked Grebe 1.  Common Sandpiper 1.   Fieldfare 110 in fields.  

Shoveler 8.  Wigeon 5.  Snipe 2 + 1 Old Royston Flash.

Hare Park:  Green Woodpecker 1. 

Disposal Point: Lesser Redpoll 8.

Wintersett Res + Ruin:  Cetti's Warbler 8 males 

2 Avocets (NFY), flew over north at 09.10hrs,  circled over ACP shallows calling, then left north.

14 very small Mallard ducklings were near boathouse reeds.  Goldcrest 1 by boathouse.

 Pits Wood: Treecreeper 1 pair.


 14 Mallard Ducklings   Wintersett Res.  

Sue Billcliffe      @SBillcliffe

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Carlton Marsh

 A Shelduck was reported from the wader scrape this morning by Steve Smith and a Mallard had 10 young (Keith Bannister). This evening 2 Water Rails, 4 Teal, 20 Herring and 4 LBB Gulls, Cetti's Warbler and 2 Snipe at dusk.

Wintersett 14.04.2021

 Anglers CP:

Black-necked Grebe 1.  Common Scoter 1 female.  Common Sandpiper 1. Shoveler 1 male.

Wintersett Res: 

Shelduck 1.  Teal 2 males + 2 females.   Wigeon 1 male + 1 female, also 1 female Anglers CP.

 Mallard young 5 very small  north east  bank + 11 very small Anglers CP..

Grey Heron 2.   Cetti's Warbler 7 males.

Cold Hiendley SF:    

Yellow Wagtail 7 this morning (LC),  up to 10 this evening (PM).  Reed Bunting 7.  Oystercatcher 2.

Old Royston Flash: 

Redshank 2.   Snipe 2. (PM)


The first Speckled Wood of the year was seen at Anglers CP. 

15 Orange Tip + 12 Small Tortoiseshell + 1 Peacock were in the area.

Tuesday 13 April 2021

Wintersett 13.04.2021

 Anglers CP:

Common Scoter 1 female.   Black-necked Grebe 1 in winter plumage.  Common Sandpiper 1. 

Brambling 1 female.  Shelduck 1.  Teal 8.    Fieldfare  111 in fields.   A Snipe was on the Pol.

Disposal Point: Willow Warbler 7 males. 

Reptile: A Grass Snake was seen in the area.

Wintersett Res: VisMig: 

Going north: Sand Martin 274.  Meadow Pipit 155.  Green Sandpiper 1.

For full  counts see

Common Scoter female   ACP      SDenny

Lovely morning on Wharncliff Chase today, in spite of a dodgy Achilles’ tendon and knee! Sun was shining, visibility great and skylarks singing in the heavens - great for uplifting the spirits! Best from 10+ Wheatears, 3 Raven, 4 Curlew, Stonechat pair, Cuckoo heard close by in Wharncliff Woods, male Tree Pipit showing well and parachute displaying, 5 Meadow pipits, 6 Buzzards,  2 Green Woodpeckers, 3 Redlegged Partridge.  Also nice to see Dave Woodriff and finally put a face to the name!

Monday 12 April 2021

Carlton Marsh

A very brief view of a Bittern alighting at 10.46hrs was a pleasant surprise for me. It was seen later as it made its way to the main scrape to roost at 19.20hrs in good light (Dave Smith/Richard Laverack). This is only the second April record for this site.

On the wader scrape c150 Herring Gulls, 1 adult LBB gull and 2 Teal.

The large Pike seen last week was showing well again in the dike near the hide.

Butterflies included 9 Peacock, 12 Small Tortoiseshell, 2 Speckled Wood, 4 Orange-tip males, 1 Comma, 1 Small White and 1 GV White. Also abroad 7 Dark edged Bee Fly and the mining bee (Andrena cineraria) Chris Parkin).

Wintersett 12.04.2021

 Anglers CP:

Common Scoter 1 female.   Black-necked Grebe 1 in winter plumage.  Common Sandpiper 1.  

Teal 7.  Wigeon 6.  Snipe 1.   Cormorant 2.   Goldeneye 60 + 4 WRes..

21 Fieldfare and 2 Redwing were in the north east field.

A male Redstart was in the north west field. 

Wintersett Res: A Curlew flew west.

Cold Hiendley Village: Barn Owl 1 this evening. 

Old Royston Flash:  Green Sandpiper 1.  Snipe 1.

Sunday 11 April 2021

Wintersett WeBS April 2021

Here is the Wintersett  WeBS count for April 2021.

Mute Swan 19   Whooper Swan 51   Canada Goose 25   Greylag Goose 8   

Coot 80   Moorhen 11  Great Crested Grebe 12   Little Grebe 1   

Mallard 36   Wigeon 6   Gadwall 40   Teal 11   Shoveler 6   Tufted Duck 186   

Goldeneye 53   Common Scoter 2   Grey Heron 2     Oystercatcher 6    

Lapwing 4   Common Sandpiper 1  Snipe 1.

Wintersett 11.04.2021

Wintersett Res. Vis.Mig:

Going north: An excellent total of 1036 Sand Martin by 13.15hrs!

Follow link for full counts.

Wintersett Res:  Common Scoter - 2 females.  Siskin 1 north.  Cetti's Warbler 7 singing males. 

2 male Nuthatches were in Pits Wood + 1male in the Willow Wood.   Siskin 1.

Cold Hiendley SF:  Yellow Wagtail 3 males + 1 flying north over Anglers CP.

Old Royston Flash: Redshank 2.

Anglers CP:  

Whooper Swan 51 present into the afternoon. 

A male Redstart still present in the north bank field.  

Common Sandpiper 1.  Snipe 1.  

A Redwing was in the north east field.  Fieldfare 20. 

     51 Whooper Swans      Anglers CP     PMeredith


An uncharacteristically cooperative Willow Tit was at the northern end of the lake  ACP.   PMeredith

Saturday 10 April 2021

Carlton Marsh

It was quiet here with very little in the way of movement. This morning 26 Herring Gulls, 4 Teal, Siskin and 3 Jays. Another 6 nest boxes (Great Tit) donated by John Finch were put up. A least two of the Blue Tit boxes we put last week had birds going in and out (R. Laverack/CG)

This afternoon a late Goldcrest was singing along with Dabchick and a pair of Greylags had 5 goslings.
(D. Smith)

Wintersett 10.04.2021

Wintersett Res. VisMig:

Going north:  An Osprey flew over 09.00hrs - 09.10hrs.   Green Sandpiper 1.

Osprey going north  WRes.. PMeredith

Follow link for full count

Wintersett Res:

A Redshank flew over + 2 at Old Royston Flash.   Meadow Pipit 105 in SW corner field.

Anglers CP:

2 male Redstarts were in the north bank fields.   Common Sandpiper 1 .   

Psycho, the adult Yellow-legged Gull was on the shallows.

Wigeon 8.   Shoveler 1 male.   Goldeneye 55 + 5 WRes..

Great Crested Grebe 2 + 10 WRes. + 6 CHRes.   

In the area:  Sand Martin 320   House Martin 12.   Swallow 30.


Redstart male in north bank field ACP     SDenny 

                                            Redstart male in north bank field ACP  CSwaine  

Hare Park:   Fieldfare 46 + 1 east bank ACP. 

Cold Hiendley SF:    Yellow Wagtail 4 males + 1 male Grey Wagtail.

Cold Hiendley Res:  Tufted Duck 108 

Friday 9 April 2021

Wintersett 09.04.2021

 More interest today,  after the overnight rain.

Anglers CP:  

A male Redstart was in the field at the north end of the park.  

A male and a female Wheatear were in the north east fields, either by the road or in the horse field.

2 Common Sandpipers and a Little Ringed Plover were on the shallows.

A Fieldfare was in the east bank meadow.  Shoveler 1 male.  Wigeon 6.

Goldeneye 51 + 1 female WRes.

Haw Park Wood:   A Green Woodpecker was calling. 

Wintersett Res:  A Willow Tit was in the west bank clump. 

Also in the area:   170 Sand Martin.   1 Siskin.  1 Redpoll.

Old Royston Flash: Snipe 1.

Lepidoptera:   4 Orange Tips. 

Bombyliidae:   A Dark-edged Bee-fly was by the boathouse.  

Thursday 8 April 2021

Wintersett 08.04.2021

Anglers CP: Fieldfare 1 in east bank meadow.    Sand Martin 200

Cold Hiendley SF:  Green Sandpiper 1. 

Haw Park Wood: Siskin 10 + 1 over WRes.  Lesser Redpoll 40. 

Wintersett Res: Cetti's Warbler 6 males. 

Carlton Marsh

54 Herring Gulls and 1 adult LBB Gull were on the wader scrape this morning. Cetti's sang from various parts and a male Peregrine flew through.

An adult Fox was found dead on the embankment.

Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus cornucopiae) on a dead Rowan

Wednesday 7 April 2021

Wintersett 07.04.2021

 Wintersett Res: 

Sand Martin 100.  House Martin 2.  Willow Tit 1 west bank clump.

Anglers CP: 

Oystercatcher 5.  Wigeon 10 + 2 WRes..   Fieldfare 1 east bank meadow. 

Tuesday 6 April 2021

Wintersett 06.04.2021

 Anglers CP: Wigeon 12.  Lesser Redpoll 4.   Sand Martin 200 + 100 WRes..   Siskin 1.  

Common Sandpiper 1. 

Wintersett Village: Swallow 10.

Wintersett Res:  A Chiffchaff was nest building.

Hare Park: Fieldfare 1. 

Old Royston Flash: Redshank 2.  Snipe 2 + 3 ACP.  

          Sand Martins flying through boathouse reeds this morning-  CSwaine

Monday 5 April 2021

Carlton Marsh

Two Little Egrets and 11 Teal were on the wader scrape. Also present Buzzard, 2 Mistle Thrush, 2 Siskin and 1 Redpoll. A Fox was on the prowl.  This evening 3 Swallows flew north (D. Standish).

A 2ft Pike was patrolling the dike near the hide giving excellent views down to just over a metre.

This is the exact same stretch of the dike in June 2009 where the pike was today! (CG)

Wintersett 05.04.2021

 Anglers CP:

Common Gull 1 1stW.  Sand Martin 100 + 75 WRes..

Wintersett Res:

Red Kite 1 over.  Wigeon 2.   A female Brambling was in the Willow Wood.  

Cold Hiendley SF: Green Sandpiper 1. 


Going north: House Martin 1 north.  Fieldfare 6  north.  

Full Visible Migration counts - follow link:

Sunday 4 April 2021

Carlton Marsh

2 Redshanks, 1 Little Egret, 7 Greylags and 9 Teal were on the wader scrape. A Swallow and 4 Stock Dove  flew north.

An Orange Underwing was airborne and a Fox was harassing the geese.

Storrs Mill to Ardsley Viaduct
Birds on show were Kingfisher, Green & Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 singing Blackcaps and Buzzard.

Butterflies included 54 Peacock, 75 Small Tortoiseshell, 10 Comma, 1 Speckled Wood, 6 Orange-tip males and 1 Orange Underwing moth.

A stoat was observed and the first Wood Sorrel was in flower (Chris Parkin).

Wintersett 04.04.2021

Anglers CP:  Common Sandpiper 1.   Teal - a group of 16 migrants + 2 +  3 WRes.  A Curlew flew north east.

Cold Hiendley Res: Tufted Duck 73

Lepidoptera:  2 Orange Tip - Haw Park Lane and Haw Park.  

N.B Yesterday's blog post updated with link for VisMig Totals.

Saturday 3 April 2021

Carlton Marsh

This morning 16 Tufted Duck, Little Egret, 250 Herring Gulls, 1 LBB Gull, Cetti's Warbler, 10 Redpoll, 10 singing Chiffchaff, 4 singing Blackcap, 3 singing Willow Warbler. A Kestrel has taken up residence in the nest box and 3 more Blue Tit boxes were put up (D M Smith/R. Laverack/JP/CG). 

Firth Avenue, Cudworth
Two herds of Whooper Swans flew over in the early hours, the second one at 03.30hrs (Dave Standish)

Wintersett 03.04.2021

 Anglers CP: 

Wigeon 21.  Shoveler 1 male.  Gadwall 5 + 4 WRes. + 2 CHRes.

Swallow 4.  Sand Martin 100.  

Wintersett Res:

Goldeneye 1 female, with damaged wing, still present. 

A flock of 6 Grey Herons flew over at 13.12 hrs, , then returned and dropped south south west of Cold Hiendley Village.

Disposal Point: 

Willow Warbler 2 males + 2 males Anglers CP. 

Lesser Redpoll 70.  Siskin 5 + 8 Haw Park + 1 Walton Hall.  

For Visible Migration counts follow link:

Friday 2 April 2021

Wintersett 02.04.2021

Wintersett Res: A Common Sandpiper on the boathouse slipway was the first for the year.  Willow Tit 2 west bank.  

Sand Martin 100 were over early morning.  

Wintersett Res. Vis.MigIt was a good morning!

Going northwest:   253 Whooper Swans in 5 flocks  NW + 1 flock N.     

(48 at 07.45hrs + 6 north at 08.04hrs + 63 at 08.37hrs, 45 at 09.43hrs, 26 NW 10.26 +10 NW 10.54 hrs)

Going north:   Curlew 1 .  Black-headed Gull 93.  Common Gull 1.  Herring Gull  23.  Lesser Black-backed Gull 3.  Sand Martin 215.  Swallow 5.  House Martin 4. Starling 3.  Fieldfare 67 (40 + 27).   Goldfinch 6.    Meadow Pipit 61.  Linnet 17.

Going east:  Greenfinch 9.  Redwing 7.

 Anglers CP:  Wigeon 18.  Goldeneye 85 roosting at dusk.  

Cold Hiendley: A Barn Owl was hunting at dusk.

Old Royston:  

A male Nuthatch was at the bridge/canal and a Weasel was seen.

Thursday 1 April 2021

Barn Owl recovery

 A Barn Owl nestling I ringed on 07/06/17 at Westhorpe, Scout Dike was reported by Laurence Rose recovered dead a couple of days ago just west of Lower Cumberworth, Denby Dale. Possibly hit by a train.

Wintersett 01.04.2021

Anglers CP: Wigeon 12 + 2 WRes..  Swallow 1  + 7 WRes..  Oystercatcher 5. 

Wintersett Res:  

A Black-necked Grebe, in summer plumage, was off the west bank.   

Sand Martin 320.  Whooper Swan 16 northwest at 10.00hrs.  Pink-footed Goose 9 north.  

A House Martin was feeding with the Sand Martins this afternoon - first for the year. 

Willow Warbler 1 west bank clump + 1male on Poll.  Lesser Redpoll 35.  Water Rail 1 boathouse reeds. 

Golden Plover 20 flew north.  

In the area today:  Blackcap 12 singing males.  Chiffchaff 23 singing males.


Carlton Marsh

New in today Common Sandpiper. 2 Redshanks were present first thing but left later. Also on the wader scrape 105 Herring Gulls, 2 Little Egrets and a Swallow. 

A Sand Martin flew north, 16 Redpolls were feeding in Birch as were 23 Siskins further along the embankment and a pair of Kestrels were displaying over the main scrape (JP/R. Laverack/CG).

Upper Cudworth
40 Whooper Swans flew north over Beech Avenue at 10.50hrs (Geoff Miller). Had they been heading NW they would have flown over the reserve.