Wednesday 30 November 2011
Tuesday 29 November 2011
Sunday 27 November 2011
Thou hath sinned!
Drake American Wigeon, Wintersett |
note the gleaming white axilleries (armpits), a feature you would need to see on a juvenile or female to help clinch identification . |
The drake American Wigeon contiues it's residence, usually on the Top Res from the boathouse but flies to the Country Park lake when the boats come out. Also over 400 Wigoen are present and the Cettis can be heard (usually) on the west bank of the Top Res- the male is singing in short bursts again.
Saturday 26 November 2011
Saturday 26th November
A Snow Bunting was at Whitley Common this morning. It was, apparentley re-located in a sheep field on Spicer House Lane by members of the Huddersfield Birdwatcher's Club. However it was unfortunately disturbed by the farmer as he entered the field to feed the sheep. There are a four good photos of it on the Hudderfield Birdwatchers Club website.
Friday 25 November 2011
My visit to Old Moor today was well rewarded. 29 White-fronted Geese on the Wader Scrape were a splendid sight as well as a site record. Apparently they had been inadvertently flushed by a birder from Edderthorpe Flash earlier in the morning which a few people weren’t too chuffed about. Being a Wath stalwart however, the only complaint I have is why didn’t he do the same with the Marsh Warbler that was there a couple of summers ago! As well as the usual suspects present at Old Moor today a Peregrine paid a visit and the Reedbed Bittern had a ‘showy day’ whilst the Cetti’s Warbler also remained in situ. And as for the record 29 White-fronts – they flew up to Broomhill Flash and were joined by a further six……………………………
White Stork visits Barnsley
White Stork, Silkstone - Colin Bower
A White Stork visited
Tuesday 22 November 2011
Edderthorpe 22nd November
Report from Old Moor today - 1 white front, 1 Bittern, 1 Cetti's.
Monday 21 November 2011
Houghton Washland 21st November
The bottom end of this (Little Houghton Marsh) has been drained by the Environment Agency two years ago. They put deeper ditches in to attract water voles and by doing so its dried the marsh out. The RSPB have taken over the management of this particular part of the washland but they still haven't started work on the site yet.
The top half of the washland is where the old lake used to be (old records of breeding BN Grebes in this area). Its been flooded for the last few years and turned some good stuff up, especially good numbers of waders. However, last year the Environment Agency allowed the farmer to drain it. The lake is just a field of rough grass now.
A walk all way around the site from top to bottom today produced 1 heron and 2 moorhens.
Monday 21st November
11 Greylag Geese, 7 Coot and 2 Little Grebe.
Langsett Reservoir
53 Teal.
Upper Midhope
40+ Greenfinch
1 Red Grouse on pastureland.
November 21st
Also Common Buzzard out of Warren Wood.
Sunday 20 November 2011
WEBS count day. Foggy until 2pm so all counts from last couple of hours of daylight.
White-fronted Goose 29, Greylag Goose 150, Canada Goose 183, Ross's Goose 1, Mute Swan 2, Shelduck 1, Mallard 258, Gadwall 6, Teal 202, Wigeon 51, Shoveler 46, tufted 10, Pochard 2, Cormorant 10, Little Grebe 2, Coot 5, Lapwing 450, Golden Plover 1000, Dunlin 12, Snipe 1, Common Buzzard 1.
Mallard 90, Shoveler 31, Teal 6, Tufted 12, Coot 7.
Saturday 19 November 2011
The flock of 29 White-fronted Geese are still in the valley with the Greylag flock - this afternoon they were all in the field over the river from the flash. The golden Plover flock is impressive with at least 3700 birds, over 400 Lapwing and 11 Dunlin.
The drake American Wigeon is still present, usually on the Top Res but if flushed by boats it retreats to the Country Park lake. Pink-footed Goose in with the 'resident' goose flock. Water Rails are conspicuous around the Top Res at present with at least a dozen there. Both Cettis Warblers were recorded today although the male is not very vocal or singing at present. A Chiffchaff was seen around the Top Res.
Saturday 19th November
2 juvenile White-fronted Geese in with 72 Greylag Geese. Apparently they have been in the area since Thursday (17th).
Friday 18 November 2011
Friday 18th November
Good numbers of plovers and starlings still about but the number of gulls (particularly Common Gulls) has fallen significantly. The totals were:
450+ Lapwing, 116 Golden Plover and 300+ Starling.
Ingbirchworth Reservoir
36 Greylag Geese, 110 Canada Geese and 10 Tufted Duck.
A high late November count of c50 Linnets.
Royd Moor Res.
25 Grey Lag Geese.
Thursday 17 November 2011
White fronts
Soon after a line of white fronts went very low over the back garden and just over the top of the house heading towards Broomhill.
Couldn't see the back end of the line but there was at least 5.
These birds keep disappearing.
I think this dispels the rumour that the Dearne Valley is snowed under with birders.
This might be so at Old Moor but nowhere else is watched throughout the day.
If a flock of geese can go missing for days then what else is out there?
Wednesday 16 November 2011
Other News (16/11/11)
A juv Aythya sp was also on Anglers which had a bill pattern similar to that of Lesser Scaup. What are the chances of there being two North American duck? . . ,
See image below
Wednesday 16th November
Langsett Banks
Flock of 35+ Coal Tits with 3-4 Goldcrests.
Langsett Reservoir
74 Pink-footed Geese east at 10:55hrs (and a skein later over Underbank Reservoir but these were only heard and must have been high and above the low cloud), and 2 Brambling with Chaffinches.
Midhope Reservoir
6 Black Grouse at Edge Cliff Brook moving to Spring Moor.
Barnside Moor
1 ringtail Hen Harrier leaving south over Ewden Height.
Edderthorpe 15th November 2011
Been down to Tyreshall Farm and scanned the fields there and then been down Edderthorpe Lane checking the fields there.
Nowt found but these fields are smallish and many of them are used for grazing cattle so on the face of it they look suitable for bean geese.
Had about a hour sat on Greys Bench at Edderthorpe - and Edderthorpe at the moment is looking fantastic.
The white fronts are still there but they were on and behind the flood banking near the river. I'd guess there's still about 10 there.
Also about 3000 goldies, 15 dunlin and loads of ducks including a shelduck.
The wind pump has been installed by the RSPB and with any luck this will provide the right conditions in the spring to produce all the passage and breeding birds year after year. Which is great news !!!
However, I don't know how secure the structure of the wind pump is because its easily accessible as things stand now and so consequently its likely to end up being weighed in.
Monday 14 November 2011
14th November
1 female Goshawk (only my second since the spring)
Broadstones Reservoir
124 Common Gulls, 350+ Lapwing, 15 Golden Plover and 300+ Starlings.
Ingbirchworth Reservoir
65 Greylag Geese and 6 Tufted Ducks.
Saturday 12 November 2011
Saturday 12th November
Friday 11th November 2011
In the gloom. 3 Goldeneye (2 drakes), 3 Tufted Duck and 2 Little Grebe.
5 Red-legged Partridge and c120 Fieldfare.
Thursday 10 November 2011
Thursday 10th November
Some locally uncommon species present today, including 2 Little Grebe, 2 Goldeneye(pair), 2 Gadwall (pair), 4 Green Sandpiper and 1 Redshank.
Wintersett reservoir
The American Wigeon was present near the boathouse all day. A Shelduck was also present in the area.
Wednesday 9 November 2011
Another excellent day here and another new species for the site. A fine drake American Wigeon was found on the Country Park lake early afternoon and is still present at dusk. It is feeding on weed brought to the surface by Coot directly out from the hide and is showing well. There were also 4 White-fronted Geese seen early morning flying over the Top Res and heading south. A flock of about 100 Pink-footed Geese flew west at dusk.
A late Swallow was over the res in the morning.
Monday 7 November 2011
All day from dawn to dusk was spent unsucessfully searching for yesterdays Penduline Tit. This wasn't a wasted day though as scrutiny of the reedbeds turned up a new Cettis Warbler as well as the resident bird. A short-eared Owl circled the top res at mid day before heading off southwards and a Lesser Spotted woodpecker flew up the top bank in the morning. Visable migration was poor- the Woodies must have all move out yesterday
Sunday 6 November 2011
Wintersett Reservoir did the business today with a new bird for the Barnsley Area; Pete Smith found a Penduline Tit this morning near the boathouse. It played very hard to get but eventually in the next hour or so seven birders managed to see the bird with some good photographs being obtained. Unfotunatly at about 1pm it decided to fly across the reservoir towards another reedbed and despite being looked for all afternoon by many birders it wasnt seen again. This is a very rare bird in Yorkshire being only the fifth record in the County and the first since 1992.
A extreamly large passage of Wood Pigeons flying south in the first few hours after dawn resulted in a record count of over 28,000 moving, easily beating the previous record count of 8,000.
Tuesday 1 November 2011
1st November 2011
at least 3 Dunlin, Golden Plover, Lapwing, Shoveler,
Teal, G Heron, Meadow Pipits
Spring Vale Road, Park Springs - Chiffchaff
Ferry Moor Lake - Shoveler, Tufted Duck
M Doveston