Another quiet day!
Anglers CP:
Redwing 5.
Wintersett Res:
3 Great Spotted Woodpeckers were in the wood behind the boathouse bench.
Another quiet day!
Anglers CP:
Redwing 5.
Wintersett Res:
3 Great Spotted Woodpeckers were in the wood behind the boathouse bench.
A Red Kite appeared from nowhere at 8.30 just as I was packing up and gave good views for 10 mins. It came from the Wharncliffe Res area and drifted over the fields bordering Bank Lane before flying towards the shooting lodge where it settled in trees at the bottom of the drive. It then headed towards the southern end of Wharncliffe Chase and was lost from view.
Also Skylark, 2 Yellowhammer, Redwing, Common Gull, Buzzard, Kestrel
Anglers CP:
21 Whooper Swans were on at 07.15hrs. They left north west at 07.55hrs.
Gadwall 14. Shoveler 11. Great Crested Grebe 5.
Wintersett Res:
A Cetti's Warbler was on the east bank. Goosander 9.
A Linnet flew over. Goldeneye 85.
Anglers CP:
Siskin 1. Shoveler 7.
Wintersett Res:
Little Grebe 1. Goosander 18. Pochard 46.
The Canada Goose flock increased to 21, Greylag to 5. Also present Little Egret, 2 Buzzard, Kestrel, 1m1f Sparrowhawk, 2 Green Woodpecker 'Yaffling' in the process of pairing up. 9 Herring and 3 Common Gulls all looking well in their breeding plumage (R Laverack/CG).
Only one Herald Moth was left in their winter hideaway (C. Parkin)
This morning 2 Cetti's Warbler sang, Green and Great Spotted Woodpecker called, 4 Grey Partridge were on the fields, 2 Cormorant, 36 Teal, 13 Tufted Duck and a drake Goosander flew north (JP/K. Bannister).
This afternoon a 'Band' of 4 Jays, Water Rail and Tawny Owl.
A Pipistrelle Bat was flying at dusk and a Dog Fox was barking (D. Standish/D Smith).
Wintersett Res:
Shoveler 22 + 2 Anglers CP.
Haw Park Lane Wood:
Redwing 8.
Anglers CP:
Siskin 1. Woodcock 1.
The nest boxes on the Woodland Walk were cleared out this morning.
A beetle Dromius quadrimaculatus, was a 5th record for the area.
A spider, Metellina merianae was found in one box
Metellina merianae, Anglers CP
25.02.2022 Georgie Wightman
Anglers CP:
A Curlew was in the shallows this morning. Siskin 3.
Shoveler 12 + 4 WRes.. Redwing 5.
All photos taken by Steve Denny
56 Gadwall was a pretty decent count, 4 Greylag, 2 Cormorant, Treecreeper, Coal Tit and a single Redpoll over. (JP/S. Grove/C. Parkin/CG). A pair of Buzzards were seen mating (G. Shearing)
A Bittern came in from the south at 17.58hrs to roost in the reed bed in front of Elaine's seat (Dave Standish) and a Tawny Owl called.
Anglers CP:
Two sightings of Merlin this morning and 120 Pink-footed Geese flew northwest.
Oystercatcher 4.
Wintersett Res:
Shoveler 13 + 6 Anglers CP. A Water Rail was in the boathouse reeds.
The best there today was 1m Pochard, 6 Tufted Duck, 10 Teal, 1 Cormorant (adult sinensis), 1 adult Lesser Black-backed Gull and a Grey Wagtail.
Cold Hiendley Res:
Goosander 8. Redwing 1.
Anglers CP:
A 1st Winter Mediterranean Gull was in the shallows this morning. Snipe 5.
Mediterranean Gull 1st Winter Anglers CP SDennyStill very quiet here wildfowl in low numbers as there is plenty of flood water to choose from in the locality. Best today was 3 Buzzards up together, Green Woodpecker, Grey Wagtail, Goldcrest, Kingfisher and Cetti's Warbler. (L & Corrall/CG).
Here is the Wintersett WeBS count for February 2022.
Mute Swan 6. Canada Goose 23. Cormorant 14. Coot 128.
Moorhen 18. Mallard 35. Teal 20. Wigeon 318. Shoveler 11.
Gadwall 5. Tufted Duck 147. Pochard 85. Goldeneye 126.
Goosander 26. Great Crested Grebe 17. Grey Heron 3.
Lapwing 100. Snipe 8. Oystercatcher 5.
Anglers CP:
Pochard 65 + 28 WRes.. Oystercatcher 4.
Wintersett Res.
Canada Goose 3. Shoveler 9. Goosander 3 + 5 CHRes..
February is traditionally a quiet month here. Today's best was 3 Little Egrets, 2 Water Rails (seen), 26 Herring Gulls, 6 Common Gulls, Peregrine, Great Spot Woodpecker and 2 singing Song Thrushes (JP/L & A Corrall/GG).
Anglers CP:
Oystercatcher 3. Shoveler 7. Snipe 12. Cormorant 18.
Wintersett Res:
A 2ndW Iceland Gull was in the Wintersett Res. gull roost tonight, before being flushed by a Sparrowhawk.
It was seen later in the roost at Old Moor.
Anglers CP:
5 Tree Sparrows, 2 female Siskin and 2 Lesser Redpoll were at the feeding station.
Shelduck 2. Shoveler 3 + 2 WRes..
Anglers CP:
110 Pink-footed Geese flew west north west.
Visiting birder, Ben Armstrong saw a Merlin fly over this morning.
Walton Hall:
Psycho the adult Yellow-legged Gull was in this morning.
Wigeon 1 male and 1 female.
Anglers CP:
Oystercatcher 3. Little Grebe 1 +1 WRes..
Wintersettt Res:
Goosander 16 + 3 CHRes.. A Cetti's Warbler was in the boathouse reeds.
Anglers CP:
2 Whooper Swans flew south east at 08.00hrs. Shoveler 5. Oystercatcher 2.
Wintersett Res.
Goldeneye 95 + 10 CHRes. + 67 ACP. Pochard 33 + 5 CHRes. + 106 ACP.
Great Crested Grebe 16 + 5 CHRes. + 1 ACP.
A Woodcock was on the west bank. A Water Rail was in the boathouse reeds.
Anglers CP:
2 Oystercatchers, one from each territory, were on the shallows this morning, including the ringed female that bred here last year.
Oystercatcher female Anglers CP 08.02.2022 @stphotography99
A Woodcock was flushed this morning from the embankment and a Little Egret was on the wader scrape (Keith Bannister).
A little later Green Woodpecker called, 20 Siskin were in the car park and 6 Tufted Duck were on the scrape (Les & Andrew Corrall).
This afternoon towards dusk a Linnet flew south, 15 + 3 Yellow Buntings came in to roost in Common Reed, a Cetti's Warbler sang and a Tawny Owl called before it flew within 10 yards of me in the fading light. The Mute Swan that came in on the 5th is Y227, he was ringed as an adult at Doncaster Lakeside in 2015 (CG).
Anglers CP:
Oystercatcher 1. A Green Woodpecker and 2 Greenfinch were on the Pol.
Cormorant 18. Shoveler 5. Pochard 110.
2 Siskin and 1 Lesser Redpoll were on the feeders.
Wintersett Res:
Goosander 6.
This mornings best was 10 Herring Gull, 6 Common Gull, 7 Starling, 7 Redwings, 40 Linnets, 30 Skylarks and 2 Grey Partridge (JP/R. Laverack).
Two Little Egrets, 25 Siskin, Goldcrest and a Redwing today (L & A Corrall/R. Laverack).
On the wader scrape 2 Little Egrets,12 Herring Gulls. Elsewhere 2 Fieldfares, 2 Treecreepers, Goldcrest, 20 Siskins and Cetti's Warbler. (LC/AC/RL).
Two more adult Mute Swans joined the adult and 2 cygnets. 32 Herring Gulls, 26 Teal and a Dabchick were also present. 9 Siskin were feeding on Alders seeds (Chris Parkin).
4 Raptors this afternoon Peregrine, Sparrowhawk, Kestrel and Buzzard. Also Green Woodpecker, Kingfisher, Snipe and 30 Stock Doves in to roost (K. Bannister/CG).
The 3 Swans that came in on Sunday are Y229 female that spent most of 2019 & 2020 here with her 2 cygnets OY03 & OY04.