Saturday 31 August 2024

Carlton Marsh

This morning a Hobby was harassed by a Crow over the scrape at 09.50hrs (Helen Todd). 2 Little Egrets were on the wader scrape and a Cetti's Warbler called from the reed beds. A Goldcrest called and 50 Canada and 10 Greylags were resting on the scrape

At least 3m Vapourer moths and 5 Brown Hawkers were flying (Geoff Carr/CG).

This evening 30 House Martins and a very late Hobby at dusk. The Bittern climbed the reeds at 20.00hrs and continued to show until the light faded. It gave good views for several observers as the photographs below show (Helen & Andy Todd).

Bittern photos by Helen Todd

Wintersett 31.08.2024

Anglers CP:  P.Meredith

A Ringed Plover called over CP at  07.28hrs.  

Little Egret 2.

Going south:

Snipe 5.   Teal 6.

Wintersett Ringing - @Becky Bailey 31.08.2024

76 Birds were ringed at Wintersett1 this morning; 

Highlights - Chiffchaff 25,  Willow Warbler 4,  Blackcap 10,

Whitethroat 1,  Reed Warbler 9,  Sedge Warbler 8,  Linnet 2,

Reed Bunting 3.

Friday 30 August 2024


31 Wall Brown, 1 Brown Argus (a first for me here), 4 Small Copper, 3 Gatekeeper (Chris Parkin).

Wintersett 30.08.2024

Anglers CP:

Great Crested Grebe with 1 young on back. 

Little Grebe 2.  Cormorant 7.  Grey Heron 2.

Grey Wagtail 2. 

Wintersett Res: 

A Water Rail was in the Willow Wood Reeds. (SD)

190 Lapwings were on the north bank. (SD)

Botany Bay Dell: (SD)

Purple Hairstreak 1.  Whitethroat 1.

Cold Hiendley Res:

Grey Heron 1.

Thursday 29 August 2024

Carlton Marsh

This morning 2 Little Grebes, 2 Tufted Ducks, 1 Shoveler, c70 Gadwall and Green Woodpecker. 

Also a fresh dead Common Shrew, Fox, and a Grass Snake swam across the dike near the bird hide (K. bannister/CG/Jim Finnerty).

This afternoon 7 Red Admiral, 5 Peacock, 2 Comma, 27 Meadow Brown, 1m Brimstone, 4 Common Blue (2 mating), 1 Small Heath, 7 Large White, 42 White species. Also 3 Migrant Hawker, 1 Common Emerald and a Squash Shield bug (C. Parkin).

This evening Little Egret south,12 Greylag, 10 House Martins, 1 Sand Martin, 3 Swifts, 2 Water Rails called as did a male Tawny Owl. 

Then the Bittern climbed up the Bullrushes at 20.15hrs before flying up and around the marsh alighting in a reed bed to the left of the hide at 2020hrs, giving good views (D. Standish/CG/J/ Finch/S. Bethell).

Wintersett + Update. 29.08.2024

Anglers CP:

Garganey 2.   Whitethroat 1.  Shoveler 5.  

Little White Egret 1.   Grey Heron 1

 Little Grebe 1.   Cormorants 2.

Wintersett Res:

A juvenile Hobby was hunting in the south west area.

A 3rd CY Yellow -legged Gull was roosting on number 3 buoy. 


Speckled Wood 2.  Brimstone 1.  

Small White 2 on clump.

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Carlton Marsh & Littleworth Park - Monk Bretton

Carlton Marsh
1 Yellow Wagtail south was the highlight today (JP).
Littleworth Park
1 Peacock, 1 Comma, 47 Meadow Brown, 12 Common Blue (2 mating), 7 Small Heath and 5 Migrant Hawkers (Chris Parkin)

Carlton Marsh (Tuesday 27/8/24)

Little Egret, 12 Swifts, Bittern climbed up reeds at 20.20hrs on main scrape, a Water Rail and 2 Tawny Owls called  (Dave Standish).

Wintersett 28.08.2024 G.Speight / ASmith

Anglers CP:

Goldeneye 1.   Little Egret 2. 

Pink-footed Goose 1.   Swift 2.  Common Tern 1.  Lapwing 26.

A Grey Heron and 7 Cormorants flew over to WRes.

A Little Egret on fence on lake corner + another in the shallows.

Wintersett Res:

Garganey 1 + 1 ACP.   Pochard 53 + 2 ACP.

Yellow-legged Gull 1.  Common Tern 1.

Mute Swan 61 (53  + 5 Cold Hiendley Res. + 3 ACP)

Shoveler 23 (12 + 11 ACP).   Pochard 53 + 2 ACP

Haw Park Wood:

Hobby 3 over. 

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Wintersett ( GJSpeight) 27.08.2024 Updated

South westerly  f  3-4 cloudy, mild.

Wintersett Res: 07.00hrs

Mallard 103 + 83 ACP.   Pochard 51.  Ringed Plover 5 south.

Hobby 1 over.   Sand Martin 100.   House Martin 80.

Swift 75 south west + 30 over WRes..

Anglers CP: 

2 Little Egrets were at the top end of the rockwall, 

Little Grebe 8... 5 ACP + 3 WRes..  Garganey 1.  Common Sandpiper 1. 

Dunlin 2 south 07.25hrs.  Common Tern 4.  

Great Crested Grebe  46 .....4 ACP + 41 WRes. + 1 Cold Hiendley Res..

Teal 11.  Shoveler 6.

Monday 26 August 2024

Carlton Marsh

Today's sightings included a Little Egret, Goldcrest, Treecreeper, Coal Tit (the first since April), 3 Buzzard included a juvenile, 2 Great Spot Woodpeckers, Cetti's Warbler, and a Lesser BB Gull 3rd summer (L & A Corrall).

A Southern Hawker was ovipositing in the school pond (CG).

Later in the evening the Bittern was heard in the reed beds which then flew into Bullrushes at the south end of the scrape at 19.10hrs (Dave Standish).

A record shot of the Bittern in fading light and at distance (D. Standish).

Wintersett 26.08.2024

Anglers CP:

A Greenshank  flew onto south bank ACP at 08.48hrs.  Left south west. (PM)

Little Egret 2. (SD)  Teal 3.  Little Grebe 4.  Shoveler 4.
A juvenile Garganey was in the shallows.
Three juvenile  Hobbies over Haw Park. 08.58 (SD)  
2 Hobbies over ACP at 09.15hrs. (PM)

Wintersett Res:
30 Pochard  (SD).

Sunday 25 August 2024

Carlton Marsh

A Bittern flew across the scrape into a Bullrush red bed at 10.25hrs (K. Bannister/JP/John Finch). Out first since April 2021.

Also present 2 Little Grebe, 2 Kingfisher and 2 single Swifts flew south (CG).

This evening the Bittern flew into the reed bed nearest Elaine's seat overlooking the scrape. It climbed up the reed bed stems at 20.15hrs.

Also of note Water Rail called, a Hobby came in after the House Martins feeding over the scrape and a Tawny Owl called at dusk (Dave Standish).

The Northern Meadow is covered in Devil's Bit Scabious at the moment.


Wintersett 25.08.2024

 Anglers CP:

Grey Wagtail 5.   Little Egret 2.   Teal 1.

The juvenile Garganey was in the shallows this morning. (PS)

Shoveler 1.   Greenfinch 2.  Swift 12 ACP + 13 WRes..

Wintersett Res:

Pochard 15.   Little Grebe 9 + 1 ACP.

Goldeneye 1 female.

Cold Hiendley Res:

Common Tern 3.


A Gatekeeper was on the west bank WRes..


A Southern Hawker was in the Willow Wood.

Saturday 24 August 2024

Wintersett + Ringing 24.08.2024

34 birds were ringed at Wintersett this morning - @BeckyBailey101

Highlights were: Chiffchaff 4.  Willow Warbler 4,   Blackcap 6,

Garden Warbler 1,   Whitethroat 2,  Reed Warbler 1,  

Sedge Warbler 4,   Cetti's Warbler (f),  Linnet 4,  Swallow 1. 


Swift 16 south + 8 ACP.   Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult south ACP,

Whimbrel 1 south (GJS, PS).   Great White Egret 1 north. (GJS)

Meadow Brown 1 and Large White Butterfly 1 north bank WRes..

Common Shrew 1 deceased north bank WRes..

Friday 23 August 2024

Wintersett 23.08.2024

Cold Hiendley Res:

Common Tern 5.   

Wintersett Res:

Pochard 17 + 7 ACP.   Goldeneye 1 female. 

Anglers CP:

Shoveler 17.   Little Egret 3.  Little Grebe 2 + 2 WRes..

Hobby 1.   Mallard 102 + 8 WRes.. Swift 2 + 10 WRes..

Teal 3.  Pink-footed Goose 1.    Canada X Greylag Hybrid  2.


Garganey 1 juvenile.  Steve Denny.