Friday 30 June 2023

Carlton Marsh

The drake Garganey showed well again on the scrape. At least 5 Grey Herons, singing Goldcrest and 56 LBB Gulls (L & A Corrall/CG).

This brute of a Gull on the wader scrape had obviously had a mishap as it was injured. Could it be a Caspian Gull?. Comments appreciated. Photos by Les Corrall.

Note the leg length and body size compared to the adjacent Herring and LBB Gulls
Also the the heavier longer Bill

Wintersett 30.06.2023

Anglers CP:

A Little Egret flew south.   Common Gull 1 adult.  

Tufted Duck 9 young.

Wintersett Res:

Common Tern 10.   Goldeneye 1 female.   Sand Martin 3.

Cold Hiendley Res:

Teal 1.

Haw Park Wood:

Crossbill 1.  Siskin 1.

Thursday 29 June 2023

Carlton Marsh & Littleworth Park

The highlights today Drake Garganey showed well, Little Egret, Goldcrest sang, 2 Kingfisher and a Grey Wagtail that was attacking its reflection in a vehicle mirror.

Also 1m Banded Agrion

(K. Bannister/R. Laverack/L & Corrall).

Littleworth Park - Monk Bretton
1, 328 butterflies were counted today on this site. 3 Red Admiral, 6 Comma, 764 Meadow Brown, 273 Ringlet, 226 Small Skipper, 15 Small Heath and 15 Common Blue.

Also present 2 Squash Shield Bugs and a Smooth Newt (C. Parkin).

Ewden valley 29/6/23.

Hobby 1, probably 2, Red Kite 1, C Buzzard 4, Kestrel 6+. Raven 2, Golden Plover 6+ include a flying group of 4. Cuckoo 1 still singing, Stonechat 6+ , Swift c 15. Meadow Pipit c 20, 1 Mountain Hare. The WT Eagle was reportedly seen a few times this morning viewed from the lodge but no sign this afternoon.

Wintersett + Insects 29.06.2023

Anglers CP:

Tufted Duck 9 very small young.  Common Tern 7.   

Little Ringed Plover 1 adult.   

2 Curlews flew onto CP shallows from fields.  

67 lapwing in CP Shallows. 

Common Gull 1 adult +1st summer.  Gadwall 4. 

Wintersett Res:

Common Scoter 2 males + 2 females.

Lepidoptera:  2 White-letter Hairstreaks at Botany Farm. 

Odonata:  Four-spotted Chaser 1 ACP.

Wednesday 28 June 2023

Wintersett + Lepidoptera 28.06.2023

Anglers CP:

Little Ringed Plover 1 adult.   Oystercatcher 4.  

 Wintersett Res:

7 Common Terns were in this morning.   A Redshank was on the boathouse slipway.

Lepidoptera on west bank WRes.:

Gatekeeper 1.  Large Skipper 1.   Small Skipper 1.


One of the larger species of Hoverfly in Haw Park Wood this morning. 
Follow the link below for video. @StevieD131

Tuesday 27 June 2023

Wintersett 27.06.2023

Wintersett Res:

The drake Common Scoter on the Res.  has been joined by a female today.

 Common Tern 2.  Goldeneye 1 female.   

Anglers CP: 

Common Gull 1.   Little Ringed Plover 1.

Monday 26 June 2023

Carlton Marsh

A Red Kite flew over Royston Road, Cudworth heading for the reserve at around 09.20hrs (Steve Milner)

A Goldcrest and a Garden Warbler (new in) sang in the car park area, a Grey Wagtail was feeding a recently fledged young, and a Sand Martin was flying with other hirundines.

Insects included 2m Southern Hawkers and a Nursery Web Spider (L & A Corrall).

More insects observed from the Western Meadow by Chris Parkin included 8 Red Admiral, 10 Comma, 267 Meadow Brown, 174 Ringlet, 12 Large Skipper, 41 Small Skipper and 12 Large White.

Moths present were 1 Burnet Campion, 1 Mother Shipton, 2 Blackneck, and 1 Six spot Burnet. 3 Brown Hawkers were also flying.

3 Bee Orchids were found

This evening the drake Garganey made a brief appearance on the scape before typically disappearing into Typha reed. A Kingfisher flew along the dike, and Cetti's Warbler sang (R. Laverack/CG)

Wintersett 26.06.2023

 Anglers CP:  A very quiet day.

A Little Egret and 2 Curlews were in the shallows this morning. 

Sunday 25 June 2023

Wintersett 25.06.2023

Anglers CP:  

Common Gull 1 adult.   Canada Goose young 21.  

Tufted Duck 6 very small young.

Roesel's Bush Cricket 3.

Six-belted Clearwing:  

5 were lured this morning with a lure that has been in the freezer for 14 years!!!

Photo by Pete Smith.


Saturday 24 June 2023

Carlton Marsh

 Apart from 26 LBB Gulls and a male Grey Wagtail, it was quiet for birds.

Insects on the Western Meadow included 85 Meadow Brown, 72 Ringlet, 10 Small Skipper, 1 Small Copper, 1 Burnet Companion moth and 1 Latticed Heath moth. 

2 Brown Hawker Dragonflies were the first for this season (CG).

Ringlet (CG)

South Kirkby Industrial Estate
A Grey Partridge had 2 young with them, also Green Woodpecker and 7 Mistle Thrush.

More than 1,000 butterflies were on the wing of 13 species that included 164 Marbled White, 4 Gatekeeper, 526 Meadow Brown, 283 Ringlet, 1m Brimstone and 1 Six Spot Burnet Moth. 

Wintersett + Ringing 24.06.2023

Wintersett Res:

The 1st summer drake Common Scoter was still on this morning - @StevieD131.

Cetti's Warbler 2 males west bank clump.

Walton Hall:

Great Crested Grebe 2 young.

Oystercatcher 2 adults + 1 juvenile.


49 birds were ringed at Wintersett Clump: 

Highlights were:  15 Chiffchaff,  3 Willow Warbler,   3 Reed Warbler,

 1 Sedge Warbler,  2 Blackcap,  1 Whitethroat and  2 juvenile Cetti's Warbler.


 Juvenile  male Cetti's Warbler  -  Becky Bailey

Friday 23 June 2023

Ardsley Viaduct - River Dearne to Storrs Mill

2 Little Egrets.

Insects included 6 from a new brood of Comma, 5 Red Admiral, 265 Meadow Brown, 102 Ringlet, 15 Chimney Sweeper and 1 Mother Shipton moth (Chris Parkin)

Carlton Marsh
This year's first Southern Hawker was on the wing and a Yellow-bellied Slider was on the scrape (L & Corrall/JP).

Ewden valley 23/6/23.

Observers - D Nichols, S Green. 4 hours + at the lodge with no sign of the Eagle. Hobby 1, Peregrine imm 1, Red Kite 2, C Buzzard 3, Kestrel 5. Raven 4, BH Gull 4, Golden Plover 1, still 1 singing Cuckoo. Ring Ouzel 1 fem imm type seen twice, Stonechat 6 includes 3 juvs, Meadow Pipit c 23.

Wintersett 23.06.2023

Anglers CP:

Snipe 1.    Oystercatcher 5 (including a juvenile).  

Common Gull 1 adult.

Wintersett Res: 

Common Tern 5.   Goldeneye 1 female.   

Odonata - Botany Bay:

Common Darter 1 teneral.   Red-eyed Damselfly 3 males.  

Thursday 22 June 2023

Littleworth Park - Monk Bretton

32 Swifts. 

Butterflies included 2 Red Admiral, 536 Meadow Brown, 122 Ringlet, 15 Large Skipper, 79 Small Skipper, and 44 Small Heath.

Also of note 5 Broad-bodied Chaser, 2 Burnet Companion moths, 2 Squash Shield Bug and the larvae of Peacock butterfly (Chris Parkin)

Wintersett + New Species. 22.06.2023

Anglers CP:

A Red tipped Clearwing was attracted to a lure on the Pol this morning.  PS + GW-S

This is a new species for the Wintersett Area.

Red tipped Clearwing to lure on Pol 

Pete Smith   22.06.2023

In addition 2 Six-belted Clearwings were also attracted to lures.

2 Little Grebes  were on the lake.