Tuesday 30 April 2024

Carlton Marsh

2 male Wheatears were on a tilled field late morning (1 much brighter than the other is thought to be the Greenland race). Also of interest Goldcrest, Meadow Pipit and 3 Reed Warblers (L & A Corrall).

Earlier a Cuckoo sang along with 5 Whitethroats and a Sedge Warbler (JP).

Treecreeper, both Pink Feet and a Lapwing were of note (K. Bannister/CG).

Wheatears (Dave Standish)
 79 species were recorded in April. Well done everybody.
Storrs Mill to Ardsley Viaduct
4 Buzzards, Kingfisher, 7 Sand Martin's showing interest in nesting in the river bank, 2 Grey Wagtails, 2 Grey Partridges and 1 R.L. Partridge.
Butterflies included Holly Blue, 10m & 4f Brimstone, 36 male Orange-tip & 29 Peacock.
7 Large Red Damselflies were on the wing & Green and Sloe Shield Bugs were about (Chris Parkin).

Wintersett 30.04.2024

Anglers CP:

Little Egret 1.   A Whimbrel flew north west at 09.03hrs.

Lesser Whitethroat 1 male Pol + 1 male east bank WRes.. 

Shelduck 2.  Mallard 6 young.   A Hobby flew over.  

Greylag Goose 2 adults + 5 young

Wintersett Res:

Goldeneye 1 adult male + 1 female. 

Tufted Duck 71 + 45 ACP + 17 CHRes..

Great Crested Grebe 4 + 2 ACP + 4 CHRes..

Common Tern 5.   Swift 50.  


A Large White on Haw Park Lane +  1 in the Willow Wood. 


A Large Red Damselfly was over the golf course pond.

Monday 29 April 2024

Carlton Marsh

This morning 2 Oystercatchers came onto the the wader scrape at 10.58hrs to join 2 Pink Feet Geese and a Grey Wagtail.

2 LBB Gulls flew south, 6 Skylarks and 3 Yellow Buntings were seen on fields to the east (A. Corrall/CG).

This afternoon 4 Swifts were over the scrape and an 18 inches long Grass Snake was encountered on the embankment.

3 Male and 1 female Brimstone butterflies were abroad, a Common Carpet moth was flushed and the larvae of a Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing was found (C Parkin).

Wintersett 29.04.2024

Wintersett Res:

Redpoll 1 in Willow Wood + 3 in south west corner.

Shelduck 1.   Common Sandpiper 1 + 1 ACP.  Swift 40.  

Mute Swan 13 + 4 Cold Hiendley Res. + 4 Anglers CP. 

A male Goldcrest was at the boathouse.

2 male Sedge Warblers - Botany Road.

Cold Hiendley Res: 

Goldeneye 1 male. 

Anglers CP:

Common Tern 3.   A fledged young Pied Wagtail with adult, north east corner.

Common Gull 1 1st Winter.

Sunday 28 April 2024

Wintersett 28.04.2024

 Wintersett Res:

Sand Martin 500.   CommonTern 3.

Mediterranean Gull 2 north.

Anglers CP:

Arctic Tern 1 + 4 in at 11.50hrs.

Common Sandpiper 1.   Snipe 1.  Yellow Wagtail 2.

Goldeneye 1 adult male  + 1 female ACP  and 1 female WRes.

Lesser Black-backed Gull 7.   Herring Gull 6.   Pochard 1 drake.

Saturday 27 April 2024

Carlton Marsh

Today's highlights were; Little Egret, Oystercatcher (Wader Scrape) Simon Cox..

2 Pink Feet Geese, 1 Lapwing NW, 1 Redpoll north (CG).

Photos by Simon Cox

Wintersett 27.04.2024

 Wintersett Res. Vis.Mig: GJ S + PM

Going north east:  Little Egret 2 + 4.   

Going north: Mediterranean Gull 2.

Swift 23.

Wintersett Res:

Arctic Tern 1.   A Hobby caught a Sand Martin flying over (GJS) 

A Snipe flew over north bank field, landed in crop. 

Sedge Warbler - 5 males west bank clump + 2 males west bank.

2 male Whitethroats in west bank clump.

A male Lesser Whitethroat was on the north east bank.

Anglers CP:

Goldeneye 1 adult male + 1 female ACP + 1 female WRes..

Oystercatcher 7.  Common Tern 1.

Friday 26 April 2024

Carlton Marsh

This morning a Cream Crown Marsh Harrier headed north at 10.50hrs followed by 2 Swifts at 11.15hrs.

A singing Garden Warbler was a new arrival and a second Whitethroat was singing (JP).

2 Pink Feet were present this afternoon (C. Parkin) and 5 Swallows and 3 Sand Martins were feeding over the wader scrape this evening (D. Standish/CG).

Of interest a Water Rail sang this morning from a small pond beside the old Midland Railway and Storrs Mill Farm at Cudworth (CG).

Wintersett 26.04.2024

 Wintersett Res:

A male Cuckoo was in the south east area at dawn - Steve Denny.

Goldeneye 1 female.   

Mediterranean Gull 1 adult + 1 2nd summer flew over car park.

Common Tern 2.  Swift 11.

Garden Warbler 8 males in the area.

Sedge Warbler 4 males west bank clump.

A Goldcrest flew over Botany Road (north west).

10  male Reed Warblers were in the area.

Anglers CP:

Goldeneye 1 adult male + 1 female.

Haw Park: 

Lesser Redpoll 1.  

Cold Hiendley SF:

Grey Wagtail 1.

Thursday 25 April 2024

Wintersett 25.04.2024

Anglers CP:

Yellow Wagtail - 7 + 1 at the ruin.   Arctic Tern 1. 

Garden Warbler 4 - 1 male on Pol + 1 male at ruin + 1 male west bank clump (WRes.)

+ 1 north east bank WRes..

Lesser Whitethroat - 3 males Disposal Point.,  1 male Pol + 1 male north east WRes.

Goldeneye - 1 adult male,  1 female.  

A Little Ringed Plover flew over at 17.12hrs.

Wintersett Res:

Mallard 4 small young.  Common Tern 5.   Swift 11.

Sedge Warbler 2 males west bank clump +1 male west bank + 1 male north bank WRes..

Cetti's Warbler 5 males + 1 male Moorhouse Lane Pond.

George's corner field:  Wheatear 1 male.

Lapwing 4.  Yellow Wagtail  2 - 1 male and 1 female. 

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Carlton Marsh

The 2 Pink Feet were back on the scrape after their sojourn to Anglers Country Park yesterday. 

Also of note 2 Treecreepers and 20 Starlings. A new brood of 6 Canada Geese were near the hide (Ian Hey/CG).

Wintersett and Anglers CP 24.04.2024

Wintersett Res:

A male Garden Warbler was on the north east bank + 1 west bank clump.

Pochard 1 male. Swift 9.  Common Tern 5.  

Sedge Warbler 2 males west bank clump and 1 male west bank. 

A male Lesser Whitethroat south east (O'Donnel's)  

+ 1 male north east bank,  and 1 male north bank.

Cetti's Warbler 5 males.  A Yellow Wagtail was on north bank.

Steve Denny had a close encounter with a Barn Owl this morning, 

it flew came over north bank WRes. and left that way.

Great Crested Grebe 1 sitting.    

Mallard 11 young + 6 very small young Pol, ACP.

Oystercatcher 1.  Sand Martin 6

Anglers CP: 

Goldeneye 1 female, and 1 male CP  + 1 female WRes..

A White Wagtail was in the shallows.  

A 1st Winter Great Black-backed Gull was in the shallows.

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Carlton Marsh

A Little Ringed Plover called in at the wader scrape this morning. 

Also present Kingfisher, 2 Cetti's Warbler, 2 Reed Warbler, 3 Willow Warbler, 5 Swallow, Buzzard, Kestrel and 2 Treecreepers (L & Corrall/CG).

Wintersett 23.04.2024

 Anglers CP: -

A flock of 60 Redshank was on the shallows at 06.00hrs  - photo below, Steve Denny. 


 2 Lesser Whitethroats - 1 on the Pol and 1 near the cafe answering - Ian Allard.

Pink-footed Geese 2.  Oystercatcher 6.

Wintersett Res: 

No sign of the Red-throated Diver in the area today.

Arctic Tern 6 + Common Tern 1.

Monday 22 April 2024

Wintersett 22.04.2024

Anglers CP:

A Red throated Diver in breeding plumage was present throughout the day.

1 drake Common Scoter, and 1 drake Shoveler. 

14 Redshank flew onto CP rocks, (in front of hide).

1 Dunlin flew in 09.45hs  and 1 flew north east.  

2 male Wigeon and 1 female arrived during the day.   

Goldeneye 1 female.  Gadwall 9.   Common Gull 1 x1st Winter.  

A Little Egret flew over south west.  Common Sandpiper 1.

Wintersett Res https://www.trektellen.nl/count/view/1100/20240422

A total of 87 Arctic Terns were recorded through the day. 

A White Wagtail  and 1000 Sand Martins were on this morning.

A Little Tern was on at 10.15hrs (GJS et al,) - not seen after 11.05hrs.

2 Common Terns.  5 Swifts.  Grey Wagtail 1.  Yellow Wagtail 1.

A Little Egret flew west.  

The amazing morning continued, when another Red throated Diver,

in breeding plumage,  flew over WRes.  It circled twice, and left west at 11.00hrs. 

(GJS, SC).  

Cold Hiendley Res:

An adult drake Goldeneye was present.

Sunday 21 April 2024

Carlton Marsh

2 Shelducks flew NE at 06.55hrs (K. Bannister). 2 Little Ringed Plovers came on the wader scrape at 19.25hrs (D. Standish). 

                                                     Little Ringed Plover (Dave Standish).

 Both Pink Feet were also on the wader scrape with a male Teal, and a Treecreeper was seen near the viewpoint.

Storrs Mill to Ardsley Viaduct (on the River Dearne)
4 House Martins, 2 Grey Partridges, Grey Wagtail and Cormorant.
Butterflies included 32 Peacock, 2m Brimstone and 29 Orange-tip. A Large Red Damselfly was also on the wing
There were at least 15 Avocets at Edderthorpe Flash (C. Parkin)

Wintersett + Ringing 21.04.2024

Anglers CP:

Mediterranean Gull 2 adults.    Arctic Tern 10.

A Curlew flew south west.  Teal 1 male +  2 female.

Pintail 1 male + 1 female.

Greylag Goose 8.   Lesser Whitethroat 1 male. 

Common Sandpiper 1.   Goldeneye 1 female.

ACP Ringing on the Pol:  Becky Bailey

9 birds ringed @Wintersett1 this morning on our first session for 5 months, due to terrible weather,  including:

2 Blackcap, 2 Lesser Redpoll, 1 Willow Warbler, and a control Lesser Redpoll as well!

Saturday 20 April 2024

Carlton Marsh

New arrivals today were singing Sedge Warbler and Whitethroat (Dave Smith). Also present a singing Cuckoo, 8 Blackcap, 2 Cetti's Warbler, 4 Jay and 2 Grey Wagtail. 

A pair of Buzzards mated atop a large Crack Willow (CG).

Butterflies included 17 Peacock, 12 Speckled Wood, 20m & 5f Orange-tip, 5 Green V. White, 1 Large White, 8 Small White and 1m Brimstone. Not forgetting 3 Bee Fly (C. Parkin).

Wintersett 20.04.2024 + Updates.

Anglers CP: 

Common Sandpiper 1.   2 Mediterranean Gull adults in the shallows.

Goldeneye 1 male + 1 female,  and 1 female on WRes.

Lesser Whitethroat 1 male.  

Wintersett Res:

A male Brambling was in the Willow Wood. 

2 male Sedge Warblers were in  west bank clump.

A Coal Tit was in Pits Wood.  A Redpoll flew north.

Updates - Graham Speight - Wintersett Res:

Saturday - amazing numbers of Sand Martins at Wintersett this morning with @Fitzybirder,

- 1500 were feeding over the lakes early morning, which quickly dispersed northwards,

 and a further 2260 flew north between 11.00 and 13.00.  

Also 2 adult Mediterranean Gulls.

Cold Hiendley Res:

Tufted Duck 64 + 11 WRes..  


A Green Veined White was on the north east bank WRes.  + 1 in Stubbs Wood.


A juvenile Grass Snake was seen at Stubbs Wall. 

Friday 19 April 2024

Carlton Marsh - 10th to 19th April

A belated record of a female Merlin sat on a nearby tilled field on 10th (JP). 

15th 3 Sand Martins over the scrape (D. Standish).

16th 3 Little Egrets on the wader scrape with broods of 5 and 4 Greylag goslings. Also the first broods of Mallard 5 & 3. Plus 2 Cetti's Warblers & 2 Reed Warblers (L & A Corrall/C. Parkin).

17th A Greenshank was on the wader scrape, and a singing Cuckoo was new in. (K. Bannister/K. Pickard).

18th 2 Little Ringed Plovers on the wader scrape were our first this year (K. Bannister).

The 2 Pink Feet Geese were present throughout, as was Kingfisher.

Work started on fencing off the Western Meadow this week with a view to introducing cattle grazing thereafter. As well as to promote an even better wildflower meadow for all creatures great and small. A joint venture with YWT/BMBC/CMWG.

       Photos supplied by R. J. Boland

Wintersett 19.04.2024

Anglers CP:

2 Turnstones were in the shallows  this morning. (PW et al).  Photo - Steve Denny


1000 Sand Martins at dawn.(Steve Denny)   

Goldeneye 1 male + 1 female.

Yellow Wagtail  1 at Santingley + 1 flew north over ACP + 1 in Pol Field.

Lesser Whitethroat 1 male on Pol.   Goosander, 1 redhead flew north.  Teal 1 female.  

An incredible 1,400 Sand Martins over the lakes at Wintersett 

during the rain this afternoon.  - Pete Smith.

Thursday 18 April 2024

Wintersett 18.04.2024

Wintersett Res:

 A male and a female Brambling were in the Willow Wood.

Anglers CP:

A male Lesser Whitethroat was still on the Pol.

Goldeneye 1 adult male + 3 females,  also 1 female WRes..

Shoveler 1 male + 1 female.  Sedge Warbler 1 male on east bank.

Snipe 1.  Lesser Black-backed Gull 4.   Cormorant 6.  Shelduck 3.

An incredible 1400 Sand Martins over the lakes during rain this afternoon!

320 ACP  + 1,080 WRes.

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Wintersett 17.04.2024

Wintersett Res: 

A Green Woodpecker was on the west bank.  

Goldeneye 1 adult male CHRes, 1 female WRes.,  2 females ACP.

Sand Martin 400 + 50 ACP. 

Anglers CP:

A male Lesser Whitethroat  was on the Pol. (Pete Smith)

2 Yellow Wagtails were in the corner of the Pol field, seen from car park. (Simon Cooper)


A female Brimstone  and a male Orange Tip were seen on the Pol this morning.

Tuesday 16 April 2024

Wintersett 16.04.2024

Anglers CP:

Common Sandpiper 2.  

Goldeneye 4 females + 1 female WRes..

Lesser Redpoll 2.(PS).  

A Red Kite flew over. 

Monday 15 April 2024

Wintersett 15.04.2024

Wintersett Res:

3 Little Egrets were in trees in South West area at dawn, left south when rain eased. 

Swallow 30.  House Martin 15.  Sand Martin 350.

8 Lesser Redpoll  and 2 Siskin (PS), were on Haw Park Lane + 1 Siskin Pits Wood.

A Stoat was seen in the south west corner.

Cold Hiendley Sewage Works.

A male Yellow Wagtail was seen this morning.  (PS, AS)

Anglers CP:

Common Sandpiper 2.  Goldeneye 2 females 

A Wheatear flew over west over  at 10.09hrs, (PS,AS).

Shelduck 2  flew in at 10.35hrs.  Shoveler 2 males + 2 females.

An Arctic Tern flew north west at 11.58hrs.

Haw Park Lane:

35 Stock Doves were in Haw Park Lane Field.

Sunday 14 April 2024

Carlton Marsh

Both Pink Feet were on the wader scrape and later on the main scrape. Kingfisher looks as though it's here to breed again, and 2 Reed Warblers were singing. A new brood of 5 Greylags were on the Whin Pool.

There was another sighting of Mink on the dike near Bleachcroft Farm, where there are American Crayfish to feed on.

Butterflies included 38 Peacock, 8 Comma, 16 Speckled Wood, 11m 1f Orange-tip and 2 Green Veined White. 

Also of interest Green Shield Bug and a Great Diving Beetle (Chris Parkin)

Wintersett 14.04.2024

Anglers CP:

Shoveler 3 males + 1 female.   Teal 1 male + 1 female.

Common Tern 1.  

Goldeneye 5 + 1 male CHRes.. + 1 female Wintersett Res.

Wintersett Res:

Reed Warbler 1 male Willow Wood reeds + 1 male north bank

Greylag Goose 3 flew east.  

Sedge Warbler 1 male west bank clump.

Treecreeper 1 south east area, (O'Donnells).

Whitethroat 1 male north east bank + 1 male Botany Dell.

Cetti's Warbler 5 males (and 1 nest building in the Willow Wood Reeds!)

Saturday 13 April 2024

Carlton Marsh

A Mink was a unwelcome visitor today! It swam across the scrape in front of the hide.

Other aliens included 2 Yellow-bellied Sliders. 

The 2 Pink Feet Geese were being bullied by the male Swan, despite his Mrs dying, he continues to harass all the geese on the scrape.

Reed Warbler/Blackcap and Willow Warbler were all singing.

Fox skull (Dave Standish)

Wintersett 13.04.2024

Wintersett Res:


Brambling -  Steve Denny

4 Brambling (3m + 1f) were at the Willow Wood Bench, also a Sedge Warbler.

Goldeneye 1 WRes + 15 ACP. 

A male Sedge Warbler was in the boathouse reeds and another male in west bank clump.

A male Reed Warbler was on the north bank. - Pete Smith

Anglers CP:  

Shoveler 3 males + 1 female.    Snipe 1.   Common Sandpiper 1.

Herring Gull 8.

Friday 12 April 2024

Carlton Marsh

A Snipe on the wader scrape was the first this year (K. Bannister). Symptomatic of how scarce they have become at this site. 
A fresh dead Mole was on the embankment.
Storrs Mill to Ardsley Viaduct (via the River Dearne)
Swallow, 3 Grey Wagtail, Kingfisher, 2 Red-legged Partridge, 2 Lapwing, 6 Blackcap, 2 Sparrowhawk and 3 Buzzard (one eating a female Pheasant). 
Butterflies included 1 Large White, 2 G V White, 34 Peacock, 20 Small Tortoiseshell, 5 Comma, 12 Speckled Wood, 5m 1f Brimstone and 10m Orange-tip (C. Parkin).

Cudworth Common (Lidgett Lane)    
Vinegar Cup (Helvella acetabulum)

Wintersett 12.04.2024

 Wintersett Res:

Pochard 1 male.  A Sedge Warbler was on west bank clump brambles.

A male Whitethroat was in the north east corner, 

and a Common Sandpiper was at the boathouse.

A Brambling was in the Willow Wood near reedbed bench.  (Martin Weir).

Anglers CP:

3 Curlew flew north west + 4 west.   Teal 2 females + 1 male.

Shoveler 3 males + 1 female.   Cormorant 7 + 2 Wintersett Res. 

Common Sandpiper 5, moving between east/west bank,  north end of ACP.

+ 4 Curlews. - Martin Weir.


A Speckled Wood butterfly was on Anglers CP.  

Thursday 11 April 2024

Carlton Marsh

Hopes of our resident Swans breeding, are dashed, as the darvic ringed female Y229 died a few days ago! (CG). This was bird was ringed as an adult at Gargrave,in Wharfedale in August 2019 - age unknown.

There are still several Teal around, also Greylag and Canada Geese on nests, and the Pink Feet are still here. 

Passerines today included 8 singing Blackcaps, 5 Willow Warblers, 1 Red Warbler, 1 Goldcrest and a Treecreeper (L. & A. Corrall).

Butterflies enjoying the warm weather includecd 35 Peacock, 6 Comma, 12 Speckled Wood, 5 Brimstone, 13 Orange-tip and 2 Small White. 9 Bee Fly was a very good count (C. Parkin).


Wintersett 11.04.2024

 Anglers CP:

A Green Woodpecker was on the west bank.

Teal 2 males + 2 females.   Shoveler 2 males + 1 female.

2 Red Kites flew over CP fields.  Greylag Goose 4.

Lesser Redpoll 1.  Goldeneye 28.

A male Whitethroat was seen on the Wintersett Village to Moorhouse Lane Ponds road. (PS). 

A live mole was on the east bank ACP! 

A male Redstart was in north bank ACP field hedge. (PS)   Photo - Steve Denny.



A male Orange Tip was seen on the north east bank Wintersett Res. 

Wednesday 10 April 2024

Carlton Marsh

3 more more singing Willow Warblers arrived overnight making 4 now. 

2 Mistle Thrushes, 3 Song Thrushes and 2 Goldcrests were in the car park, and the 2 Pink Feet Geese are still present (Les and Andrew Corrall).

Wintersett 10.04.2024

Cold Hiendley Village:

A male Greenfinch was seen this morning.

Wintersett Res:

A male Reed Warbler was on the north bank.

Goldeneye 3  + 28 ACP. Cetti's Warbler 5 males.

Anglers CP:

 Teal 2.  Shoveler 3 males + 2 females.

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Wintersett 09.04.2024

Wintersett Res:

Shelduck 2, then on ACP.   Teal 1 male + 1 female. Pochard 4.

3 Brambling were in the Willow Wood (SC, GJS).

A female Wheatear was in the ruin field. 

Cetti's Warbler 5.   Willow Warbler 5.  Blackcap 8.

Anglers CP:

Shoveler 1 male WRes.,  and 2 females + 6 males + 3 females ACP.

Teal 1 male +1 female.  Lesser Redpoll 3.

Tufted Duck 55 ACP + 84 WRes. + 17 CHRes. (=156)

Great Crested Grebe  3 WRes + 5 CHRes +  2 ACP.

Goldeneye 26  ACP + 13 WRes. + 1 CHRes.. (=40).

Low Moor/Midhope 8/4/24.

Dry up to 3pm then drizzle and heavier showers ending it. Quiet for raptors with 3 Sparrowhawks, 6 C Buzzards, 2 Kestrels. Fieldfare 30 down briefly, Crossbill 1, Starling flock c27, Siskin c 10. Meadow Pipit 6+, Swallow 6, Willow Warbler 1 singing, GS Pecker 1. Curlew c 15, Lapwing c 20, Oystercatcher 2, Snipe 3.

Monday 8 April 2024

Carlton Marsh

New in today a Reed Warbler singing from the scrape reed bed, just one day later than last year's record breaker - same bird?

The 2 Pink Feet are still in the wheat field, and both Cetti's Warblers were singing.

Wintersett April 8th 2024

Wintersett Res:

A Treecreeper was in the Willow Wood.

Shoveler 1 male and 6 males and 3 females ACP.

Haw Park Wood:

An Osprey flew over at 09.30hrs. (GJS).

Pochard 1male + 1 female.  Greylag Goose 2.  

Anglers CP:

Snipe 1.   Teal 3 males + 2 females.   Shelduck 2.

Cold Hiendley Res:

Canada Goose 2.  

Sunday 7 April 2024

Low Moor/Midhope 7/4/24.

Shocking weather with wind and rain showers that increased and ended the session. Swallow 1, Siskin 2, Raven 1, Sparrowhawk 1, C Buzzard 2, Kestrel 2.

Wintersett WeBS - April 2024

Here are the Wintersett WeBs counts for April 2024.

Mute Swan 13.   Canada Goose 35.   Greylag Goose 3.   

Cormorant 6.   Coot 48.   Moorhen 12.   Great Crested Grebe 11.

Mallard 24.   Teal 6.   Gadwall 26.   Shoveler 5.   Tufted Duck 134.

Goldeneye 26.   Snipe 1.   Lapwing 1.   Oystercatcher  4.

Wintersett 07.04.2024

 Anglers CP:

Arctic Tern 2.   Sand Martin 300.   Snipe 1.

Shoveler 3 males + 2 females.  Teal 3 males + 2 females.

A Red Kite flew over the CP fields.

Wintersett Res: 

Grey Wagtail 1.    Common Tern 1.   House Martin 1.  

Cold Hiendley Res:

Swallow 2.


A Comma was seen in west bank clump, WRes..


This morning,  a Grass Snake was seen in the Willow Wood (PS)

and another was on the Dam Wall - west bank WRes (AS)

Saturday 6 April 2024

Carlton Marsh

3 Swallows on the scrape this evening were our first this year! (D. Standish).

The 2 Pink Feet Geese were still on the scrape.

Dearne Valley Park-Hoyle Mill
65 butterflies of 7 species included a Red Admiral (C. Parkin)

Nether Cudworth
2 Sand Martins flew north over my home at 16.10hrs (CG).

Wintersett 06.04.2024

Anglers CP:

Common Tern 1. (PM)   Sand Martin 30.   Swallow 3.

Common Sandpiper 1.  Oystercatcher 2 pairs  + 1 pair Walton Hall.

A Red kite flew over.   Shoveler 1 male + 1 female.

Teal 4 males + 4 females.  Herring Gull 18.

2 House Martins flew west.  Goldeneye 47 + 1 female WRes..

Wintersett Res:

Willow Warbler - 1 male at Boathouse and 1 male west bank clump + 2 males ACP.

A Redpoll was in the west bank clump.

Friday 5 April 2024

Carlton Marsh

Not much change in the birds on show today. 5 Buzzards were in the air together, still just 1 singing Willow warbler, 2 singing Cetti's Warblers, Greylag with 4 young, 2 Pink Feet and a Treecreeper.

However, the rising temperatures and sunshine produced a Bee Fly, 10 male Brimstone, 3 Speckled Wood, 5 Orange-tip, 31 Peacock, 3 Small Tortoiseshell and 12 Comma (C. Parkin)

A phone camera shot of a Bee Fly (CG)

Wintersett 05.04.2024

Anglers CP:

Common Sandpiper 1 south bank (SC),  then on CP shallows (SD).

Green Woodpecker 1.   Teal 6 males + 6 females.   Snipe 1. 

Shoveler  2 males + 1 female,  also1 male Wintersett Res.. .

2 Oystercatchers were on the new raft briefly, this morning

Wintersett Res:

Swallow 1.

Thursday 4 April 2024

Wintersett 04.04.2024

Anglers CP: 

Common Scoter 2 males.   Shoveler 7 males + 2 females.

Black-necked Grebe 1.   Scaup 1x 1st W male.

Teal 3 males + 2 females.   Pochard 2 males + 1 female.

Snipe 1.

Wintersett Res:

 Sand Martin 13 + 3 ACP.  

A male Willow Warbler was in the west bank clump.

Wednesday 3 April 2024

Carlton Marsh

2 Pink Feet Geese & 2m 1f Shoveler (K Bannister/A. Corrall)

Toads were croaking in the marsh (CG).

Meanwhile a Small White butterfly was flying in Les Corrall's Cudworth garden for about 30 minutes.

Wood Anemone - Carlton Marsh started with just one flowering plant in 2008 and is oh so slowly expanding (CG)

Dearne Valley Park (2/4/24)

Blackcap, 2 Grey Wagtails and Buzzard. 

Butterflies - 12 Peacock, 1m Brimstone and 12 Comma (C. Parkin).

Wintersett 03.04.2024

 Anglers CP:

Common Scoter 1 male.  Wigeon 19 + 12 Wintersett Res..

Goldeneye 19 + 30  WRes.  Lesser Redpoll 1.

Scaup 1 1st Winter male..   Shoveler 2 males + 1 female.

Teal 4 males + 4 females.  A Redshank was in the shallows.

Snipe 1.  Oystercatcher 5. 

Wintersett Res:

Cetti's Warblers 6 males -  Boathouse reeds,  west bank,  

west bank clump,  north bank,  south east corner,  north east bank

Cormorant 3.  Willow Warbler 1 male Pol ACP + 1 west bank clump WRes.

Green Woodpecker 1 south west.  

Tuesday 2 April 2024

Carlton Marsh

A pair of Shoveler were new in today. 

A Peregrine flew NE over the scrape at around 11.20hrs and Kestrel was displaying.

The 2 Pink Feet were on a nearby wheat field until they came on to the scrape at around mid-day. 

A Tawny Owl sang briefly from its roost at 13.00hrs and 5 Blackcaps were singing.

The first St. George's Mushrooms of the year were fruiting, and male Brimstone butterfly was flying in the sunshine. (K. Bannister/L & A. Corral/JP)

On my way home a Red Kite drifted slowly over Newland Avenue gaining height south at 13.55hrs (CG).

Low Moor/Midhope 2/4/24.

J Wasse, S Green. Very steady with little breeze but still cold. Red Kite 2, Kestrel 2, C Buzzard 4, Pinkfoot 3 down with the Greylags but mobile. Crossbill 4 over, Siskin c15, Redpoll 1.

Wintersett 02.04.2024

Anglers CP:

Black-necked Grebe 1.  Scaup 1 x 1st Winter male.

An Osprey flew over north at 10.21 (PS, SD, SC, AS et al)

Shoveler 5 males + 3 females.  Wigeon 11.

Wintersett Res:

A male Brambling was by the boathouse bench.

Monday 1 April 2024

Wintersett 01.04.2024

Wintersett Res:

Swallow 1. Wigeon 2 + 19 ACP.

3 adult Little Gulls  in winter plumage- Photo S. Denny. 


A White Wagtail was's corner at the north end of Long Dam Lane (George's Corner).

Two cranes heading north from Edderthorpe, over Ibstock Brickworks 15.40hrs. 

A Water Rail was in the boathouse reeds.  

A Brambling was in the Willow Wood.  Gadwall 15 + 6 ACP

A Curlew flew north east.

Fieldfare 100 on Botany Hill.  Redwing 50.  Sand Martin 70.

Anglers CP:

Scaup 1 1st Winter male.   Barnacle Goose 1. 

Shoveler 2 drakes + 2 females and 2 males WRes..   Goldeneye 17 + 23 WRes.. 

Teal 6.   Snipe 6.   Jackdaw 27 in CP fields.  Redpoll 1 north.

Golden Plover 140 flying around east of CP.

Ferrymoor Flash 31/3/24

2 + 1 Oystercatchers were flying around, a Redshank alighted on a fallen Willow tree, 2 Lesser BB Gulls dropped in and a Red-legged Partridge sang from inside the Symphony factory.