Wednesday, 24 April 2024

Wintersett and Anglers CP 24.04.2024

Wintersett Res:

A male Garden Warbler was on the north east bank + 1 west bank clump.

Pochard 1 male. Swift 9.  Common Tern 5.  

Sedge Warbler 2 males west bank clump and 1 male west bank. 

A male Lesser Whitethroat south east (O'Donnel's)  

+ 1 male north east bank,  and 1 male north bank.

Cetti's Warbler 5 males.  A Yellow Wagtail was on north bank.

Steve Denny had a close encounter with a Barn Owl this morning, 

it flew came over north bank WRes. and left that way.

Great Crested Grebe 1 sitting.    

Mallard 11 young + 6 very small young Pol, ACP.

Oystercatcher 1.  Sand Martin 6

Anglers CP: 

Goldeneye 1 female, and 1 male CP  + 1 female WRes..

A White Wagtail was in the shallows.  

A 1st Winter Great Black-backed Gull was in the shallows.

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