Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Carlton Marsh

110 Pink Feet headed west at 09.45hrs and 16 Redwings were feeding in a nearby pasture (Richard Laverack/Keith Bannister)

Wintersett + Gull Roosts 28.02.2023

Anglers CP:

Black-necked Grebe 1.  Whooper Swan 8.  

3 Tree Sparrows were at feeders. 

Pink-footed Goose 1 in CP fields.

ACP Gull Roost:  @StevieD131

A juvenile  Great Black-backed Gull  in the roost is my first for about 2 weeks.

A Total of at least 156 Goldeneye in area (28 ACP + 128 WRes.).

Wintersett Res. Gull Roost: @StevieD131

1stW  Caspian Gull was in the roost with 245 Herring Gulls 

and  7 Lesser Black-backed Gulls.


1stW  Caspian Gull  WRes.  Steve Denny

Monday, 27 February 2023

Carlton Marsh

14 Greylags, 20 Canada's, 11 Tufted Duck, 1 Reed Bunting singing. On the fields were 60 Starlings, 3 Rooks, 15 Fieldfares, 4 Greenfinches and 8 Skylarks (L & A Corrall).

2 Red-legged Partridges were in Les Corrall's Low Cudworth garden on 25th and today.

Wintersett 27.02.2023

Anglers CP:

2 Whooper Swans flew north.   

34 Pink-footed Geese flew north west. 

Black-necked Grebe still present.    Redwing 2.  

Wintersett Res:

A Cetti's Warbler was in the boathouse reeds.  Goosander 2. 

Wintersett 26.02.2023

Anglers CP:

Black-necked Grebe 1.

140  Pink-footed Geese flew over west.   

Goldeneye 70 + 61 CHRes. + 1 WRes..

Cold Hiendley Res:

Goosander 1 redhead.

Midhope Moors 27 02 2023

Mid afternoon

Common Buzzard 2

Kestrel 2

Ring-tailed Harrier

Red Grouse 30+

Greylag Goose 6


Sunday, 26 February 2023

Low Moor/Midhope, G and J Wasse, S Green. 26/2/23.

Very steady with waders the highlights again with the Curlew flock at 79 yesterday aft. Oystercatcher 2+ heard only on res dam wall. Lapwing 12 down, Raven 2, Siskin 4, Redpoll 1. Peregrine 1, C Buzzard 5 together, Kestrel 2.

Carlton Marsh Saturday 25/2/23

6 Redwings, 2 Cormorants, 20 Greylags, a Water Rail sang, a Woodcock was flushed and a Tawny Owl sang at 12.14hrs from an Ivy clad tree (R. Laverack/CG/K. Bannister).

Saturday, 25 February 2023

Wintersett 25.02.2023

 Anglers CP:

Black-necked Grebe 1.   Swan X Greylag Goose hybrid 1. 

Gadwall 14 + 6 WRes..   A Barn Owl was in the area. 

Wintersett Res:

Goosander 11.   

Botany Bay:

Little Egret 1. 

Friday, 24 February 2023

Carlton Marsh

 c250 Pink Feet Geese flew west at 11.10hrs (D. Standish).

Ardsley Viaduct
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Buzzards, 40 Fieldfares and 1 Grey Wagtail (C. Parkin).

Wintersett 24.02.2023

 Botany Bay:

Great White Egret 1.  Little Egret 1. 

Anglers CP:

Black-necked Grebe 1.

Thursday, 23 February 2023

Carlton Marsh

 Yorkshire Wildlife Trust volunteers/Carlton Marsh volunteers were busy scrub cutting. 

Meanwhile 3 Rooks (first for more that a year) and 2 Fieldfares were feeding on tilled land nearby (K. Bannister).

Wintersett 23.02.2023

 Anglers CP:

Black-necked Grebe 1.   A Raven flew over.

Botany Bay:

Little Egret 1.

Wintersett Res:

A male Cetti's Warbler was in the boathouse reeds.

Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Wintersett + Moths 22.02.2023

Wintersett Res:

A male Cetti's Warbler  on the north bank.  Shelduck 3.

Botany Bay:

The Great White Egret and a Little Egret  this morning.   

Goosander 26 + 1 ACP. 

Anglers CP:

Siskin 2.     62 Fieldfare flew west.   Wigeon 229.  

Gadwall 8.   Shoveler 6.   Black-necked Grebe 1. 

A Knot landed on the shallows very briefly, then left west at 10.00hrs. 

A juvenile Peregrine flew over and later seen over Wintersett Res..

Overnight Moths - Car Park Green Hut.

Shoulder  Stripe 1.  Dotted Border 4.


                                                                  Dotted Border ACP Hut 22.02.2023

Woolley Dam/Mill Lane 22/2/23.

Teal c 25, Gadwall 1 pair, Grey Heron 11. Fieldfare c 50, Woodpigeon 300+, Nuthatch 1, GS Pecker 1.

Tuesday, 21 February 2023

Carlton Marsh

Tufted Ducks increased to 21 (13m) today. Also on the scrape 2 Cormorants, 2 Mute Swans, Whooper Swan, Kingfisher and the Yellow-bellied Slider fresh out of Brumation.

25 Redwings, 6 Yellow Buntings, 3 Reed Buntings and 2 Buzzards added colour to the scene (Les & Andrew Corrall)

Wintersett - 21st February 2023

Anglers CP:

Barnacle Goose 1.  Siskin 1.  

Botany Hill:

Great White Egret 1.  


Red-legged Partridge 1.   Barn Owl 1.

Monday, 20 February 2023

Carlton Marsh

 A Peregrine (Tiercel) scattered Wood Pigeons on a tilled field this morning. 

Also of note 19 Tufted Ducks (13 drakes), 20 Redwings, Cetti's Warbler, Goldcrest singing and 2 Grey Partridges (S. Grove/L & Corrall/K. Bannister/CG).

Wintersett 20.02.2023

 Anglers CP:

A Curlew was in the shallows.    Barnacle Goose 1. 

Botany Hill:

The Great  White Egret was on Botany Hill this morning.

(Seen from Dam Wall)

Upland Reservoirs February WeBS Counts

 Ingbirchworth Reservoir

Greylag Goose 6

Canada Goose 49

Mallard 43

Great Crested Grebe 8

Little Grebe 1

Cormorant 2 

Moorhen 2

Oystercatcher 1

Broadstone Reservoir

Oystercatcher 2

Cormorant 1

Royd Moor Reservoir

Canada Goose 35

Mallard 15

Teal 40

Little Grebe 2

Moorhen 4

Cormorant 2

Grey Heron 1

Sunday, 19 February 2023

Low Moor/Midhope 19/2/23.

Waders the highlights here with Curlew numbers building from 18 down yesterday to 45 down today. Lapwing flock of c 100 blogged and appeared to get down on Midhope Moors. Oystercatcher 4 down.

Wilthorpe Marsh west 19/2/23.

Sewage farm area had a pair of Oystercatchers back on territory, a Chiffchaff and a singing Goldcrest. Little Owl 1, Grey Partridge 1, Meadow Pipit 1 down, feeding party of c 100 Pied Wagtails down, 1 singing Chaffinch.

Carlton Marsh

Today a single Fieldfare and Redwing, 65 Jackdaws, 16 Tufted Ducks (11m) and 5 Buzzards in the air together (K. Bannister/C. Parkin).

Then 6 Snipe left west from their daytime roost at dusk (D. Standish). 

Wintersett 19.02.2023

 Anglers CP:

Barnacle Goose 1. Black-necked Grebe 1. 

62 Rooks were in the CP fields. 

Psycho, the adult Yellow-legged Gull was around the shallows.     

A Grey Partridge was calling at Santingley.

Wintersett Res:

A male Cetti's Warbler was in the boathouse reeds.  

The Great White Egret was in the north bank field.

Saturday, 18 February 2023

Wintersett WeBS for February 2023

Here are the Wintersett WeBS counts for February 2023.

Mute Swan 10.   Canada Goose 28.   Greylag Goose 2.   

Cormorant 19.   Coot 130.   Moorhen 21.   Great Crested Grebe9.

Little Grebe 1.   Black-necked Grebe 1.   Mallard 40.   Gadwall 17.   

Teal 12.   Wigeon 197.   Shoveler 9.   Tufted Duck 162.

Pochard 48.   Goldeneye 103.   Goosander 38.   

Grey Heron 5.   Lapwing 116.  Oystercatcher 4.

Wintersett 18.02.2023

Anglers CP:

Black-necked Grebe 1.   Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult - Psycho.

A Curlew was in the shallows.

Carlton Marsh

The highlight of today was a Red Kite that was seen over Jackson Street, Cudworth before it drifted over to the wader scrape at just after 11.00hrs (Chris Parkin/Richard Laverack/CG). It continued to circle over the fields and the wader scrape until 11.47hrs after which it left south (Steve Grove).

Also present Little Egret, Cetti's Warbler, 2 Little Grebes, 10 Tufted Ducks (8m) and 23 Teal.

Friday, 17 February 2023

Wilthorpe Marsh west 17/2/23.

Steady, but still hopefully a surprise to come if the mild continues. Little Owl 1, Grey Partridge 3 with a pair and a single. Pied Wagtail c 100 feeding on short grass, Woodpigeon build up again with c 500. Goldcrest 2+ at the sf, L Egret 1.

Wintersett 17.02.2023

 Anglers CP:

Black-necked Grebe 1.   

Shoveler 12.  Teal 20.   Goosander 5.

Thursday, 16 February 2023

Carlton Marsh

Today's highlights were 26 +1 Fieldfare, 1 Redwing, 65 Stock Dove, 80 Starlings, 1 Cormorant north and 1 Little Egret north (Keith Bannister).

There was another sighting of an overwintering Red Admiral!

Red Admiral (Karen Pickard)

Wintersett 16.02.2023

 Wintersett Res:

The Great White Egret was in the ruin field.   Goosander 36.

Anglers CP:

5 Oystercatchers were in this afternoon. 

Psycho, the adult Yellow-legged Gull was also in,

looking magnificent!

Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Carlton Marsh

A Red Admiral and a Comma butterfly were flying in the sunshine at mid-day along with a Buff-tipped Bumble Bee queen (Chris Parkin)

This afternoon c400 BH Gulls were following the plough and 25 Linnets and 43 Jackdaws were feeding in a stubble field.

Wintersett 15.02.2023

Anglers CP:

Many thanks to the Friends Group who helped on the Pol this morning.

Highlight was  2  male Brimstone butterflies, in pristine condition, flying late morning!

The earliest ever here!

Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Carlton Marsh

Our first moth session of the year produced just one moth as the temperature dropped, Pale Brindled Beauty, but it was new to the list. 

12 Tufted Ducks were diving on the scrape as a Water Rail flew from one reed bed to another. A Cetti's Warbler and a male Tawny Owl sang and a Pipistrelle Bat was flying at dusk (D.M. Smith/CG).

male Pale Brindled Beauty (note the fancy antennae)

Wilthorpe Marsh 14/2/23. C Dixon, S Green.

Male Peregrine on pylon before flying east. 2 Little Owls, 2 Willow Tits with 1 near tinkers pond and the other on the river. Teal 37, Gadwall 16, Wigeon 1. Lapwing 1, Snipe 1, Green Pecker 1, 1 singing Greenfinch.

Wintersett 14.02.2023

 Wintersett Res:

The Great White Egret was in the ruin field with just one Grey Heron.

7 Grey Herons were viewed on Botany Hill from the Dam Wall.

Monday, 13 February 2023

Carlton Marsh

Today's highlight was a male Stonechat found in a hedge adjacent to a stubble field to the east of the reserve. Also of note 8 Skylarks (2 singing), 12 Yellow Buntings, 10 House Sparrows (first since October), 8 Linnets and a Kingfisher (the first since December) (Les & Andrew Corrall).

Sunday, 12 February 2023

Carlton Marsh

 A Little Egret was on the wader scrape this morning (K. Bannister).

This evening 5 Snipe left at dusk and male and female Tawny Owls were calling (D. Standish).

Carlton Village
A male Blackcap visited Dave Smith's garden at 08.55hrs and again at 09.15hrs.

Low Moor/Midhope 12/2/23.

Hints of Spring here this aft with an Oystercatcher which dropped on to the res dam wall area. Flock of 5 Curlew flew around before drifting off west. Lapwing 2 down with a flock of 120+ blogging before moving off. Starling flock 200+ in trees and feeding in nearby fields. Greylag flock down c 140, Redwing c 20, Raven 1, C Buzzard 2, Kestrel 2.

Wilthorpe Marsh west 12/2/23.

Steady with not many noteables. Little Owl 1, Lapwing 2 down on a usual territory. Teal 2, L Egret 1, Goldcrest 1.

Saturday, 11 February 2023

Wintersett + Updates 11.02.2023

The Wintersett Team had a very good day today!

Anglers CP: 

An adult Kittiwake and a Black-necked Grebe were in this morning.

Psycho, the adult Yellow-legged Gull also showed up.  A Curlew flew west.

Woodcock 1.  Barnacle Goose 1.   Oystercatcher 5.   Shoveler 9.   Rook 60.

Photos by SDenny


                              Barnacle Goose      


                                                                  Psycho - Yellow-legged Gull                                              


                        Adult Kittiwake ACP   11.02.2023

Wintersett Res:

A 1stW Caspian Gull was in.   A Golden Plover flew over.

Walton Hall Lake:

Pink-footed Goose 1. 

Late Additions:  

Goldeneye 132 (95 WRes + 14 CHRes + 23 ACP.

Grest Crested Grebe (3 WRes. + 11 CHRes.  + 4 ACP

A Little Owl was in Cold Hiendley Village.

40 Fieldfare  + 80 Redwing WRes. 

A Cetti's Warbler was on the west bank WRes..


Black-necked Grebe   ACP   Simon Cooper  11.02.2023 

See also https://twitter.com/Fitzybirder/status/1624461349135720451


Friday, 10 February 2023

Carlton Marsh

The best of the bunch today was 39 Redwing, 1 Fieldfare, 2 Goldcrests, 1 Treecreeper and male and female Great Spotted Woodpecker (S. Grove/L & A Corrall).

Wintersett 10.02.2023

Anglers CP:

Rook 48.   Oystercatcher 5.   Pochard 9 + 6 WRes. + 7 CHRes..

Shoveler 3 + 4 CHRes..  

Botany Bay

A Red kite flew over low south  at 11.05hrs.

Wintersett Res:

A Woodcock was on the west bank.  Wigeon 28.

150 Pink-footed Geese flew over north west.

Cold HiendleyRes:

The Great White Egret was in the ruin field with 3 Grey Herons. 

Fieldfare 40.   Redwing 60.  

Thursday, 9 February 2023

Carlton Marsh

No time for birding this morning as the group was coppicing Hawthorn on the embankment. Keith Bannister found this year's first Scarlet Elf Cup while he was litter picking and a Grey Wagtail flew over.

Scarlet Elf Cup (Sarcoscypha coccinea)

Wintersett 09.02.2023

Anglers CP:

Snipe 72.   Green Woodpecker 1.   Oystercatcher 2.  

Wintersett Res:

Caspian Gull 1 x 1st Winter.

Wilthorpe Marsh west 9/2/23.

Quiet since the departure of the main winter Thrush flock with just 5 Fieldfares today. 2 Chiffchaffs were together at the sf along with 4 Goldcrests. Good for Grey Partridge recently with 3 today and 3 pairs with a single in the area. Jackdaw flock 60+.

Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Wintersett 08.02.2023

Anglers CP:

3 Tree Sparrows and 2 Greenfinches were on the Pol feeders. 

Shoveler 7.  Cormorant 10 + 2 WRes.. + 1 CHRes.  

Oystercatcher 3.  Barnacle Goose 1.

A skein of 40 Pink-footed Geese flew north west. 

Cold Hiendley Res:

Great White Egret 1.

Wintersett Res:

Goosander 25.   Pochard 21.   

A male Cetti's Warbler was on the north bank.  

Carlton Marsh Tuesday 7/2/23

Three Buzzards in the air included last years' juvenile. A Cetti' Warbler sang and both common Woodpeckers called (R. Laverack/L & A Corrall).

A Comma butterfly tempted out by the sunny conditions was the first this year (CP).

An overwintering Red Admiral was also on the wing in Les Corrall's Cudworth garden.

Tuesday, 7 February 2023

Wintersett 07.02.2023

Botany Bay:

37 Goosanders were on this morning. 

Wintersett Res:

A male Cetti's Warbler was in the south east corner.

Cold Hiendley Res:

Great White Egret showing well in the ruin field this morning, 

with 7 Grey Herons.

Anglers CP:

Barnacle Goose 1.

Monday, 6 February 2023

Carlton Marsh

 A Lesser Black - backed Gull flew north, 1 Fieldfare, 1 Goldcrest, 3 Mistle Thrush (2 singing) and 2 Song Thrush singing (JP/L & A Corrall).

4 Foxes, 2 mating (Pete & Ivy Bishop). 

BMBC Rangers were busy cutting back overhanging branches on the embankment.

Wintersett + Gull Roost. 06.02.2023

Anglers CP:

Black-tailed Godwits were in the shallows this morning,  left north west. (Simon Cooper)

Barnacle Goose 1.  

Pink-footed Goose 2 +  a skein of 72 flew north west at 12.25hrs.

Wigeon 358 + 23 WRes..  Shoveler 8 + 10 CHRes..

Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult (Psycho!)

Cold Hiendley Res:

Great White Egret 1.  

Wintersett Res:  

A Cetti's Warbler was in the west bank marsh.

Great Crested Grebe 9 + 1 CHRes..   Little Grebe 1.

A Water Rail was in the west bank marsh.  

Wintersett Res. Gull Roost:

Herring Gull 260.  Lesser Black-backed Gull 1. 

Great Black-backed Gull 1.

Sunday, 5 February 2023

Low Moor/Midhope 5/2/23.

Couple of hours this aft produced a Curlew which spent some time down before moving off west. Not much else with Raven 1, C Buzzard 2, Kestrel 2.

Wilthorpe Marsh west 5/2/23.

Pinkfeet skein c85 w at 10-03am. Chiffchaff 1 and 2+ Goldcrests with one singing at the sewage farm. Little Owl 2, Teal 1, Green Pecker 1. Large Woodpigeon flock of 400+ birds gone in 2 days last week. Most thought to have been shot to decoyed shooting Wednesday and Thursday.

Carlton Marsh

c400 (in 3 skeins) of Pink Feet Geese flew west at 09.55hrs followed by another c180 at 15.41hrs (Dave Standish).

2 Foxes were hunting together and 10 Herald Moths were still hibernating (Chris Parkin).

Wintersett 05.02.2023

Anglers CP:

Barnacle Goose 1.  Pink-footed Goose 1.  

4 Tree Sparrows were at the Pol Feeders.

A Red Kite flew over north at 12.31hrs. 

Cold Hiendley Res: 

Great White Egret  1. 

Saturday, 4 February 2023

Carlton Marsh

Today's wildfowl included 25 Teal, 2 Shoveler, 7 Tufted Duck, the long staying Whooper Swan and c110 Pink Feet Geese west at 11.20hrs.

2 Song Thrush (1 singing), 20 Siskin, 1 Redpoll, 25 Goldfinches, 20 Redwing, 1 Linnet and 1 singing Cetti's Warbler. The first Snowdrops are in flower in the car park (R. Laverack/D.M. Smith/CG).

A Little Egret was present this afternoon and 2 Snipe left at dusk (D. Standish).

Wintersett 04.03.2023

 Anglers CP:

Cormorant 12.   Shelduck 1.  Oystercatcher 2.  

A ringed Tree Sparrow was at the Pol Feeders.

Great Black-backed Gull 1 1stW.     

23 Pink-footed Geese flew west. 

A Little Egret flew over north at 11.08hrs.

Friday, 3 February 2023

Tyers Hall Estate Darfield

 c100 each of Redwing and Fieldfare and singing Coal Tit.

Wintersett 03.02.2023

Anglers CP: 

Teal 33.   Oystercatcher 2.   Rook 4.

Cold Hiendley Res:

Great White Egret 1.

Thursday, 2 February 2023

Wintersett 02.02.2023

 Anglers CP:

Oystercatcher 1 + 1 ringed Oystercatcher on boathouse lawn. 

(1 back per pair).   

Shelduck 2.  Teal 20.  Great Black-backed Gull 1x1stW.  

Gadwall 4.  Pochard 15 + 14 WRes. + 6 CHRes..  

Shoveler 4 + 10 WRes..  Cormorant 12 + 1 CHRes.. 

Wintersett Res: 

A Cetti's Warbler was in the boathouse reeds.  

Little Grebe 2 + 1 ACP.

Goldeneye 92 (29m) + 28 ACP (12 m) +7 CHRes. (2 m).

Cold Hiendley Res:

Goosander 14 + 2 WRes..   

Great Crested Grebe 6 + 5 WRes. +  3 ACP.