Last night's moth session with Chris Parkin and Melvyn White produced 19 species that included 6 Old Lady, 7 Copper Underwing, 2 Angle Shades, 5 Centre Barred Sallow, 3 Common Wainscot and 5 Dusky Thorn.
Barnsley Bird Sightings
Bird & wildlife sightings from the Barnsley recording area.
Saturday 7 September 2024
Carlton Marsh
Anglers CP + Ringing 07.09.2024
Anglers CP:
Common Sandpiper 1. Ringed Plover 1 juv. down.
Redshank 4 flying around 06.55hrs., left NE 07.05hrs.
A Garganey and a Little Egret were in the shallows.
Wigeon 2. Hobby 3 + 1 flew over at 10.35hrs.
65 Birds were ringed at Wintersett: - west bank clump:
P.Smith, R. Bailey.
Chiffchaff 25 west bank. Willow Warbler 1. Blackcap 4.
Whitethroat 1. Reed Warbler 7. Sedge Warbler 3.
Cetti's Warbler 1 juvenile male. Grey Wagtail 2.
Odonata: Brown Hawker 1.
Grey Wagtail WRes. R.Bailey
Friday 6 September 2024
Carlton Marsh
A Snipe and a Common Sandpiper on the wader scrape (K. Bannister).
2 single Wheatears and 2 single Whinchats and 3 Red-legged Partridges were present on the east side of the reserve (L & A Corrall).
Also Cetti's Warbler, Kingfisher, and 7 Blackcaps were ringed. A Vapourer moth was present (CG).
A Red Kite was seen over Pontefract Road in Upper Cudworth at 16.10hrs (G. Miller)
The vegetation on the island in the scrape was back (YWT Volunteers)
Anglers CP: Vis.Mig. 06.09.2024
Anglers CP: Paul Meredith, Steve Denny. Pete Smith.
Going east: Ravens 2 east at 07.56hrs.
Going north: Spoonbill 2 at 09.02hrs.
2 Curlew flew west. Common Sandpiper 1.
Yellow Wagtail 1 flew south CP.
Red Kite 1. Snipe 1. Magpie 17.
A juvenile Common Gull flew south.
Little Egret 1. Mistle Thrush 1 west.
Disposal Point:
Circa 100 Linnets were on the disposal point.
Haw Park Wood:
Hobby 2.
Wintersett Res:
Black Tern 1 juvenile. (SD et al.)
A Water Rail was in the boathouse reeds.
A Ringed Plover flew over, SD, PM ACP
Botany Bay:
Whitethroat 1.
CP Vis Mig 07.15-13.15
Highlights: Spoonbill (2N), G W Egret (1W), Red Kite (1), Hobby (4), Peregrine (juv S),
Curlew (2W), R Plover (1 N), C Sand (1), Raven (2E), Yellow Wag (1 S);
Black Tern still on TR 13.15 hrs.
Great White Egret ACP P.Meredith 2 Spoonbills ACP P.Meredith
Wintersett 06.09.2024
Wintersett Res:
Wigeon 1. Great Crested Grebe with 3 medium young, south west corner,
+ 4 small young north east corner.
Odonata: Wintersett Res:
A Brown Hawker was in the Willow Wood on Haw Park Lane.
Anglers CP: Lepidoptera:
A Small White, a Large White and a Common Blue Damselfly
were over the north west bank WRes.. Peacock 1.
Green-veined White 1. Brimstone 1 male.
2 Willow Emerald on trees by the boathouse, WRes..
Teal 8.
Anglers CP:
A Great White Egret landed briefly, then left west at 11.22hrs.
A juvenile Peregrine flew over south, then over north bank chasing Lapwing.
Botany Bay:
A male, small Red-eyed Damselfly and a Common Darter were seen.
Thursday 5 September 2024
Carlton Marsh
A quiet day with c100 Canada Geese and 10 LBB Gulls on the top fields, a Swallow, 2 Yellow Buntings and 2 Chiffchaffs (JP).
Jasper Pratchek has made a start on laying the rest of the southern meadow hedge.
Wintersett 05.09.2024
Wintersett Res:
Swift 1. Wigeon 4. A Wheatear was on the north bank.
Little Egret 2 + 1 ACP. A Water Rail was in the boathouse reeds.
Wigeon 4. Mallard 81. Kingfisher 1.
Little Grebe 1 + 7 WRes.. Swift 1.
Anglers CP:
Garganey 1 juvenile still on shallows. Teal 5. Shoveler 8.
Willow Warbler 1. Great Crested Grebe 1 fledged Young.
Mistle Thrush 13. Little Grebe 1.
Sand Martin 1 + 1 WRes..
Wednesday 4 September 2024
Carlton Marsh
Today's best Common Sandpiper, a calling Greenshank, 3 Shoveler, 2 Little Grebe, Little Egret.
Also Wheatear, a late Willow Warbler and a Goldcrest (K. Bannister/JP/A. Corrall/J.Finch).
Wintersett + Ringing 04.09.2024
Anglers CP:
Little Egret 1. Common Scoter 3 males.
Common Sandpiper 1. (SD)
The juvenile Garganey was in the shallows. Teal 3. Snipe 1.
Wintersett Res:
Little Grebe 3 + 1 CHRes. Shoveler 4 + 12 Anglers CP.
A juvenile Kittiwake left east at 14.12hrs.
Odonata: A Brown Hawker was in the boathouse reeds.
67 birds were ringed today: ACP-Pol. - Pete Smith
With Highlights of:
Chiffchaffs 35, Willow Warbler 2 and Blackcap 8.
Of the 51 Chiffchaffs ringed here on the 2nd,
NONE were retrapped today!
Tuesday 3 September 2024
Carlton Marsh
The Bittern hasn't been seen since Saturday, but it was good while it lasted.
Today 3 Shoveler, 3 Cormorants north, and 40 Greylags SE at dusk. A Green Sandpiper was on the wader scrape and 2 Kingfishers were around the scrape. The usual Tawny Owl showed at dusk (K. Bannister/D. Standish/Bob Embleton et al).
Wintersett - 03.09.2024 An Autumn's birding in half an hour! (Steve Denny)
Steve Denny: An Autumn's birding in half an hour!
Wintersett Res:
A Wheatear was on the north bank, and a Whinchat, possibly 2,
at the boathouse end of north bank(SD).
Botany Hill:
A Redstart was on Botany Hill.
A Spotted Flycatcher was on Botany Bay in NW corner, where you go in from the road.
Joe Woods reported :
2 Wheatear on north bank of WREs. + Whinchat and Spot Fly still present also a Hobby!
Monday 2 September 2024
Wintersett + Ringing 02.09.2024
Anglers CP:
Grey Heron 1. Cormorant 7.
A Nuthatch was in the Willow Wood.
The Garganey was in the shallows. (Steve Denny)
91 birds were ringed today by Pete Smith, with highlights of:
Sunday 1 September 2024
Wintersett 01.09.2024
Anglers CP:
A Ruff, a Whimbrel, a Greenshank and a Ringed Plover flew over by 10.14hrs -Pete Smith.
A Hobby flew over. (PS, PM, AS.)
Pochard 29. Tufted Duck 143. Swift 1. Little Egret 3.
Garganey 1 juvenile in the shallows. Teal 13.
Common Blue Damselfly 1 ACP.Wintersett Res:
Kingfisher 1. Goldeneye 1 female.
Great Crested Grebe:
3 young south west WRes. + 4 young north east WRes.
Saturday 31 August 2024
Carlton Marsh
This morning a Hobby was harassed by a Crow over the scrape at 09.50hrs (Helen Todd). 2 Little Egrets were on the wader scrape and a Cetti's Warbler called from the reed beds. A Goldcrest called and 50 Canada and 10 Greylags were resting on the scrape
At least 3m Vapourer moths and 5 Brown Hawkers were flying (Geoff Carr/CG).
This evening 30 House Martins and a very late Hobby at dusk. The Bittern climbed the reeds at 20.00hrs and continued to show until the light faded. It gave good views for several observers as the photographs below show (Helen & Andy Todd).
Bittern photos by Helen Todd
Wintersett 31.08.2024
Anglers CP: P.Meredith
A Ringed Plover called over CP at 07.28hrs.
Little Egret 2.
Going south:
Snipe 5. Teal 6.
Wintersett Ringing - @Becky Bailey 31.08.2024
76 Birds were ringed at Wintersett1 this morning;
Highlights - Chiffchaff 25, Willow Warbler 4, Blackcap 10,
Whitethroat 1, Reed Warbler 9, Sedge Warbler 8, Linnet 2,
Reed Bunting 3.
Friday 30 August 2024
31 Wall Brown, 1 Brown Argus (a first for me here), 4 Small Copper, 3 Gatekeeper (Chris Parkin).
Wintersett 30.08.2024
Anglers CP:
Great Crested Grebe with 1 young on back.
Little Grebe 2. Cormorant 7. Grey Heron 2.
Grey Wagtail 2.
Wintersett Res:
A Water Rail was in the Willow Wood Reeds. (SD)
190 Lapwings were on the north bank. (SD)
Botany Bay Dell: (SD)
Purple Hairstreak 1. Whitethroat 1.
Cold Hiendley Res:
Grey Heron 1.
Thursday 29 August 2024
Carlton Marsh
This morning 2 Little Grebes, 2 Tufted Ducks, 1 Shoveler, c70 Gadwall and Green Woodpecker.
Also a fresh dead Common Shrew, Fox, and a Grass Snake swam across the dike near the bird hide (K. bannister/CG/Jim Finnerty).
This afternoon 7 Red Admiral, 5 Peacock, 2 Comma, 27 Meadow Brown, 1m Brimstone, 4 Common Blue (2 mating), 1 Small Heath, 7 Large White, 42 White species. Also 3 Migrant Hawker, 1 Common Emerald and a Squash Shield bug (C. Parkin).
This evening Little Egret south,12 Greylag, 10 House Martins, 1 Sand Martin, 3 Swifts, 2 Water Rails called as did a male Tawny Owl.
Then the Bittern climbed up the Bullrushes at 20.15hrs before flying up and around the marsh alighting in a reed bed to the left of the hide at 2020hrs, giving good views (D. Standish/CG/J/ Finch/S. Bethell).
Wintersett + Update. 29.08.2024
Anglers CP:
Garganey 2. Whitethroat 1. Shoveler 5.
Little White Egret 1. Grey Heron 1.
Little Grebe 1. Cormorants 2.
Wintersett Res:
A juvenile Hobby was hunting in the south west area.
A 3rd CY Yellow -legged Gull was roosting on number 3 buoy.
Speckled Wood 2. Brimstone 1.
Small White 2 on clump.