Monday 8 July 2024

Wintersett + Ringing July 8th 2024

Anglers CP:  (Pete Smith).

3 Kingfishers were in the shallows,  early morning.

Common Tern 1 + 7 WRes..

Oystercatcher 1.  Cormorant 1. 

35 Birds were ringed this morning @Wintersett1

with highlights of:  Chiffchaff 8,  Willow Warbler 7,  

Goldcrest 2 juveniles, Reed Warbler 1,  Whitethroat 1,  

Garden Warbler and Blackcap 9. 

Wintersett Res: (Steve Denny)

Goldeneye 2 females - 1 south west corner + 1 north east corner.

Moorhouse Lane Pond:

4 Ruddy Darters and a Comma.

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