Friday 26 July 2024

Carlton Marsh

The highlights of today were 2 Little Egrets (wader scrape), 8 Swifts, 2 Goldcrests, 2 Kestrels, 1 Little Grebe (only 3rd record this year), 4 Reed Warblers (3 juveniles), 4 Blackcaps (all juveniles) and a Willow Warbler.

Insects included 3 Southern Hawkers, 4 Brown Hawkers, 1 Holly Blue & 2 Purple Hairstreaks (K. Banniaster/L & A Corrall/CG).

A Red Kite flew north high over Les Corrall's Low Cudworth garden at 4pm. 

3 Peacock butterflies in the Storrs Mill area this morning were all from a new brood.

Wintersett + Butterflies 26.07.2024

Anglers CP:

Common Sandpiper 1.   Teal 1. 

A Dunlin was in the CP shallows.

Lesser Black-backed Gull 2.


ACP: Holly Blue 1.   Ringlet 1.  Meadow Brown 1.

Gatekeeper 1.  Brimstone 1 male.

Thursday 25 July 2024

Wintersett + Ringing 25.07.2024

Anglers CP:
Shoveler 3,  
Wintersett Res:
Pochard 4 males, 
Ringing on Pol ACP:  Pete Smith 
52 birds were ringed @Wintersett 1 this morning,
with highlights of  Chiffchaff 18,  Willow Warbler 9,
Blackcap 4,   Garden Warbler 1.  Whitethroat 1,
and Reed Warbler 14,  plus a control Reed Warbler.

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Carlton Marsh

This morning Water Rail, Greenfinch, Kestrel, Great Spot Woodpecker and 2 Common Terns feeding on the scrape.

Insects included single Peacock, Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell, Holly Blue and Banded Damselfly (Andrew Corrall). 

A Little Owl is still a regular in Les Corrall's Low Cudworth garden.

Yellow-tail moth found on the embankment on Monday 22/7/24 (CG)
The first for 24 years!

Wintersett + Ringing 24.07.2024

Wintersett Res:

Grey Wagtail 5.   Kingfisher 1.

Wintersett Ringing:  Pete Smith.

40 birds were ringed  @Wintersett1  this morning:

Highlights were:  

Chiffchaffs 9,  Willow Warblers 10,  Blackcap 1,  Whitethroat 2, 

Reed Warbler 7,  Sedge Warbler 4 and Reed Bunting 2. 

Follow this link to see Sue Bilcliffe's photos:

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Wintersett + Insects 23.07.2024

Anglers CP:

A Weasel was seen on Haw Park Lane. 

A Red Kite flew over.    

A Little Egret flew over this morning.

2 Black Locust Trees are in the car park.


A Small Skipper was seen this morning at Anglers CP.


2 Red-eyed Damselflies were seen at Botany Bay.

Monday 22 July 2024

Wintersett WeBS July 2024

Here are the WeBS counts for Wintersett,  July 2024.

Mute Swan 48.   Canada Goose 96.   Greylag Goose 7.

Cormorant 2.   Great Crested Grebe 25.   Coot 135.

Moorhen 9.   Mallard 76.   Gadwall 4.   Shoveler 2.

Tufted Duck 83.   Goldeneye 1.   Oystercatcher 2.

Lapwing 91.   Grey Heron 2.  Common Sandpiper 2.

Common Tern 18

Wintersett 22.07.2024

Anglers CP:

Peregrine 1 over.  Red Kite 1 over.  Oystercatcher 2.

Lapwing 127.   Common Sandpiper 1.   

Common Gull 1 x 1st summer.

Greylag Goose 35.  Herring Gull 4.  Lesser Black-backed Gull 11.

Sunday 21 July 2024

Dearne Valley Park - Hoyle Mill

Grey Wagtail family of 6, 2 Buzzards and 2 Mute Swans with 8 well grown cygnets.

Butterflies included 2 Red Admiral, 10 Comma and 58 Gatekeeper (Chris Parkin).

Wintersett + Insects. 21.07.2024

 Anglers CP:

Common Sandpiper 2.   Shoveler 2.  Lapwing 90.

Cormorant 1.   Oystercatcher 1.   

Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 3rd Summer.

Lepidoptera  at ACP:  Green-veined White 1.

Odonata at Moorhouse Lane Pond:  Red-eyed Damselfly 3 males. 

Saturday 20 July 2024

Carlton Marsh

Last night moths (19/7/24) with Chris Parkin. 6 species of micro moths and 20 macros that included 2 Coronet, Scarce Footman, Small Phoenix, July Highflyer and 4 Old Lady

Brown China Mark
July Highflyer
Pebble Hook-tip

Wintersett 20.07.2024

 Anglers CP:

Common Sandpiper 2.   Grey Wagtail 1.  

Little Egret 1.  Pochard 2 + 2 WRes..

Lesser Black-backed Gull 1.  Common Tern 7.

Teal 1.   Gadwall 6.  Shoveler 2. 

Wintersett Res:

Kingfisher 1.   Goldeneye 1 female.  Hobby 1.   

Friday 19 July 2024

Wintersett + Ringing 19.07.2024

Wintersett Res: 

A Bittern flew over east and came down in the north bank reeds

It came over trees from the west.  

One in the boathouse reeds wasn't seen  leaving. - Simon Cooper

An adult Hobby flew over the Clump.  -Pete Smith.

48 birds were ringed @Wintersett1 this morning 

by Pete Smith and Becky Bailey.

Highlights were: Chiffchaff 7, Willow Warbler 2,  Blackcap 5,  

Garden Warbler 1,  Sedge Warbler 7,  Reed Warbler 8,  

Reed Bunting 5, 1 juvenile male Cetti's Warbler,  

Linnet 6 and a Treecreeper.

Anglers CP:

2 Common Sandpipers and a Little Egret were in the shallows.

Thursday 18 July 2024

Wintersett + Ringing 18.07.2024

 Anglers CP:

Oystercatcher 4  +  Little Egret 1 in the shallows.  

A Grey Heron was in the shallows.

44 Birds were ringed @Wintersett1 this morning,

with highlights of  Chiffchaff 16,  Willow Warbler 8,  

Blackcap 5,  Garden Warbler 3 and Reed Warbler 2.

Pete Smith and Becky Bailey.

Wintersett Res:

Kingfisher 1.

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Carlton Marsh

The 4 Avocets stayed over on the wader scrape from the previous day and seem to be at home here. 

Also of note 2 Kingfishers, Kestrel, Buzzard juv calling, 1 LBB Gull, 1 Teal, 2 Greylag, 2 Goldcrests sang, Pied Wagtail with 2 young, Green & Great Spot Woodpecker.

2 Brown Hawkers and 2 Southern Hawkers also 6 Comma, 75 Meadow Brown 46 Ringlet, 37 Gatekeeper, 48 Small Skipper, 10 Large White, 5 Large Skipper, 1 Small Copper and 9 Six Spot Burnet moths and a Bank Vole (K. Bannister/L & A Corrall/C. Parkin/CG).

Wintersett + Odonata 17.07.2024

Wintersett Res:

Pochard 1 male.   Goldeneye 1 female.   Kingfisher 1.

Haw Park Lane:

There’s been few opportunities to see dragonflies this summer 

& Broad bodied Chasers are scarce anyway @Wintersett1

so this was a nice surprise this morning.   Steve Denny.


Walton Hall: 

Great Crested Grebe 2 large young + 1 medium/large young.

Tufted Duck 3 medium.  Wigeon 1 female. 

Anglers CP:  Oystercatcher 5.  

Odonata - Anglers CP:

Black-tailed Skimmer 1 male.  Emperor 1 male.

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Carlton Marsh

The family of Avocets (1 adult 3 juveniles) returned and were on the wader scrape from at least 07.02hrs until we left at 21.00hrs (K.Bannister/D. Standish/CG).

This evening there Little Egret, 5 Greylags and a singing Goldcrest. A female Tufted Duck had 4 very small young on nearby Bleachcroft Farm pond.

Meanwhile on the main scrape 15 Starlings flew north, a LBB Gull flew south, and a Green Woodpecker called. 20 Swifts were feeding over the fields.

Earlier a Whimbrel called at 10.50hrs, as it headed south over Royston Road, Cudworth (half a mile east of the reserve) (JP).

The 3 juvenile Avocets happily feeding  this evening, the presumed female was nearby chasing the Little Egret (CG). I only had my phone with me.

Wintersett 16.07.2024

Anglers CP:

A Barn Owl flew over the east bank.  Kingfisher 1.

A Yellow Wagtail flew over.  Oystercatcher 2 (adult + juvenile).

Grey Wagtail 1.   Common Tern 8 + 10 WRes..

Little Egret 1.  Lesser Black-backed Gull 1. 

Wintersett Res:

Pochard 1.  

Great Crested Grebe 2 large young + 1 medium young ACP. 

Monday 15 July 2024

South Kirkby Industrial Park

2 Grey Partridge, 2 Buzzard (one was dead nearby - road casualty), 2 Grey Heron.

17 species of butterfly included 1 Purple Hairstreak, 3 Red Admiral, 152 Gatekeeper, 1 Small Copper, and 3m Brimstone.

2 Brown Hawker, and Large Red Damselfly (Chris Parkin).

Carlton Marsh
Great Spot Woodpecker, Cetti's Warbler, Willow Warbler & Sedge Warbler (CG).

Wintersett + Ringing 15.07.2024

Anglers CP:

Oystercatcher 1.  

51 Birds were ringed this morning: (Pete Smith)

Chiffchaff 10.   Willow Warbler 16.   Blackcap 11.

Garden Warbler 3.   Reed Warbler 1.   Goldcrest 1.

Treecreeper 1.

Lepidoptera: Anglers CP:

Lunar Hornet Moth 2 on net - Pol.

Black-tailed Skimmer 2.  Ringlet 1.

Gatekeeper 1.  Small Skipper 1.

Sunday 14 July 2024

Carlton Marsh

4 Avocets (3 juveniles) were on the wader scrape from at least 07.03hrs to at least mid-day (Keith Bannister et al). The adult frequently chased Heron, Moorhen and Black Headed Gull away.

Also present Little Egret, 5 Teal, Kingfisher, Kestrel, and Goldcrest singing (L & A Corrall/D. Standish/CG/JP/C. Parkin).

Adult and juvenile Avocets (David Standish)

Wintersett 14.07.2024

 Anglers CP:

Little Egret 1.   Common Scoter 2 males.   

Common Tern 10 (includes 1 juvenile).

Kingfisher 1.   Red Kite 1.   Sand Martin 250.   

Oystercatcher 1.   Swift 100.

Wintersett Res:   

Common Tern 6.

Saturday 13 July 2024

Wintersett + Ringing 13.07.2024

47 birds were ringed this morning at Wintersett1:   

P.Smith, R.Bailey.

Highlights were:   

Willow Warbler 5,  Chiffchaff 8,   

Reed Warbler 14, (8 adults),  Sedge Warbler 5,   

Garden Warbler 2,   Cetti's Warbler 1 juvenile male. 

Anglers CP:

Oystercatcher 4.  Little Egret 3 in the shallows.  

Common Scoter 2 males.   Tufted Duck 4 very small young.

Wintersett Res:

Common Tern 8 ACP + 3 WRes..   Kingfisher 1.

Great Crested Grebe 2 large young  + 1 medium young ACP.

Friday 12 July 2024

Littleworth Park - Monk Bretton

30 Longtailed Tit, 2 Bullfinch.

Butterflies included 2 from a new brood of Small Tortoiseshell, 454 Meadow Brown, 186 Ringlet, 42 Gatekeeper, 148 Small Skipper and 1 Small Heath. A Brown Hawker was also flying (C. Parkin).

Cudworth Common
A Lesser Whitethroat sang near the wind turbine (CG).
A Red Kite flew over Wheetshaw Lane at 10.20hrs. (Terry Smith)
Carlton Marsh
Buzzard, Sparrowhawk, Kestrel, 1 Lapwing. Also female Black-tailed Skimmer and male Southern Hawker (L & A Corrall).

Wintersett 12.07.2024

Anglers CP:

Common Scoter 2 males.  Oystercatcher 2.  Common Tern 7.

A male Sedge Warbler was on the west bank.

Grey Wagtail 1.

Wintersett Res:

A Peregrine was hunting over the Res..   (Martin Weir)

Thursday 11 July 2024

Wintersett 11.07.2024

Wintersett Res:

Common Scoter 2 males + 1 female,  + 2 males ACP.

Goldeneye 1 crippled female.  Pochard 1 male.

Anglers CP:

5 MINK were on the islands.  (1 female + 4 young) .

Redshank 1.  Oystercatcher 2.  Kingfisher 1.   

Common Tern 4 + 8 WRes..

Sand Martin 100.

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Carlton Marsh

30 House Martins were feeding over a nearby field and a Goldcrest sang from the wader scrape viewpoint.

Earlier insects included our first 5 Gatekeepers of the year, 1 Red Admiral, 2 Commas, 114 Meadow Browns, 123 Ringlets, 35 Small Skippers, 6 Large Whites plus 22 unidentified white species.

3 Southern Hawkers and 2 Banded Demoiselles were on the wing along with a single Narrow-bordered 5 Spot Burnet Moth (C. Parkin).

Wintersett 10.07.2024

Wintersett Res:

Pochard 1 male.  Common Tern 5 + 5 ACP.

Anglers CP:

54 Lapwing  were in the Pol Field + 19 ACP.

Oystercatcher 6.   

Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 adult + 1 2nd summer.

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Carlton Marsh

A very rainy day helped to put some much needed water in the wader scrape. This evening produced a Little Egret, a Green Sandpiper and a few Teal had returned.

Nearby a Goldcrest sang its head off despite the heavy rain (Dave Standish/CG).

Monday 8 July 2024

Wintersett Ringing Recovery - Becky Bailey

Reed warbler AJN8771 was ringed as a juv. at Wintersett,  

on 31/7/21 (by me) and retrapped at 

Stanford Res on 8/6/24 as a breeding male,

 - a move of 137km (excluding migrations!) in 1043 days.


Carlton Marsh

A Buzzard alighted in a large Willow at the back of the scrape with a small Grass Snake. Great Spot Woodpecker, 3 Mistle Thrush, 1 Yellow Bunting and a Linnet sang (L & A Corrall/M.White).

Ringlet and Meadow Brown were common again today in addition to single Large White, Small Skipper and Red Admiral.

A fresh dead mole was found on the path (K. Bannister).

Marsh Woundwort found on the edge of the scrape in front of the hide, a new site for it, was the first flowering plant since 2018 (CG). 

                                    Broad-bodied Chaser (CG)

                                    Marsh Woundwort (CG)

2 Little Egrets were on the wader scrape (only a large puddle now) at 21.25hrs and may have roosted (CG).

Wintersett + Ringing July 8th 2024

Anglers CP:  (Pete Smith).

3 Kingfishers were in the shallows,  early morning.

Common Tern 1 + 7 WRes..

Oystercatcher 1.  Cormorant 1. 

35 Birds were ringed this morning @Wintersett1

with highlights of:  Chiffchaff 8,  Willow Warbler 7,  

Goldcrest 2 juveniles, Reed Warbler 1,  Whitethroat 1,  

Garden Warbler and Blackcap 9. 

Wintersett Res: (Steve Denny)

Goldeneye 2 females - 1 south west corner + 1 north east corner.

Moorhouse Lane Pond:

4 Ruddy Darters and a Comma.

Wintersett + Ringing 07.07.2024

Wintersett Res:

Kingfisher 1.   Common Sandpiper 1. 

Oystercatcher  3 flew over (2 adults + 1 juvenile).

51 Birds were ringed at Wintersett before the rain;

Highlights were:Chiffchaff 14,  Willow Warbler 2,   Treecreeper 1,

Blackcap 5,  Garden Warbler 2,  Sedge Warbler 4,  Reed Warbler 3,

Reed Bunting 5, Cetti's Warbler 2. 

Anglers CP:

3 MINK were on the islands. (Pete Smith).

Saturday 6 July 2024

Wintersett 06.07.2024

Anglers CP:

Common Shrew 1 dead.   

Oystercatcher 2.   

A Little Egret was in the shallows.

Grey Wagtail 1.   Herring Gull 1.  

Common Tern 5.

Wintersett Res: 

Common Tern 3.

Friday 5 July 2024

Carlton Marsh & Cudworth Common

Carlton Marsh
The Yorkshire in Bloom judge was given a guided tour this morning. Little Egret, Emperor, Southern Hawker and Brown Hawker dragonflies were abroad.
Ferrymoor Flash
Great Crested Grebe, 2 Sand Martins and Oystercatcher.

A Red Kite was reported over Barnsley Road at around 10.30hrs (Steve Milner) and a Peregrine made a stoop over the Newtown estate around 11.30hrs (Les Corrall).

Littleworth Park - Monk Bretton
Butterflies included 2 from a new brood of Comma, 465 Meadow Brown, 308 Ringlet, 5 Gatekeeper, 122 Small Skipper and 12 Small Heath (Chris Parkin).

Wintersett 05.07.2024

Wintersett Res:

Kingfisher 1.

Anglers CP:

A Little Egret was in the shallows.

Common Tern 5 + 5 WRes..

Lepidoptera: ACP

A large  Skipper,  a Gatekeeper,   and a female Brimstone, 

were seen at ACP.   2 White-letter Hairstreak were seen on Haw Park Lane.

Stubbs Wall Field:

Lapwing 1 adult + 2 small/medium young.

Walton Hall:

Great Crested Grebe 1 large young + 2 small/medium young. 

Thursday 4 July 2024

Carlton Marsh

A Common Tern visited the scrape staying for around 45 minutes (our 2nd this year) (L & A Corrall/CG et al).

Also present Kingfisher, LBB Gull and Grey Wagtail.

Wintersett 04.07.2024

Wintersett Res:

A Redshank was on the boathouse slipway.  Teal 2.  

A young Cetti's Warbler brood fledged at the boathouse bench.

Common Tern 6.   Oystercatcher 5.   Grey Wagtail 1.

Anglers CP: 

The 3rd summer Lesser Black-backed Gull

took a Black-headed Gull chick from the islands this morning.


Large Skipper 1 ACP. 


Red-eyed Damselfly 2 males on Botany Bay.

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Wintersett 03.07.2024

Anglers CP: 

Teal 1 male.   Grey Wagtail 1.  Oystercatcher 3.

Common Tern 4  (1adult + 1 1st summer)

A Yellow Wagtail was in the Pol Field.

A Barn Owl was flying over at 14.30hrs.  

A Lesser Black-backed Gull took 2 Black-headed Gull chicks.

Wintersett Res:

Tufted Duck 11 young WRes. + 5 young ACP, + 6 young ACP.

Goldeneye 1 female.   Common Tern 12.

Gadwall 4.  Lesser Whitethroat  1 male on north east bank.

Cold Hiendley Res. 

Mallard 5 young fledged + 2  large fledged young Botany Bay.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Wintersett Ringing 03.07.2024

Wintersett Res:

43 birds were ringed at Wintersett today by Pete Smith, despite when rain delayed start.

Highlights were:  Chiffchaffs 13,  Willow Warbler 7,  Blackcap 3, 

Whitethroat 1,  Sedge Warbler 4 and Reed Warbler 6.

A Water Rail was in the west bank marsh. 

Monday 1 July 2024

Wintersett 1st July 2024

Wintersett Res:

Common Scoter 1 male.  + 1 female ACP.   Hobby 1.   

Anglers CP:

A Curlew flew south.   3 very small Lapwing in Pol Field.

5 very small young Tufted Ducks were in the shallows.

Common Tern 3, including a 1st summer bird.

Sand Martin 200.   Oystercatcher 2.  

Mallard young:  2 fledged + 2 fledged + 2 small young.

House Martin 50.

Sunday 30 June 2024

Wintersett Ringing - Pete Smith 30.06.2024

Anglers CP:  

52 birds were ringed this morning - with highlights of:

Chiffchaffs 13,   Willow Warbler 8,   Treecreeper,   

Long Tailed Tit 17,   Blackcap 4, 

and a Kestrel was a nice surprise!

A Little Owl was in Cold Hiendley Village, on Tuesday at dusk. (PS).


Saturday 29 June 2024

Carlton Marsh

A Little Egret was on the scrape and 2 Mistle Thrushes were in the car park with 3 juvenile Robins.

A Lesser Whitethroat singing near the wader scrape viewpoint was the first since 18th May!

A pheromone lure was used to attract a Currant Clearwing moth in Chris Parkin's Cudworth allotment. It came out of nowhere almost immediately.

                               Current Clearwing (CP)

Wintersett 29.06.2024

 Anglers CP:

Lapwing 2 adults + 1 very small young were in the Pol field.

Common Tern 6.   Common Sandpiper 2 + 1 WRes..

 3 Pochard flew over.   

An adult  Little Ringed Plover was in the shallows.

An adult Lesser Black-backed Gull took 2 Black headed Gulls chicks.

A summer plumaged Black-tailed Godwit was in the shallows.

Great Crested Grebe 2 adults + 2 young.   A Hobby flew over.

A Shelduck flew north west.

Friday 28 June 2024

Bon Voyage

David Michael Smith has been involved with Carlton Marsh since 1982, training to be a bird ringer from 1983 and went on to ring more than 10,000 birds until he retired in 2013. His most famous control was a Sedge Warbler that he ringed here in August 1986 and was found a month later in September as a skeleton in an Eleonora’s Falcon nest in Lanzarote. This was the first ever British ringed Sedge Warbler to be recovered on the Canary Islands.

Then there was the Icterine Warbler, which he famously trapped in September 1988, and that was the first record for South Yorkshire. A very rare bird in land.

Dave has contributed many records of birds and other forms of wildlife over the years, and joined our ‘Mothing group’ from 2016. More importantly, he has co-written our Annual Natural History Report since 1983.

Dave became the Chairman of the Barnsley Birds Study Group in the 1990’s and went on to lead Birding trips with Naturetrek to Majorca until his health deteriorated.

Our loss will be Northumberland’s gain, as I am sure Dave will contribute to their wildlife sightings.

We here at Carlton Marsh wish you, Linda, Karen and Stuart a very happy, healthy new life in your new home at the coast.

Best wishes


                            Linda & Dave - Carlton Marsh November 2007

Dave giving a bird ringing demonstration to the public on one of our open days in the Noughties.

Cudworth & Woolley

A Red Kite flew over the Star Hotel on the high street at 09.10rs (D. Standish).

The weather was't ideal nevertheless 10 species of butterfly were seen. 1 Painted Lady, 25 Small Blue, 40 Marbled White and 192 Ringlet. Also a Gorse Shield Bug (C Parkin).

Wintersett 28.06.2024

Anglers CP: 

Shoveler 1 female.  Sand Martin 50.  

Swift 100 + 100 WRes.   House Martin 50.

Common Sandpiper 1.

Wintersett Res: 

Grey Wagtail 1.   Common Tern 3.   Cormorant 1 WRes. + 1 ACP.

Goldeneye 1 female.  

 Cold Hiendley Res:

Mute Swan 1 young, east bank.  

Botany Bay:

Mallard 2 large young.

Thursday 27 June 2024

Carlton Marsh

The wader scrape is almost dry that's why the Grey Herons are predating on what fish etc. is left to catch. There are a few Teal as well. 

This afternoon at 17.51hrs a juvenile Peregrine chased a Kestrel over the hillside (Simon Cox). 

Geoff Carr reliably informs me that this is almost certainly one of the 3 that were ringed at Ardagh Glassworks this spring. They are fitted with a B.T.O. ring on the right leg and an Orange ring on the left leg. Certainly ones to watch for now that they are fully fledged.

Simon Cox
This moth was trapped in Chris Parkin's Cudworth garden last night

Plain Golden Y moth (C. Parkin)

Wintersett 27.06.2024

 Anglers CP:

Common Sandpiper 1.    

3 very small Tufted Ducks were in the shallows.

Common Tern 2.  

A Barn Owl was seen at Santingley  at  09.00a.m.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Cudworth - Moths

A few moths from my garden last night

   Buff Tip

Box Tree Moth (3)
Elephant Hawk Moth

Wintersett + Ringing 26.06.2024

Wintersett Res:

50 birds were ringed this morning at Wintersett by Pete Smith,

with highlights of  Chiffchaffs 13,  Willow Warbler 4,  Treecreeper 1,  

Blackcap 5,  Garden Warbler 3, Whitethroat 3,  Sedge Warbler 3,  

Reed Warbler 9  and an adult male Cettis Warbler was controlled. 

An Osprey flew south over Wintersett Res at 09.53hrs,

seems to be a bird hanging around! 

Anglers CP:

An Osprey flew over Anglers CP being mobbed by Gulls at 11.00hrs. (PSmith)

2 very small Tufted Ducks were at the south end of the  CP Lake.

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Carlton Marsh

This morning female, Peregrine, Buzzard and Kestrel (Keith Bannister).

This evening 3 adult Oystercatchers, 1 Lapwing, 5 Teal and 1 3rd summer LBB Gull on the wader scrape.

A Southern Hawker patrolling the embankment was the first for this year (CG).

A Red Kite flew over Booth's scrapyard, Shafton at 18.50hrs (Dave Standish)

South Kirkby Industrial Park
Butteflies included 1 rather worn Painted Lay, 61 Marbled White, 265 Ringlet, 127 Meadow Brown, 12 Large Skipper, 21 Small Skipper, 12 Small Heath, 12 Common Blue 1f Brimstone and 2 Latticed Heath moths. There was an obvious lack of White species again (Chris Parkin).

Wintersett + Update 25.06.2024

Wintersett Res:

A Little Tern was seen at 06.29hrs,  then 2 at 06.53,

both circled high and were lost at 07.12hrs.

1 was back at 08.06hrs, then left north at 08.36hrs (SD et al.)

1 was still present at 12.30hrs. 

Cold Hiendley Village: 

A Little Owl was in Cold Hiendley Village yesterday, at dusk.  Pete Smith.

Update per Brian Leeman.

The Little Tern still on Top Res. (Wintersett) at 17.45hrs.  

Monday 24 June 2024

Wintersett + Ringing + Osprey Update 24.06.2024

Anglers CP:

A Ring-necked Parakeet flew east along Haw Park Lane at 08.00hrs. - Steve Denny.

Lapwing 1 adult + 1 very small young.  All young were in the Pol Field.

Kingfisher 1.   A Large Red Damselfly was on the Pol Boardwalk Pond.   

Grass Snake 1.

Wintersett Res:  Pete Smith

 34 birds were ringed this morning at Wintersett,

with highlights of:  8 Chiffchaff, 10 Willow Warbler, 4 Blackcap 

and a juvenile male Cettis Warbler.  

It's been a long time since Willow Warbler out scored Chiffchaff !  

Also a Grass Snake was swimming in the edge off the west bank marsh!  

Cold Hiendley Village: 

A Little Owl was in the village at dusk yesterday. - Pete Smith.

Osprey over small ponds
near the junction of Swine Lane and Back Lane 
Wintersett 16.40pm.
               Image       Image

Sunday 23 June 2024

Carlton Marsh

A Red Kite flew north over the Newtown estate in Low Cudworth at 08.40hrs (Dave Standish) and what was presumably the same bird was over Carlton Marsh at 14.40hrs for 10 minutes before it drifted north (Gary Standish). 

Also of interest Little Egret, Kingfisher, a fly over Greenfinch, 2 singing Cetti's Warbler and 4 Grey Herons. 

Butterflies other than Ringlet and Meadow Brown were few and far between. 5 Large Skipper, 3 Small Heath and 2 Common Blue.

Also present 1m Banded Demoiselle, 2m Emperor dragonflies, 6 Four Spot Chasers, 5 Broad-bodied Chasers (3m) and 3f Common Darters.

8 Burnet Companion moths and a Golden - bloomed Grey Longhorn Beetle were of note (C. Parkin/CG).

Wintersett + Insects 23.06.2024

Anglers CP: 

Azure Damselfly 1 male.  

Wintersett Res:

A Brown Hawker was on the west bank clump. 

Common Tern 3.  

Cold Hiendley Res: 

Mute Swan 3 young + 2 young.

Saturday 22 June 2024

Carlton Marsh - Insects

Butterflies included 58 Meadow Brown, 73 Ringlet, 3 Large Skipper, 2 Peacock, 5 Small Heath, 2 Common Blue and 2 Large White.
Broad-bodied Chaser male (C. Parkin)
Emerald Damselfly, 5m 1f Broad-bodied Chaser, 3 Common Darter and 5 Burnet Companion moths. (C. Parkin)

Wintersett - Steve Denny 22.06.2024


This Great Crested Grebe has hatched 2 young & continues to incubate the remaining 2 eggs at Wintersett.

Generally a poor year so far, this may be the only brood we see.

Wintersett 22.06.2024

Anglers CP: 

An adult and a 1 young Lapwing were in the Pol field, (next to the car park.)

Wintersett Village:

2 Red Kites were over the cut silage field on George's corner.

Wintersett Res: 

Common Tern 3.   

Sedge Warbler 3 fledged young (west bank clump).

Friday 21 June 2024

Carlton Marsh

 Today 7 Teal, Little Egret, Kingfisher and Great Spot Woodpecker.

Insects included 4 Ringlet, 4 Meadow Brown, 2 Speckled Wood,  and male and female Banded Demoiselle (L & A Corrall/CG).

River Dearne - Storrs Mill to Ardsley Viaduct
Despite the farmer ploughing up the large majority of nettles, 10 lots of Peacock larvae survived. Golden-bloomed Grey Longhorn (Agapanthia villosoviridescens), Black-tailed Skimmer 1f, Chimney Sweeper moth, c50 Banded Demoiselle, and a Grey Partridge (C. Parkin).

Wintersett 21.06.2024

Anglers CP:

Shoveler 1 male.   Common Tern 2.  Herring Gull 6.   Gadwall 5.

Mallard 7 very small young (from 12) in the shallows.

Wintersett Res:

Mute Swan:  5 small young north west area,  

1 very small young in south west area,  + 2 very small young in north east area.

Botany Bay:

A Red Kite flew over this afternoon - Martin Weir.

Cudworth Moths

 The best of last nights moths in my garden.

Box Tree Moth
Small Elephant Hawk Moth

Thursday 20 June 2024

Littleworth Park- Monk Bretton

Butterflies - 172 Meadow Brown, 1 Peacock, 36 Ringlet, 13 Large Skipper, 10 Small Heath, 5 Common Blue, 10 Small Heath and 1 Small Copper. 

Also 3 Burnet Companion and 2 Six-spot Burnet moths and 3m Broad-bodied Chasers (C. Parkin).

Wintersett + Insects + Ringing 20.06.2024

Wintersett Res:

Common Scoter 1 male.   

An Osprey flew low north over the west bank clump at 09.12hrs, 

being mobbed by a Black headed Gull.

56 birds were ringed this morning,  (Pete Smith),  

with highlights of:  Chiffchaffs 13,  Willow Warbler 1,  Treecreeper 2,  

Blackcap 9 and a Garden Warbler.

 Anglers CP:  +  Insects: 

A male Banded Demoiselle and a Large Red Damselfly 

flew over the Pol Board Walk pond. 

A female Brimstone Butterfly flew over.   Mute Swan 2 young.   

Mallard 12 very small young were in the shallows.  

Common Tern 1.  

Wednesday 19 June 2024

South Kirkby Industrial Park & Cudworth Common

2 Grey Partridge. 

Butterflies included my first Marbled Whites -18, 41 Meadow Brown, 89 Ringlet, 1 Brown Argus and 3m Brimstone (C. Parkin)

Cudworth Common
An Osprey flew south at 20.55hrs accompanied by an irate Oystercatcher heading towards Edderthorpe Flash (CG).

Wintersett + Insects. 19.06.2024

Wintersett Res:

Common Scoter 1 male.  

Anglers CP:

A 3rd Summer Lesser Black-backed Gull took a 

Black-headed Gull Chick.

A male Lesser Whitethroat was on the Pol.   

Mute Swan 2 very small young.

Common Tern 1. 

A Barn Owl flew over north bank.


A female Brimstone butterfly  flew over  Anglers CP.


A Large Red Damselfly was flying over the Pol Board Walk Pond.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Carlton Marsh

3 Teal, 2 juvenile Grey Herons and 2 Lapwings were on the wader scrape. Elsewhere a Goldcrest sang in the car park and 3 juvenile Robins were feeding nearby. A Cuckoo sang from the marsh.

Insects on show today were the odd Common Blue Damsel and the more common Blue-tailed with a single of the variant rufescens. 

Also 3 Burnet Companion moths, a Blood-vein and a Latticed Heath moth. Butterflies were represented by a Common Blue, 6 Ringlets and a Meadow Brown (K. Bannister/CG}.

Blood-vein (CG)
Thick-legged Beetle (CG)

Wintersett + Insects 18.06.2024

Wintersett Res:

Common Scoter 1 male. 

Mute Swan 1 very small young,  south east corner 

+ 5 young north west corner.

Cold Hiendley Res:

Mallard 7 fledged young.

Anglers CP:

A Barn Owl flew over the  east bank.

Shoveler 1 male.   Oystercatcher 7.   Common Tern 1.

A Lesser Whitethroat was on the Pol.

Lepidoptera: ACP:

Ringlet 2.   Brimstone 1.

Monday 17 June 2024

Carlton Village

This scarce moth was a first for Dave Smith when he found it in his light trap this morning.

Bird's Wing (Dave Smith)

Wintersett Sunrise - Sue Bilcliffe

Sue Billcliffe snapped a photo of this incredible sunrise over Ryhill.

Wintersett 17.06.2024

Anglers CP:

Common Tern 3.   Lesser Whitethroat 1 male on the Pol.

A Barn Owl was  hunting  around Vis.Mig. Hill at 09.40hrs. (SC)

Wintersett Res:

Goldeneye 1 female.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Carlton Marsh

Birds present at some point during the day Little Egret, Kingfisher, Lesser BB Gull, 2 Lapwings, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Cetti's warbler and a pair of Teal.

Insects included a male Common Blue Damselfly, Four Spotted Chaser, 4 Meadow Brown, and our first Ringlet of the year.

Day flying moths included 1 Mother Shipton and 7 Burnet Companion.

Wintersett + Insects 16.06.2024

Anglers CP:

Gadwall 4.   Oystercatcher 7 (2 families).  Sand Martin 2. 

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was on the south east corner.

Botany Bay:  Mallard young - 3  small/medium.  

Wintersett Res:  Grey Wagtail 1. 

Odonata - Anglers CP:

Emperor 1.  4 Spotted Chaser 1.   Black-tailed Skimmer 3. 

Saturday 15 June 2024

Carlton Marsh

Today's best 5 Greylags, a pair of Teal, Kingfisher, A Little Egret flew north at 12.21hrs and a Cetti's Warbler sang.

Wintersett + Ringing 15.06.2024

44 Birds were ringed before rain at Wintersett Res..

Highlights were:  

Cetti's Warbler 1,  Blackcap 9,   Garden Warbler 1,   Reed Warbler 1,

Reed Bunting 1,  Chiffchaff 15 and Willow Warbler 2.   - R.Bailey.

5 young Cetti's Warblers were in the clump.

Anglers CP:  A Grey Heron was at the board walk pond.

A Little Egret was on the shallows.  Shoveler 1 male.

Friday 14 June 2024

Carlton Marsh

A Hobby flew low over the reed beds south at 12.20hrs. A Goldcrest continued to sing in the car park and a Lesser Black-backed Gull called in (Andrew Corrall).

Cudworth Common
A Garden Warbler sang from bushes near the wind turbine, they seem to be quite scarce this year. 
Banded Demoiselle males are now very common along the River Dearne near Edderthorpe Flash (CG).
A Little Owl was showing well this morning in Les Corrall's Cudworth garden.

Wintersett 14.06.2024

Anglers CP:

Gadwall 3.   Common Tern 2.

A Red Kite flew over west.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Carlton Marsh

The highlights for today were Kingfisher, 1 LRP, 2 Treecreepers, a singing Goldcrest and a Dabchick (K. Bannister/L & A Corrall).

A Meadow Brown and a Burnet Companion moth were the only insects on show due to the cooler conditions (CG).

Wintersett + Insects 13.06.2024

Anglers CP + Insects:

A Lesser Whitethroat was on the south west bank.

Mallard 3 small young (from 4),  off south west bank.

Lepidoptera: Large Skipper 1.    

Botany Bay:

Red-eyed Damselfly 5 males. 

Mallard 7 fledged young (1 white).

Gadwall 2 very small.

Wintersett Res:

Common Tern 2.   Goldeneye 1 female.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Carlton Marsh

There were several warbler species singing notably 8 Chiffchaffs, 10 Reed Warblers, 2 Cetti's Warblers, 2 Willow Warblers and several Blackcaps.

There were also family groups of Long-tailed Tits and Great Tits. A Goldcrest sang in the car park and 2 Yellow Buntings were in full song from the tops of nearby hedgerows.

When the sun came out 2 Meadow Browns, a beautiful male Common Blue and a Large Skipper were visible. 

Also the first Emperor Dragonfly of the year, 1 Four Spotted Chaser and 2 Emerald Damselflies, our first for 3 years!

18 Burnet Companion moths are now looking worse for wear.

4 spikes of the Common Spotted Orchid and several South Marsh orchids added even more colour.