Monday 31 May 2021

Carlton Marsh

This fine and beautiful morning produced 2 singing Cetti's, male and female hepatic Cuckoo 12.45hrs and 2 Little Egrets, 2 Great Spot Woodpeckers were feeding 2 young and, a very late Spotted Flycatcher was sallying for insects on the Western Meadow (Les & Andrew Corrall). 
This evening 11 birds were ringed 2 Reed Warblers, 1 Whitethroat and 8 LT Tits. A Red-legged Partridge was calling, a Grey Wagtail alighted on the main scrape, a family group of 4 Mistle Thrush flew over and an Oystercatcher came in from the south and left the same way (D. Standish/CG).

Hepatic Cuckoo heavily cropped from a camera shot by Dave Standish

Wintersett + Ringing + Honey Buzzard 31.05.2021


 A Lesser Whitethroat was in the west bank clump.

Cold Hiendley SF: 

2 juvenile Grey Wagtails were on filter beds.

Haw Park Wood:

Nuthatch 2 + 1 on Pol Anglers CP.

Anglers CP:

Wigeon 1 male.

8 Birds were ringed this morning.

Highlights were:  1 Reed Warbler, 1 Garden Warbler,  1 Lesser Whitethroat,  

2 Willow Warbler and 1 Song Thrush. 

A Reed Bunting, trapped this morning at Anglers CP, 

was originally ringed as a juvenile on 2 Aug 2015.  

The only other time it's been recaught was 6 May 2017, 

at the same site.  Just short of 6 years old!

  Reed Bunting   Anglers CP  RBailey 
A Honey Buzzard tracked north at 13:43hrs,  over Disposal Point and then Crofton. Sadly he only had his phone to grab some record shots
 Honey Buzzard over Disposal Point  31.05.2021

Sunday 30 May 2021

Carlton Marsh & South Kirkby Reclamation

The only reports received today were from K. Bannister & JP - Little Egret, 2 singing Cetti's and a 4ft Grass Snake that swam across the scrape in front of the hide.

South Kirkby
Butterflies included 6 Brown Argus, 52 Small Heath, 26 Dingy Skipper, 16 Common Blue, 1 Small Copper and 1 male Brimstone.

Also present 3 Mother Shipton and 7 Common Carpet moths. 2 Large Red Damsels were flying and Bee Orchid and Meadow Cranesbill were in flower (Chris Parkin)

Wintersett 30.05.2021

 Wintersett Res.

Kingfisher 1.  Goldeneye 1female + 1 female Cold Hiendley Res.

Pochard 1 female + 1 male..


The Red-eared Terrapin was basking in the north east corner this morning.

Wintersett - Aberrant Swift Photos 30.05.2021

 Wintersett Res: 

One of the two recent (25.0.2021)  aberrant Swifts  was showing well off the boathouse for a short while mid morning,  before disappearing again, smart bird.

Follow link for photos on Twitter.  

30/05/2021 - Wharncliffe Heath NR

Pied Flycatcher - 12 (10+ males singing, 2 females), Spotted Flycatcher - 1 male singing, Willow Warbler - 22 singing, Linnet - 2

Saturday 29 May 2021

Carlton Marsh

As the spring migration has finished we turn our attention to other things. Todays insects included 2 Peacock, 1m Brimstone, 2 Small Copper, 5 Small Heath, 1 Dingy Skipper, 7 Orange-tip (2f) and Large White. A Blue-tailed Damsel was on the wing along with a Four Spot Chaser. Day flying moths included Cinnabar and Mother Shipton. Bees in included Tree Bee and Dark-edged Bee Fly (Chris Parkin)., 

Wintersett + Ringing 29.05.2021

 Wintersett Res:

27 birds were ringed this morning.   

The first juvenile ringed for 2021 was a cheeky robin, and it was quickly followed by a mini-flock of 3 juvenile  lotti (Long-tailed tit), with an adult male accompanying.  per Becky Bailey @BeckyBailey101


Robin juvenile ringed  Wintersett Res.  RBailey

Other Highlights were:

3 Sedge Warbler,   5 Reed  Warbler,   3 Garden Warbler,   2 Blackcap,  1 Whitethroat,  

1 Reed Bunting  and 2 Song Thrush.

A male Cuckoo was in the south west area,  and then on north bank of Cold Hiendley Res. 

Cold Hiendley Res:

Mute Swan 3 young. 


Single Grass Snakes were seen at two sites in the area today.


Orange Tip 1 female west bank clump Wintersett Res.

Friday 28 May 2021

Wintersett 28.05.2021

 Anglers  CP:

Oystercatcher 2 young.   Canada Goose 56. 

Barn Owl 1 in area.   

Walton Hall:  

Wigeon 1m + 1 f.    Canada Goslings 7 + 3.  

Wintersett Res:

Mallard 5 small young.  Great Crested Grebe 10 + 4 Cold Hiendley Res. + 3 Anglers CP

Nuthatch 2+ young fledged. 


Blue-tailed Damselfly  1 Willow Wood WRes..


A Mink was in the north west area WRes..


A Grass Snake was seen in the area.

Wintersett Thursday 27.05.2021

 Anglers CP:

Little Grebe 1.  Grey Heron 3.   

Wintersett Res:

Goldeneye 1 female + 1 female CHRes.   

 Moorhouse Lane Pond:

Pochard 1 drake.


Orange-tip 1 male on Wintersett Res.


Thursday 27 May 2021

Carton Marsh & Littleworth Park

Singers this morning included Cuckoo, Garden Warbler, 2 Cetti's etc. (L & A Corrall).

Cuckoo (Richard Laverack)

Littleworth Park - Monk Bretton
Butterflies included 3 Common Blue, 15 Dingy Skipper, 41 Small Heath and 1 Small Copper. Also present 5 Mother Shipton moths, 1f Broad-bodied Chaser and a Harlequin Ladybird (C. Parkin).  

Ewden valley 27/5/21.

Warmed up gradual after been quite cold late morning and early aft. Similar to recent visits with 2 Swifts north the only movement. Merlin male calling over the valley and what was thought to be another was hunting White Carr. Peregrine 1 imm., 1 Red Kite, 5 C Buzzards, 1 Kestrel. 7 Ravens, 5 Stonechats include 3 males, 3 Ring Ouzels include what looked like a juv. Golden Plover 2 showing well on stone wall, Cuckoo 3 singing males, LBB Gull 2 w. 1 chipping Snipe, Stock Dove 3, singing male Reed Bunting opp s bends, 1 GS Pecker at entrance gate and 3 Mallards flew down the beck from quite high up. 10+ Mountain Hares reported but none seen from the lodge.

Wednesday 26 May 2021

Carlton Marsh

There was no sign of the red phase Cuckoo, but a male was singing.

Amongst the few gulls on show today were 4 Herring, 2 sub adult LBB and a 2nd cy Yellow-legged Gull. Also present 1 Sand Martin and another in the afternoon, Cetti's Warbler, Garden Warbler and 7 singing Sedge Warblers. (JP/CG)

A Green Veined White managed fly between the showers this afternoon.

Wintersett 26.05.2021

 Wintersett Res:

A female Whinchat showed well in the west bank oilseed rape field  (FOY).

Common Tern 8.    Willow Tit 1 on south west bank. 

A group of fledged Long-tailed Tits were on the north bank.

Mallard Young Wintersett Res:  

10 large/fledged south west corner.   6 medium/large young off east bank.


3 Stoats were in the area. 

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Carlton Marsh & Cudworth Common

Carlton Marsh this morning 4 LBB Gulls, Grey Wagtail, 10 Swifts and the hepatic Cuckoo at 10.55hrs near the first seat overlooking the scrape (Richard Laverack). Also probable 2cy Yellow-legged Gull on the wader scrape and 2 Red-legged Partridges (JP).

Cudworth Common
3 Singing Reed Warblers, Lesser Whitethroat, Green Woodpecker, nesting Mute Swan, 1 singing Meadow Pipit, 2 Red-legged Partridges and a pair of Pochard on the small pond at Five Lanes End.

Ferrymoor Flash
A pair of Oystercatchers are nesting and 3 more flew over, also 2 pairs of Reed Bunting, a singing Garden Warbler and Chiffchaff, a pair of Greylags with 2 young and a Sand Martin flew west.

Symphony Factory

Despite all this destruction of prime habitat for waders there was still 1 Ringed Plover, 3 Redshanks and about 6 Lapwings (1 on a nest). CG.

Rabbit Ings
2 male Cuckoos and the hepatic female were seen at 19.02hrs (Dave Standish)

Wintersett 25.05.2021

Anglers CP: 

2 aberrant Swifts were seen this morning.   The usual white bellied and white backed bird,  plus a whitish rumped and undertailed bird.  Both cracking birds and a pit fall for the unwary. 


Wintersett Res: 

Common Tern 12.

Walton Hall:

Wigeon 1 male + 1 female. 

Monday 24 May 2021

Carlton Marsh

The hepatic Cuckoo wasn't seen here today, but it was seen at 18.36hrs at Rabbit Ings, a short flight away to the north (Dave Standish). However,  a male was present in the morning and it sang in the early afternoon before the rain came. Sorry it proved elusive for Chris Harris and others.

Cetti's and Garden Warbler were singing and 2 Little Egrets were present. A Great Spot Woodpecker was taking food and male Grey Wagtail was present. 2 Foxes were about. (D. Smith/ K. Bannister/CG)

Wintersett 24.05.2021

Anglers CP: 

Swift  550 + 250 Wintersett Res. 

Gray Speight saw the aberrant white-backed, white underparts Common Swift at Wintersett again this morning.  This is the first sighting for 14 days despite lots of looking at Swifts and  hirundines - and it’s paired up with a ‘normal’ Swift! 

Pochard 1 male. 

Wintersett Res:

A pair of Treecreepers were in the Willow Wood.  

Teal 1 male.  Goldeneye 1 female.  Tufted Duck 25 + 19 Anglers CP.

Cold Hiendley Res: 

Mute Swan 4 young. 


Brimstone 1 female.

Sunday 23 May 2021

Carlton Marsh & Worsbro Res.

This morning two Cuckoos and a Cetti's Warbler were singing. 24 Herring and 4 LBB Gulls were on the wader scrape (JP).

This afternoon a Little Egret was present along with the 'hepatic' Cuckoo at 16.45hrs. She can be seen anywhere along the embankment, but seems to prefer the area in the marsh from the 5th to 7th seats, often perching in a Buddleia or other small bush (D. Standish/K. Bannister).

Worsborough Reservoir
3 Common Terns were present all afternoon regularly catching small fish. Also present at least 6 Grey Herons, Buzzard, 10 Swifts, 2 Swallows and 1 House Martin flew north.  

Ewden valley 23/5/21.

Cold and windy but mainly dry. Merlin 1 male, Peregrine 1 imm., Red Kites regular, total of 3, C Buzzard 5. Raven 3, LBB Gull 4, Golden Plover 6, Curlew 6. Ring Ouzel 2, Stonechat 2, Meadow Pipit 32, Swift 10, Swallow 1. Mountain Hare 6 chasing each other about on White Carr.

Wintersett 23.05.2021

 Anglers CP:

4 Shelduck flew in from the south and left west.  Greylag Goose 3.

Swift 400.   Cormorant 1.  

A Greenfinch flew over. 

Wintersett Res:

Goldeneye 1 female. 

Saturday 22 May 2021

Carlton Marsh

Two male Cuckoo's were singing and the 'hepatic' female was babbling and showing well between 10.10 and 11.10hrs before we left. 2 Little Egrets were on the wader scrape and a Garden Warbler was singing. 10 Swifts and 3 House Martins headed north (R. Laverack/D. Smith/JP/CG).

Screen shots of a photo of the 'hepatic' Cuckoo by Jim Plant

Wintersett 22.05.2021

A total of 800 Swift were in the area this morning.

Wintersett Res:

Common Tern 12.   Common Sandpiper 1 + 1 Cold Hiendley Res.  

Goldeneye 1 female + 1 female Cold Hiendley Res.

Great Spotted Woodpecker  1 Botany Bay + 1 Pitts Wood - both carrying food for young.

Willow Tit 2 south west bank.

Cold Hiendley Res:

Grey Wagtail 1.  

Anglers CP:

Yellow Wagtail 6 + 1 west bank Wintersett Res..


2 Weasels were seen at Wintersett Res. today - 1 south west corner + 1 near boathouse.

Wintersett WeBs May 2021

 Here is the Wintersett  WeBS count for May 2021.

Mute Swan 18   Canada Goose 25     

Coot 64     Moorhen 6    Great Crested Grebe  12      

Mallard 40   Gadwall 12   Tufted Duck  31  Goldeneye  2 

Oystercatcher 3   Lapwing 3     Common Sandpiper 2    

Common Tern 12.

Friday 21 May 2021

Wintersett 21.05.2021

Anglers CP:

A Sanderling was at the north end of the lake.   

Yellow Wagtail 3.  

Mallard Young  -  4 large + 4 medium.

Wintersett Res:

Goldeneye 1 + 1 CHRes..   Pochard 2 male.    Common Sandpiper 1.   A Ringed Plover flew over.  Common Tern 18.  Arctic Tern 1.  Swift 500.  

Mammal - Anglers CP Pol:

Stoat 1.

Thursday 20 May 2021

Carlton Marsh

The only thing of note today was the male Cuckoo chasing the 'hepatic bird at 09.40hrs. This could be the same bird that I photographed here last year. If you also see it at other local sites please note the time and date and where you saw it so that we might better understand if we are seeing the same bird. 

Wintersett Wednesday 19.05.2021

Wintersett Res: 

Great Crested Grebe 9 + 4 CHRes..   Goldeneye 1 female + 1 female CHRes..

A juvenile Grey Wagtail was on the boathouse slipway. 

Anglers CP:

A Peregrine carrying  prey  flew over,  heading for Wakefield. 

Little Grebe 1    Greylag Goose 23.

Wednesday 19 May 2021

Carlton Marsh

The highlights of today were Willow Tit calling (near the first seat on the embankment SE3710), Green Woodpecker 'yaffling', Great Spotted Woodpecker, 19 singing Whitethroats, 1 Garden Warbler, 9 Reed Warblers, 2 Cetti's Warblers and Cuckoo.

19/05/2021 - Wharncliffe Area

Wharncliffe Heath NR - Pied Flycatcher (7 male, 1 female)

Wharncliffe Wood - Wood Warbler

Tuesday 18 May 2021

Carlton Marsh

This evening singing Garden Warbler, Cuckoo and 2 Cetti's Warblers (Scrape & sluice in Northern Meadow). A new brood of 4 Canada Geese were harassed by a Fox. 

3 Pipistrelles were active at dusk.

Meanwhile Geoff Miller rang to say he had a Hobby chasing a group of about 10 Swifts over his home at 19.50hrs in Beech Avenue, Cudworth, which is half a mile east of the reserve. It left north after about 5 minutes.

Then Jim Plant rang to say a leucistic Swift, similar to one described at Wintersett, had just gone west from his home at The Grove, Cudworth a little further east from the reserve.

The edible St George's Mushroom, which is about 3 weeks late emerging (CG)

Wintersett 18.05.2021

 Wintersett Res:

Common Sandpiper 1.   Common Tern 12.  Goldeneye 1 female and another on Cold Hiendley Res.  

A Common Swift with a white rump was seen.

Anglers CP:

Teal 1 male.  Cormorant 1.  


Several Orange Tips were in the area.  

A Dingy Skipper was seen at the Disposal Point.

Monday 17 May 2021

Carlton Marsh

 A Spoonbill flew north at 08.50hrs (JP) and a Cream Crown Marsh Harrier came in from the south at 18.35hrs, and after being harassed by a Crow, it gradually meandered east over Barnsley Road, Cudworth towards Cudworth Common.

Also present Peregrine, singing Cuckoo, 2 House Martins, 5 Swifts and 6 singing Song Thrushes (D. Standish/CG)

Marsh Harrier (Dave Standish)

Wintersett 17.05.2021

 Anglers CP:

3 Avocets dropped on the shallows at 06.40hrs, and were present to 07.30hrs at least.  A Dunlin and a Curlew were also seen. 

Wintersett Res:

A Cuckoo was calling this morning.   Common Sandpiper 1.   Cetti's Warbler 7 males.  Common Tern 7.    Goldeneye 2 females + 1 female Cold Hiendley Res..  Mute Swan 7 young.

Sadly,  a Swift paid the ultimate price this morning,  when it accidently ditched in the reservoir.  It was all over in 15 minutes. 😟

Sunday 16 May 2021

Ewden valley 16/5/21.

Changeable weather, warm at times but ending with rain. rt Hen Harrier 1, C Buzzard 6, Raven 6. Ring Ouzel 2, Stonechat 4, includes 3 males, Cuckoo 2 males possibly 3 with 1 showing well looking for Pipit nests. Golden Plover 5, Curlew 10, chipping Snipe 1. Meadow Pipit c 42, Swift 1, Siskin c 4, 1 male Reed Bunting at the s bends.

Saturday 15 May 2021

Wintersett 15.05.2021

 Wintersett Res:

2 male Cuckoos were in the area - one at Wintersett Res. and one at Anglers CP.

Common Tern 9.     Goldeneye - one female, plus  another  female on Cold Hiendley Res..  

Anglers CP:

2 Mediterranean Gulls, a 1st Summer and a 2nd summer, flew over  briefly, then left north east.

Friday 14 May 2021

Carlton Marsh

8 House Martins were over the wader scrape this afternoon and  a Little Egret was seen here earlier. 

The Cuckoo continued to sing (K. Banister/D. Standish).

14/05/2021 - Wharncliffe Heath NR

Pied Flycatcher - 13+ (10+ singing males, 3 females)

Tree Pipit - 2

Wintersett 14.05.2021

Haw Park Wood:

Redpoll 5. 

Golf Course Field: 

Greylag Goose 31. 

Wintersett Res:

Goldeneye 2 females and 1 female Cold Hiendley Res. 

Mallard Young:

5 medium and 6 small/medium off north east bank, Wintersett Res..

Thursday 13 May 2021

Carlton Marsh

A male Cuckoo sang this morning and the 'Hepatic' female continues to give good views. A Garden Warbler was in full voice near the hide and 2 juv. Grey Wagtails were on the southern end of the dike. 

Butterflies included a male Brimstone and the years' first Small Copper (K. Bannister/R. Laverack/CG).

Cudworth Common
Cuckoo, Lesser Whitethroat, Reed  and Sedge Warbler were all singing, a Redshank called and 3 Buzzards were up together.
2 Dingy Skipper, male Brimstone and 2 Small Heath were among the butterflies on show. 
(Les & Andrew Corrall).

Littleworth Park
Butterflies included male Brimstone, 3 Small Copper,28 Dingy Skipper and 4 Small Heath. 2 Small Yellow Underwing and a Bramble Shoot Moth were flying along with 4 Broad-bodied Chasers. 
(C. Parkin).

Wintersett 13.05.2021

Anglers CP: 

Common Tern 10.  Little Grebe 1.

Wintersett Res:

Goldeneye 1 female + 1 female CHRes..

Pits Wood:

Great Spotted Woodpecker 2. 

Moorhouse Lane Pond:

Pochard 1 male+ 1 female.   


2 Grass Snakes were seen in the area.  


A Common Blue Damselfly  was seen on the east bank Wintersett Res..

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Wintersett 12.05.2021

Very quiet today.

Anglers CP:

2 Shelduck on the shallows.    A high flying Red Kite went over south west.

Wintersett Res:   

Goldeneye 1 female  + 1 female Cold Hiendley Res.

A Willow Tit was in the south west corner.

 Mallard Young

Anglers CP:  6 very small   

Wintersett Res:  3 small/medium in south east corner  and 4 medium/large north bank. 

12/05/2021 - Wharncliffe Heath Nature Reserve

A nice morning after yesterdays meteor hail! A site record of at least 16 singing male Pied Flycatchers was the highlight, though there was no sign of any female birds, which seem thin on the ground so far this year. Also seen were 6 Tree Pipit, 44 Willow Warbler, 6 Blackcap, 3 Chiffchaff, 3 Great-spotted Woodpecker and 2 Cormorants over NW.

Tuesday 11 May 2021

Carlton Marsh & South Kirkby

Not much change, the only notables were Cuckoo and Garden Warbler singing.

South Kirkby reclamation
Cuckoo 1 singing and 3 pairs of Tufted Duck. 

Butterflies included 12 Small Heath, 13 Dingy Skippers, 1 Brimstone male, 16 male Orange-tips, Cinnabar and Silver Y Moth (Chris Parkin).

Wintersett 11.05.2021

 Anglers CP:

An Osprey flew over from Wintersett Res,  circled over at 09.40hrs for 10 mins,  before drifting low north west.  

Cuckoo 1 male.    A female Wheatear was in the back field.  Swift 150.

Lepidoptera: A male and female Brimstone were seen late morning.

Monday 10 May 2021

Carlton Marsh

 Best this morning 2 singing Garden Warblers (Dave Smith).

Cudworth Common
Redshank, at least 3 pairs Lapwing (Symphony). 17 singing Whitethroats, 9 Blackcaps, 3 Chiffchaffs, 14 Willow Warblers, 1 Reed Warbler, 4 Skylarks, 1 Coal Tit and Coot with 2 young.

Butterflies included 5 Peacock (CG).

Wintersett 10.05.2021

Anglers CP: 

Whimbrel 2 flew south at 09.40hrs.   Common Tern  16.   

An aberrant  Swift flew south, late morning.

Tufted Duck  34.  Lesser Redpoll 25.

Wintersett Res: Goldeneye 1 female.    

The first overnight moth trap of the year with 9/9 -  per Pete Smith

Highlights: Oak Nycteoline,  Spectacle,  Herald and  Poplar Hawk.  Could have been better.

Sunday 9 May 2021

Ewden valley + 9/5/21.

More comfortable this Sunday in warmer winds but very steady and time and patience required. 4 hours at the lodge went by pretty quickly with 2 Merlin, 3 Red Kites, 4 C Buzzards, 1 Kestrel, 6 Ravens. Male Redstart in the clough at the lodge briefly, Stonechat 4, Ring Ouzel 1, Cuckoo 1. Meadow Pipit 38 with a few nest building. Chipping Snipe 2, pair of calling Oystercatchers e., Greylag 2 n., Stock Dove 3, Linnet 5. Movement poor with only 2 Swifts, 2 House Martins, 15 Swallows and a party of 8 LBB Gulls w. Friday 7th, Lesser Whitethroat in garden at Bolton on Dearne at the former Angel pub car park. Worthy of a mention as this species is down 50 per cent so far this year at Wilthorpe Marsh.

Carlton Marsh

2 Little Egrets and 6 pairs of Tufted Ducks were on the wader scrape. Elsewhere a Cuckoo sang along with 2 Garden Warblers and a Cetti's Warbler. 10 Swifts flew over and 16 were over the local Beech Avenue colony this evening (JP/G. Miller).

16 Orange-tips and a Dark-edged Bee Fly were on the wing (C. Parkin).

Wharncliffe Heath NR - 09/05/2021

Pied Flycatcher - 10 (9 singing males, 1 female), one nest under construction

Tree Pipit - 3 singing in southern heath section

Willow Warbler - 40+

Wintersett + Vis.Mig. 09.05.2021

 Anglers CP:

A Ringed Plover was on the shallows.  A Dunlin  flew over.  Lesser Redpoll 25.   5 Siskin flew west. 

Greylag Goose 2.  

Pochard 1 male + 1 female flew over.   Teal 1 female. 

Little Grebe 1.  Snipe 1.   Peregrine 1 over.

Anglers CP Vis.Mig:

Going north:    Common Tern 2 + 2.   Sand Martin  91.  Swallow 22.

Going south:  Shelduck 2 over. 

Going west:  Siskin 5. 

Wintersett Res:

Common Tern 12 + 2 Anglers CP.   

Canada Goose 4 over.

Old Royston Flash:

Lapwing 4 very small. 

Saturday 8 May 2021

Wintersett + Vis.Mig. 08.05.2021

Anglers CP Vis.Mig:

Going east:  2 Dunlin at 07.05hrs.    2 Shelduck at 07.45hrs.

Going north:  Herring Gull 59.  Lesser Black-backed Gull 4.

Going north west: An Osprey flew through at 16.40hrs.  

Full count per @Fitzybirder

Anglers CP:

A Wood Sandpiper (still present at 17.30hrs),  and a Redshank were on the shallows.   

Teal 1 female.   Lesser Redpoll 25.  Snipe 2. 

Wintersett Res: 

Common Tern 12.    

Friday 7 May 2021

Carlton Marsh

This morning I was told the sad news that my long-time 'Mothing' companion (since 1992), Elaine Evans, had died after a long illness aged 74. Elaine, like Ralph Hibbert, will be remembered when a seat is placed on the embankment. 

The 'Hepatic' Cuckoo flew into the car park yesterday (CG).

Today 2 Cetti's Warblers were squabbling suggesting rival males and 2 Red-legged Partridges were in fields nearby (JP).

Littleworth Park Monk Bretton

10 Dingy Skippers were on the wing with the first Small Copper of the year (Chris Parkin).

Wintersett 07.05.2021

 Anglers CP:

 Dunlin 1 on shallows.  Common Sandpiper 2.   Little Grebe 1.  Snipe 1.

Common Tern 9.   Greylag Goose 4. 

Teal  1 male + 1 female.  Shelduck 3 flew over , left east. 

Lesser Redpoll 8.  Lesser Whitethroat  1 male on west bank.

Going north: 

Herring Gull  147 (including a flock of 65).   Lesser Black-backed Gull 18.  

Wintersett Res:

Swift 150. 

Goldeneye 1 female  and 1 female Cold Hiendley Res.  

Thursday 6 May 2021

Wintersett 06.05.2021

Wintersett Res:  

Cuckoo 1 male.  Cetti's Warbler 6 males.  Goldeneye 1 female. 

Anglers CP:

Teal 1 male and 1 female.  Common Tern 9. Lesser Redpoll 1.  Common Sandpiper 1.

Mallard young in the area:

Anglers CP: 5 small + 5 small +  4 medium  + 5 small 

Wintersett Res:  1 small/medium

Botany Bay: 6 small/medium.

Wednesday 5 May 2021

Wintersett 05.05.2021

 Anglers CP:

An adult Mediterranean Gull, in summer plumage, flew south at 09.30hrs.  

Siskin 1 north.   Lesser Redpoll 10.  Sedge Warbler 7 males.  Garden Warbler 2 males.  

Lesser Whitethroat 2 males and 1 male north bank Wintersett Res..

Wintersett Village:  

Cuckoo 1 male.

Wintersett Res:

Common Tern 12 + 2 Walton Hall.  Common Sandpiper 1.  

Goldeneye 1 female + and another on Cold Hiendley Res.. 

Cold Hiendley SF: 

Common Sandpiper 1.

Walton Hall 

A female Wheatear was on the muck pile in the back field.     

Psycho the adult Yellow-legged Gull was on the lake.   Oystercatcher 1.


A Grass Snake was seen in the area.

                                    Wheatear female  - muck pile Walton Hall   PMeredith

Carlton Marsh

 An early start produced our first Swift of the year and our first House Martins(3). Also present Cetti's Warbler, Treecreeper, 5 Swallows and a drake Teal (Dave Smith).

A little later a Lesser Whitethroat sang, 10 Swallows headed north and the 'Hepatic' Cuckoo was seen again (JP).

A female Grey Wagtail and a Garden Warbler near the hide were additional (K. Bannister/R. Laverack/CG).

Repairs to the wader scrape viewpoint were completed on Sunday (D. Standish/CG)

5 May, 08.00 - 11.15. Wharncliffe Chase round walk

 Sunny and clear conditions with cool breeze. Best from: Blackcap 2; Buzzard 6; Chiffchaff 10+ Singing males; Cuckoo 1; Curlew 1; Fieldfare 30+; Green Woodpecker 1; Lapwing 4; Linnet 10+; Meadow pipit 7; Red-legged partridge 4; Redstart 1 male; Reed bunting 3 (2 males); Skylark 10+ (6singing males); Stonechat pair feeding 2 fledged young; Swallow 3; Tree pipit 6 singing displaying males; Wheatear 10+ (6 males); Willow warbler 20+ singing males.

Tuesday 4 May 2021

Carlton marsh

A female Redstart near the bypass was new for the year (JP). 

Whitethroats have now increased to 11 singing males and Reed Warbler to 10 singing males. The male Kingfisher was busy making feeding trips to the nest site as Cetti's continued to sing. 6 Herring and 3 LBB Gulls were on the wader scrape with a pair of Teal and the Canada and Greylag families. 

The only movement seen this morning was a Swift over a nearby housing estate and 2 + 2 Swallows heading north. NO House Martins have been seen at this site yet despite lengthy watches!

Wintersett + Evening Update 04.05.2021

Wintersett  Res:   

2 adult Mediterranean Gulls flew north at 06.48hrs.   Great Black-backed Gull 1 north. 

Herring Gulll 58 south.  Lesser Black-backed Gull 3 south

Anglers CP + evening update:

Arctic Terns  2 in briefly, flew north at 07.50 and 2 present on shallows, flew north at 11.20hrs.     

Common Tern 15  of which 12  left north at 11.20hrs.  

Dunlin  1.  Turnstone 2 in the shallows, left north west at 10.10hrs.   

A Cormorant flew over.  Snipe 1

ACP evening update: White Wagtail 1.  Yellow Wagtail 23 this evening.

2 Arctic Terns on the shallows Anglers CP. @StevieD13

                                         2 Turnstone   Anglers CP    4.05.2021   SDenny

Turnstone    Anglers CP   04.05.2021   @Fitzybirder

Monday 3 May 2021

Wilthorpe Marsh 3/5/21.

Very cold wind with welcome shelter on the canal. Singing warbler highlights were Grasshopper, Cetti's, which is the first Spring record and 2 Sedge at the oxbow. L Egret 1, pair of Parakeets at the sewage farm and again no sign of the Ravens which built a nest on a pylon in March but look to have deserted the area.

Wintersett + VisMig. + Ringing + Evening Updates 03.05.2021

Wintersett Res: 
Cuckoo 1 male.  Common Tern 8.     Common Sandpiper 1 + 1 ACP. 

Sedge Warbler:  24 males in the area - 15 WRes. + 9 Anglers CP.

Reed Warbler 21 males.     Garden Warbler 10 males,  also 3 males on Pol, ACP.  

Goldeneye 1 female.

Mallard Young:  6 very small,   10 + 6 small/medium  and 1 medium.


Anglers CP: 

A Dunlin flew over, left north east. (FOY).   White Wagtail 4.  Snipe 1. Lesser Redpoll 18.

Teal 1m + 1f.   Wigeon 1m + 1f.  Pochard 1 male over. 

14 birds were ringed this morning:

 Highlights: 9 Lesser Redpoll,  1 Garden Warbler,  1 Willow Warbler,  1 Yellowhammer. a 

 Lesser Redpoll 1 control.  

Yellowhammer ringed  ACP  03.05 2021  RBailey 
White Wagtail    Anglers CP     SDenny
Evening Updates Anglers CP: 

28 Arctic Terns and 3 adult Kittiwakes at 18.00hrs  @Fitzybirder

Kittiwakes left NW 19:10. Arctics built up to 52 by 19:40, with 36 leaving NW at 19:50. 16 remain. 

Last 16 Arctic Terns left NW at 20:00 when rain stopped & sun came out.

@StevieD131 .

Arctic Terns     Anglers CP      PMeredith    03.05.2021

                                            Kittiwakes   Anglers CP   PMeredith   03.05.21

Sunday 2 May 2021

Moorland news 2/5/21.

Ewden valley - Very cold and unbearably so at the lodge. Peregrine 1 , C Buzzard 2, Kestrel 2. Ring Ouzel 1 fem., Stonechat 1 fem., Raven 4. Willow Warbler c30 singing, Meadow Pipit c30, Cuckoo 1, LBB Gull 3. Low Moor/Midhope,- c 25 Crossbills.

Wintersett + Evening Update 02.05.2021

Anglers CP 

A female Wheatear, on rocks in the shallows, flew off east.   

Little Ringed Plover 1.  4 White Wagtails in south west corner.  Lesser Redpoll 27. 

Swift 29.  Common Tern 2.  Shoveler 2m + 1f.   Greylag Goose 6 over.

 A male Lesser Whitethroat was in the hedge on the back footpath to Walton Hall. 

 Anglers CP Vis. Mig:    Herring Gull 75 north this afternoon.    

Wintersett Res:  A male Lesser Whitethroat was in the north east corner.   Goldeneye 1 female. 

Teal 2m + 1f and 1m ACP. 

Walton Hall :  Oystercatcher 2. 

Evening update:  Per @Fitzybirder and @CroftonBirder

Anglers CP: 

Yellow Wagtail 19.  White Wagtail 2 and Pied Wagtail 5. 

Little Ringed Plover 2.  Snipe 2.  

Wintersett Res: Circa 40 Swifts  + 8 Anglers CP.

Saturday 1 May 2021

Wilthorpe Marsh 1/5/21.

Grasshopper Warbler 1, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Sedge Warbler 1, Cetti's Warbler 1, Reed Warbler 6. Parakeet 3.

Carlton Marsh

This morning with R. Laverack & JP. 45 Herring Gulls and 2 Teal were on the wader scrape. A Lesser Whitethroat sang along with 6 Reed and 5 Sedge Warblers. 2 Grey Wagtails were collecting food and a beautiful 'hepatic' Cuckoo gave good views. It may be the one photographed here last year.

Wintersett + Ringing + Evening Update 01.05.2021

 Wintersett Res: 

Sedge Warbler 10 males.   Lesser Whitethroat 1 west bank clump.

Common Tern 4.   Cuckoo 1 male. Goldeneye 1f.   Tufted Duck 51.  

Sand Martin 100.  House Martin 40.  Swallow 70.   Garden Warbler 6 males.

Cold Hiendley Res:  

Goldeneye 1 female.  

Anglers CP:

Lesser Redpoll 3 north.  White Wagtail 3.   Green Woodpecker 1 + 1 Walton Hall.    

Yellow Wagtail 3.  Common Sandpiper 1.  Little Ringed Plover 2.    Snipe 2. 

Shoveler 2male + 1 female.   Tufted Duck 74.  Teal 1male + 1female. 

Sand Martin 200   House Martin 40   Swallow 60  

Old Royston Flash:   A Peregrine flew over. 

Moorhouse Lane Ponds:   Pochard 1 male. 

11 birds  were ringed at Wintersett this morning:

Highlights were:  1  Lesser Whitethroat, 1 Reed Warbler,  4 Blackcap,  2 Sedge Warbler,  1 Willow Warbler and 1 Reed Bunting.

                                       Lesser Whitethroat   Wintersett Res.  RBailey

 Evening update - per @Fitzybirder  

Still at least 28 Yellow Wagtails in the area this evening.  Best flava spring for about 25 years! Also three White Wagtails Anglers CP still.

Follow link for pics.