Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Carlton Marsh

The two Whooper Swans are still on the main scrape with a single Mute Swan and 14 (8m) Tufted Ducks, and broods of 4 Mallard and 3 coot. A male Cuckoo sang, but the 'hepatic' female hasn't been reported for more than a week. (CG).

A great Spotted Woodpecker made several feeding trips and 2 Juvenile Tawny Owls were 'branching'. (Dave Standish).

Tawny Owls (Dave Standish)

Wintersett 31.05.2022

 Anglers CP:

Wigeon 1.  Dunlin 1.   Swift 350, but very few hirundines.

12 Broods of Black-headed Gulls.   Common Tern 8.

Wintersett Res:

MuteSwan 35 + 2 ACP.  Goldeneye 1.  Common Tern 8.

Cetti's Warbler 3.  Cuckoo 1 male.

Old Royston Flash:

At least 3 broods of Lapwing.  Yellow Wagtail 1. 

Monday, 30 May 2022

Wintersett 30.05.2022

 Anglers CP:

Dunlin 1.  Little Ringed Plover 2.  Wigeon 1 drake. 

Wintersett Res:

A Cuckoo called twice from trees near the boathouse bench at Wintersett Res. at 12.10hrs. 

A fisherman on the edge of Willow Wood had told me one had been calling at 04.50 hrs in the south east corner

Cold Hiendley Field

Steve Denny counted 10 male Yellow Wagtails this morning.

Sunday, 29 May 2022

Ewden valley 29/5/22.

Cold but mostly good viewing conditions. WT Eagle for about 20 minutes before flying off high towards Margery Hill bombed by a male Merlin. Rt Hen Harrier 1 south, Red Kite 1, Peregrine 1, Kestrel 2, C Buzzard 6+. Raven 6, Golden Plover 3, Spotted Flycatcher 1, Redstart 1, Stonechat c 6. Swift c 60n., Meadow Pipit c 40.

Wintersett 29.05.2022

 Anglers CP:

Little Ringed Plover 2.  Wigeon 1 male.  Dunlin 1.

Psycho the adult Yellow-legged Gull paid a visit.

Wintersett Res:

Common Tern 14.  Mute Swan 15.  Cetti's Warbler 1 male north bank + 1 male east bank.

Botany Bay Insects:

Orange Tip 1 male.  Red-eyed Damselfly 1 male.

Saturday, 28 May 2022

Carlton Marsh

An Oystercatcher paid a brief visit to the wader scrape at 10.40hrs (Richard Laverack). Also present Kingfisher and Great Spotted Woodpecker. 2 Peregrines were circling Ardagh Glassworks (Mick Littlewood).

A survey of insects on the three meadows with Richard Laverack produced counts of, 5 GV White, 7 Large White, 5 Common Blue, 7 Small Copper, 19 Small Heath and 6 Dingy Skipper. Day flying moths included 4 Straw Dot, 2 Mother Shipton, 2 Latticed Heath and 4 Burnet Companion on the managed western meadow.

Burnet Companion
Mother Shipton
Red-headed Cardinal Beetle
Barrow Colliery reclamation Insects
77 Small Heath, 3 Large Skipper, 27 Dingy Skipper, 13 Common Blue and 2m & 2f Orange-tip. Moths included 32 Burnet Companion, 3 Mother Shipton and 1 Cinnabar (Chris Parkin).  

Wintersett + Insects 28.05.2022

Anglers CP:

Oystercatcher 1 young (south pair),  north pair have failed.

Wigeon 1 male.  Dunlin 1.  Shoveler 1 male + 1 female.  

Wintersett Res:

A Water Rail was calling on the north bank, near boathouse at 09.45hrs. 

Mute Swan 23 +2 Anglers CP + 4 Cold Hiendley Res.. 

Botany Bay + Odonata:

Goldcrest 2 males. 

Hairy Dragonfly  1 male.   Red-eyed Damselfly 30.  Azure Damselfly 2 pairs.

Disposal Point:  Big Pond:

Little Grebe 2 large young.  Great Crested Grebe 2 young.  Pochard 1 male.

Disposal Point Insects:

Dingy Skipper 4.  Small Heath 2.  Small Yellow Underwing 3.  Orange Tip 1. 

                     Dingy Skipper  Erynnis tages Disposal Point Georgie W-S
      Small Yellow Underwing  Panemeria tenebrata  Disposal Point Georgie W-S

                         Wasp Beetle Clytus Arietis  Disposal Point  Georgie W-S

Friday, 27 May 2022

Wintersett 27.05.2022

Anglers CP: 

Greylag Goose 51.   

Canada Goose 58.

Gadwall 10.  Wigeon 1 male.  Little Ringed Plover 2.  Dunlin 1. 

Golf Course Field and Marsh: 

A drake Mandarin was on the edge of the marsh.  

A male Cetti's Warbler was heard.

Walton Hall: 

Oystercatcher  2 and 1 young

Wintersett Res:

Mute Swan 8 young.


A Painted Lady and a Red Admiral were seen in the Car Park.

Thursday, 26 May 2022

Wintersett 26.05.2022

Anglers CP: 

A Dunlin was in the shallows.  Wigeon 1 male.  Sand Martin 2.

Greylag Goose 27.  Canda Goose 28 young.

Oystercatcher 1 young + 1 young + 6 adults.

Wintersett Res:

Common Tern 15.   Mallard 2 very small young in south east corner. 

Georgie W-S at Wintersett 26.05.2022

Georgie found a pupa in a pile of dry reeds he was sifting through 

at Wintersett Res. back in late March 2022.

On the 24th May 2022  this is what emerged!  A beautiful Elephant Hawk-moth!

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Wintersett + Insects 25.05.2022

  Wintersett Res:

Common Tern 16 + 1 Anglers CP.  

5 Shelduck flew in from the west at 11.30hrs. 

Goldeneye 1 female

A Red Kite flew south west at 12.20 hrs.

Anglers CP:

Mallard young -  9 medium/large,  1 medium  and  9 small.  

Wigeon 1 male.


Swollen-thighed beetle, Oedemera nobilis - 2 males on Wintersett Res. Dam wall.

Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Carlton Marsh

A Garden Warbler was singing near the hide this morning. 2 Cetti's sang and 2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers were busy on feeding flights. 15 Swifts were feeding over the marsh with 2 House Martins. 
(Les & Andrew Corrall)

This afternoon a Cuckoo sang. A butterfly count included 5 Common Blue, 11 Dingy Skipper and 13 Small Heath. Day flying moths on show were 3 Mother Shipton and 2 Burnet Companion, on the Western Meadow. The latter are new for the reserve. (Chris Parkin).

Burnet Companion

Wintersett 24.05.2022

 Anglers CP:

Pochard 1 male.  Wigeon 1 male.  Oystercatcher young 1 + 1.  

Wintersett Res:

Common Tern 13.  Sand Martin 6.

Monday, 23 May 2022

Carlton Marsh

Two Cuckoos this morning included the 'Hepatic' female. Both Whooper Swans are still present, one on the scrape and the other on the wader scrape.

Also of note a Mallard with 5 new young, Kingfisher, Great Spot Woodpecker, Cetti's Warbler and a single holly Blue. ( L & A Corrall/CG).

Littleworth Park - Monk Bretton
Butterflies included 98 Small Heath, 53 Dingy Skipper, 78 Common Blue, 2 Brown Argus, 2 Holly Blue, and 2 Small Copper. 35 Mother Shipton (yes 35) and 1 Burnet Companion, which is new for this site! Also 2m & 1f Broad - bodied Chaser. (Chris Parkin)

Wintersett + Insects 23.05.2022

 Anglers CP:

Wigeon 1 male.  Oystercatcher 1 young + 1 young.  Little Ringed Plover 2.

 Wintersett Res:

Common Tern 4.

Odonata over Botany Bay:

A Hairy Dragonfly was the second record for the area.

Red-eyed Damselfly  32 males + 2 females.


Orange Tip 1 male on north bank WRes..

Wintersett Ringing 22.05.2022 Becky Bailey

 Another Garden Warbler from 2017 retrapped today, 20/06/17) showing good longevity,


  In addition:  5 new birds were ringed, including another Garden Warbler and a Willow Warbler.

Wintersett Insects - Georgie Wightman-Smith 22.05.2022

A visit from  Georgie W-S  this morning  produced numerous species of insects..  

Here are just a few of the highlights, and we also had 10 Agapanthia villosoviridescens and 15 Wasp Beetles. 

All photos and information by Georgie Wightman-Smith. (Twitter @GeorgieWightman)


                            Red eyed Damselfly,   Erythromma najas  Botany Bay 


Fly :  Otites guttatus, on dock at   Wintersett Res.