Monday 19 April 2021

Carlton Marsh

A Cuckoo was heard early yesterday morning. Today a Grasshopper Warbler sang briefly from the northern meadow and an Oystercatcher came in from the south to the wader scrape and left the same way.

Also of interest 112 Herring Gulls, Cetti's Warbler and a Willow Tit calling from the first seat on the embankment. 

3 Speckled Wood, 7 S. Tortoiseshell and 1 Small White were flying. (JP/R. Laverack/CG)

Storrs Mill Wood to Ardsley Viaduct
2 Grey Wagtail, Treecreeper, 27m Orange -tip included 3f, 15 Speckled Wood, 4m Brimstone, 2 Large White and this year's first Large Red Damselfy (C. Parkin).

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