Friday, 2 April 2021

Wintersett 02.04.2021

Wintersett Res: A Common Sandpiper on the boathouse slipway was the first for the year.  Willow Tit 2 west bank.  

Sand Martin 100 were over early morning.  

Wintersett Res. Vis.MigIt was a good morning!

Going northwest:   253 Whooper Swans in 5 flocks  NW + 1 flock N.     

(48 at 07.45hrs + 6 north at 08.04hrs + 63 at 08.37hrs, 45 at 09.43hrs, 26 NW 10.26 +10 NW 10.54 hrs)

Going north:   Curlew 1 .  Black-headed Gull 93.  Common Gull 1.  Herring Gull  23.  Lesser Black-backed Gull 3.  Sand Martin 215.  Swallow 5.  House Martin 4. Starling 3.  Fieldfare 67 (40 + 27).   Goldfinch 6.    Meadow Pipit 61.  Linnet 17.

Going east:  Greenfinch 9.  Redwing 7.

 Anglers CP:  Wigeon 18.  Goldeneye 85 roosting at dusk.  

Cold Hiendley: A Barn Owl was hunting at dusk.

Old Royston:  

A male Nuthatch was at the bridge/canal and a Weasel was seen.

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