Tuesday 15 October 2024

Wintersett 15.10.2024

Anglers CP:

A Brambling flew over.

40 Pink-footed Geese flew west.

2 Great White Egret flew west at 08.25hrs. (PW)

A Great White Egret flew north east at 10.05hrs.

Green Woodpecker 1.

860 Redwing flew south west.

Starling 21 west.

Wintersett Res:

Goldeneye 3.

Monday 14 October 2024

Wintersett 14.10.2024 Pete Smith

Anglers CP:  Pete Smith.

Cormorant 20.  

Going south: Wood Pigeon 1990.

Going west:   Skylark 11. 

Pink-footed Goose 1030 west in 5 skeins.

Wintersett Res:

Water Rail 1 boathouse reeds.  

Common Darter 1 in boathouse reeds and 4 + 2 north bank WRes.

Kingfisher 1 WRes.  Chiffchaff 1 at Ruin.   Little Grebe 20 WRes.

Great Crested Grebe 3 Large/Fledged young  SW. WRES.

PitsWood WRes.

Red Admiral 1,  Speckled Wood 1, Large White 1.

Wintersett Res: 

Comma 1 SE WRes.

European Hornet 1 SE WRes.

Cetti's Warbler 1 male SE WRes.

Sunday 13 October 2024

Wintersett + Ringing: 13.10.2024

Anglers CP:

A Merlin flew west at 08.38hrs.   

A Great White Egret flew south at 09.28hrs. 

16 Brambling flew northwest over ACP.

22 birds ringed were ringed this morning: 

(Becky Bailey, Pete Smith)

Highlights were: 

Chiffchaff 4,  Goldcrest 3,  Reed Bunting 1,  Goldfinch 4,  Lesser Redpoll 4.

Saturday 12 October 2024

Wintersett 12.10.2024 - Pete Smith, Paul Meredith.

Anglers CP 

Redwing 68 -  (16, 30, 6,  11, 5) (PM)

A Great White Egret flew north. 07.55hrs.  

alba Wagtail 1 south.  Skylark 5 west.

Wintersett Res: (PS)

Goldeneye 4.    Whooper Swan 3, then left south at 10.54hrs

Cetti's Warbler: 4 males:

1 north bank + 1 north east + 1 south west + 1 west bank marsh.

Friday 11 October 2024

Carlton Marsh

2 Cormorants, 2 Cetti's Warblers, 2 Goldcrests and a Snipe on the wader scrape (L & A Corrall).

c200 Pink Feet Geese headed east over the Newtown Estate, Cudworth at 17.54hrs (D, Standish).

Wintersett 11.10.2024 - GJ SPeight

(GJS - onto hill for 07.15hrs to 10.45hrs, then around WRes + CHRes.)

Wintersett Res:

Pink-footed Geese: 1800 east in 16 skeins.

Whooper Swan  86 east: 40 south east at 08.50.  43 at 09.05. + 3 east.

Skylark 15.  Redwing 10 west.  Mistle Thrush 6.  Song Thrush 2.

Nuthatch 1 south west.  Wood Pigeon 7030 - (7.30 to 8.30.)

Going south:

Meadow Pipit 77.   alba 8.  Linnet 10.  Grey Wagtail 2.  Goldfinch 16.

Green Sandpiper 1 south at 10.45hrs.  Cormorant 24 ACP + 6 south + 3 WRes..

Going west:

Brambling 4.  Snipe 2.  Redpoll 3. 

Anglers CP: 

Black-necked Grebe 1.  Pochard 79 - (77 ACP + 2 WRes.. )

Water Rail 4  - 1ACP + 3 WRes.  Chiffchaff 2.  

Pochard 77 + 2 WRes.

Chiffchaff 2.

Thursday 10 October 2024

Carlton Marsh & Cudworth Commom Kestrel Recovery

Carlton Marsh - Insects included 2 Red Admiral, 10 Comma, 2 Speckled wood, 3 Small Copper, 1 Large White, 1 Southern & 2 Migrant Hawkers and a Silver Y Moth (Chris Parkin).

Cudworth Common
A Kestrel found dead on 8th October 2024 in a wooded area opposite the Symphony factory had been ringed by the Sorby Breck Ringing Group as a nestling on 12th June 2024 at Owlthorpe near Rother Valley Country Park 26 kilometres away (Arthur Vincent).

Anglers CP Leucistic Duck. 10.10.2024 - Sue Bilcliffe

Anglers CP:


The Leucistic Duck still present this morning.

Sue Bilcliffe

Wintersett. Thursday am  Gray Speight

- Red-breasted Merg 2 on CP until they left S @ 08.10, 

Gt Egret 1, Pink feet 510 SE in 6 skeins, Red Kite 1, 

Stonechat 1, Pintail 1, Redwing 46.

Wintersett 10.10.2024 - G. Speight

10.10.2024 -  Gray Speight 07.15 - 11.45hrs.

Anglers CP:

2 Red-breasted Mergansers were on, then left to the south at 08.10hrs. (GJS)

Wintersett Res:  Gray Speight/Steve Denny.

A Great White Egret flew in from the north at 08.30hrs, left north at 08.45hrs.

The RBM's continued south west 08.10hrs.  Little Grebe 20.  

Water Rail 1. Pintail 1 north at 08.40hrs.  Redwing 46. 

Alba Wagtail 2.  Pink-footed Geese - 510 south east,  in 6 skeins. 

Song Thrush 6.  Golden Plover 1 north. A male Stonchat was on the north bank.

Redpoll 1.  Red Kite 1.


Speckled Wood 1.  Red Admiral 1.

Red Admiral 2 and Speckled Wood 1 SE.WRes.

Odonata: (GJS)

Migrant Hawker 15,  Common Darter 2.

Three 1st winter Caspian Gulls in the Country Park roost @Wintersett1

This evening. 220 Pink-footed Geese east at dusk.

Photo Sue Bilcliffe  10.10.2024

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Carlton Marsh

Kingfisher, Treecreeper, 2 Goldcrests and 2 Cetti's Warblers sang on what was a very dismal start to the day (L & A Corrall).

Wintersett 9th October 2024. - G.Speight.

Wintersett Res:  Very heavy rain this morning, from 6.45a.m.

Gadwall 224 ( 84 WRes, 88 CHRes., 52 ACP).

Water Rail 1.  Chiffchaff 7.   

Going west: 73 Redwing. 

Cold Hiendley Res: 

A Mink was on the south bank. 

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Carlton Marsh

The highlights of today were Little Egret, Green Woodpecker, Treecreeper, Goldcrest, 20 Skylarks and 6 Yellow Buntings. 

Also 3 Willow Emerald (2 in tandem) near the hide(L & A Corrall).

The scrape is liable to disturbance on Thursday as a contractor should be working in front of the hide.

Wintersett + Vis.Mig. G. Speight. 08.10.2024

G.J. Speight:

Wintersett Res: 

Overnight rain, misty start turning warm and sunny.

Little Grebe 20.  Pintail 1 south Water Rail 2.  Raven 1 over.

Wigeon 72  -  08.00 WRes, over ACP, around WRes. left 14.10hrs.

Anglers CP:

Pochard 72 + 6 WRes = 78 .  

Great Crested Grebe  27 + 25 WRes. = 52.

Cormorant 19.  Skylark 21.  Chiffchaff 5 + 6.  Cetti's 2.  Linnet 20.

Greylag Goose 203.  A Rock Pipit on west bank. 

Robin 76 + 64 WRes. =140.   Hobby 1 juvenile Willow Wood. 

Redpoll 1 west.  


Migrant Hawker 15.  Common Darter 2.  Red Admiral 2.

A Speckled Wood south east WRes.. 

Monday 7 October 2024

Carlton Marsh

30 Pink Feet flew NW at 09.30hrs, 20 Skylarks and 15 Linnets were in a stubble field with 5 Meadow Pipits (JP)

Earlier a male Stonechat was found on a nearby field hedge (Keith Bannister). 

Insects included 4 Red Admiral, 1 Peacock, 1 Small Tort. 12 Comma, 6 Speckled Wood, 5 Small Copper, 1 Large White and 2 Small White. Also 26 Common Darters (Chris Parkin)

Wintersett + Vis.Mig. 07.10.2024 - G.J. Speight

Anglers CP: Cloudy with sunny spells.

A Great White Egret flew in at 10.40hrs, left south 11.00hrs.

It flew over WRes. then veered over Cold Hiendley Res. trees.

 - AS viewed it from Dam Wall.

Little Egret 1.  Swallow 32.  House Martin 14.  Tree Sparrow 8. 

Alba 8.  Meadow Pipit 103.  Skylark 23.  Chaffinch 12.  Siskin 15.

Song Thrush 3.  Linnet 7.  Redwing 1. 

Going east: Pink-footed Goose 124 at 09.55hrs + 1

 Wintersett Res:

Goosander 2.  Goldeneye 1.  Pochard 2 + 83 WRes.. 

Wigeon 36.   Little Grebe 14.  Water Rail 1 WRes..  

Sunday 6 October 2024

Srorrs Mill to Ardsley Viaduct 5/10/24

A Barn Owl was hunting near the bridge (mid-day), 70 Lapwing,  Grey Wagtail, 3 Buzzards.

Butterflies included 1 Red Admiral, 20 Comma, 13 Speckled Wood, 15 Small Copper. 

Also a very late Large Red Damselfly, 3 Migrant and 2 Southern Hawkers.

And Common White Saddle Fungi (Helvella crispa) (C. Parkin)

Carlton Marsh

56 Teal on the wader scrape was the highest since 2021.

9 Shovelers were present along with 2 Chiffchaffs and a Cetti's warbler.

Wintersett 06.10.2024

Anglers CP:

Cetti's Warbler 1 male on south bank.   Goldeneye 1 male.  

Greylag Goose 3 Leucistic birds.

Swallow 17 south.   Chiffchaff 6.  Cormorant 20.  Shoveler 67.

Saturday 5 October 2024

Wintersett + Ringing 05.10.2024

Anglers CP:

A Great White Egret flew north at 08.26hrs. (PM).

Wintersett Res:

A Migrant Hawker and a Red Admiral were on the west bank clump.

23 birds were ringed this morning

Highlights were:  

Chiffchaff  5.  Cetti's Warbler 1. Goldcrest 1.  

Reed Warbler 1.  Reed Bunting 9. and Song Thrush 1.

Friday 4 October 2024

Wintersett 04.10.2024

Anglers CP:

A Pintail was on, then on WRes.. + 2 flew south.   Snipe 2 CP + 3 west.

Pochard 104 + 1 WRes.. Scaup 1 juvenile. 

Pink-footed Geese 135 west + 80 west + 25 east + 120 east + 200 east.

Southern Hawker 1 male. 

A 1stW Caspian Gull was in the roost tonight.

Going south:  Swallow 60.  House Martin 20.  Meadow Pipit 30.

Going west: Redwing 7 + 3 CP.  

Wintersett Res: 

Cetti's Warbler  1 male north bank,  1 male north east bank + 1 east bank ACP.

Chiffchaff 1 + 2 ACP.  Common Darter 1 NE WRes. + 1 Pits Wood.  Teal 1.

Cormorant 11 + 2 ACP.  Goldeneye 1. 

European Hornet 1 south east WRes. + 1 Pits Wood.

Migrant Hawker 1 south east bank + 1 Pits Wood.

A Large white butterfly + a Speckled Wood butterfly in Pits Wood.

Botany Bay:  

Red Admiral 1 + 1 north east bank WRes..  Blackcap 1 (SD).