Saturday, 14 March 2020

Wintersett Saturday 14th March 2020 - Sand Martins are here!

Four Sand Martins were on the Top Res this afternoon, with 55 Golden Plover over Ellis Laithe, 40 Fieldfares & 18 Redwings. Pink Feet were moving, with flocks of 200 north, 50 & 30 east, 2 circling over and 1 at Walton Hall.

5 Chiffchaffs were along the West Bank of the Top Res. 141 Goldeneye were counted (58 on the CP & 83 on the Top Res). The Long tailed Duck is still present on the Top Res and a Water Rail was on the north bank there.

Late news was of an Egyptian Goos at Walton Hall on 12th & 13th, but could not be found today.

1 comment:

Nattereri said...

Lone willow tit near fisherman’s entrance on east bank.