Friday 11 October 2024

Wintersett 11.10.2024 - GJ SPeight

(GJS - onto hill for 07.15hrs to 10.45hrs, then around WRes + CHRes.)

Wintersett Res:

Pink-footed Geese: 1800 east in 16 skeins.

Whooper Swan  86 east: 40 south east at 08.50.  43 at 09.05. + 3 east.

Skylark 15.  Redwing 10 west.  Mistle Thrush 6.  Song Thrush 2.

Nuthatch 1 south west.  Wood Pigeon 7030 - (7.30 to 8.30.)

Going south:

Meadow Pipit 77.   alba 8.  Linnet 10.  Grey Wagtail 2.  Goldfinch 16.

Green Sandpiper 1 south at 10.45hrs.  Cormorant 24 ACP + 6 south + 3 WRes..

Going west:

Brambling 4.  Snipe 2.  Redpoll 3. 

Anglers CP: 

Black-necked Grebe 1.  Pochard 79 - (77 ACP + 2 WRes.. )

Water Rail 4  - 1ACP + 3 WRes.  Chiffchaff 2.  

Pochard 77 + 2 WRes.

Chiffchaff 2.

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