Sunday, 6 May 2012

Wintersett 06.05.12

Cold frosty start but became sunny and warm by mid morning. 
Anglers CP -  Pink-footed Goose 2,  Shoveler 2 males.
Wintersett Res -  3 singing Sedge Warblers,  1 reeling Grasshopper Warbler,  1 Yellow Wagtail.Tufted Duck have declined to 35.
Hirundines flying north: Swallow  19,  Swift 30,  House Martin 28,  Sand Martin 58.
Below is a cracking photo of the Blue-headed Wagtail seen for the past two days. (Paul Meredith)

1 comment:

The WIM Man said...

nice pic - make sure you badger 'Fitzy' for more as I know he gets some good stuff but we rarely get to see them.