Monday, 28 October 2013

Bolton Ings et al - Sunday

Not a bad day weather wise, better than forecast, mostly blue skies a few showers and a light breeze. Very quiet bird wise, Gadwall down to 41 from 185 a fortnight ago but Pochard up to 37. A covey of 14 Grey Partridge on the newly cut grassland and a single Dunlin and Green Sandpiper on the mud. Full list:- Grey Heron 2, Mute Swan 11, Canada Goose 54, Grey Lag Goose 2, Cormorant 6, Great Crested Grebe 3, Little Grebe 15, Mallard 14, Teal 7, Gadwall 41, Shoveler 6, Tufted Duck 22, Pochard 37, Coot 280, Moorhen 15, Lapwing 13, Dunlin 1, Green Sandpiper 1, Black Headed Gull 111, Common Gull 21, LBBGull 1, Buzzard 1, Sparrowhawk 1, Kestrel 2, Green Woodpecker 1, Redwing 6, Grey Partridge 14.

After Bolton went up to Edderthorpe to see the 18 Whooper Swans.

Other news from over the weekend from Dave Waddington and Jeff Wragg.

Saturday - Red Kite north over Old Moor at 12.15. Also Black Tailed Godwit 12, Little Egret (FJ), Dunlin 11, Ruff 5, Redshank 3, Golden Plover c2500, Lapwing 800+, Grey Plover 1, Sparrowhawk 2, Peregrine 1, Pochard 5.

Sunday - Red Kite north over Old Moor at 12.15 (not a misprint). Also Grey Plover 1, Spotted Redshank 1, Little Egret 2, Bittern 1, Pink Footed Goose c150 east.

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